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The Turk states in Kazakhstan

1. Turkic khanates in VI-IX centuries .

In VI. lands of Kazakhstan fell under the power of Turkic khanate. Turk Empire included in the system of political and economic relations between the largest countries of the time, the Byzantine Empire, Sassanid state (Iran), China, and has been fighting for control of the trade route connecting the Far East with the Mediterranean countries.
Civil war in Turkic Kaganate lasted over 20 years and was completed in 603 final disintegration into two states-the West-Khanate, coverage of modern Kazakhstan, Dzungaria and part of East Turkestan, and the Eastern Khanate in Mongolia.
At Hagan's Shegue (618.) And Tone Yabgu (618-630 gg.) The West-Khanate underwent brief heyday. Sheguy already made the eastern boundary of Altai Kaganat and Tone Yabgu revived active Western policy Khaganate and moved his winter residence in Suyab-largest trade and crafts center in the valley. Shu. Summer rates are in Ming-Bulak near Isfidzhab. Khanate representing a single system of nomadic and semi-nomadic way of settled agricultural economy and the type of management. The population engaged in trade, crafts, farming and animal husbandry. The first person in Kaganate was Hagan, the emperor, ruler, military commander.
Highest titles in Kaganate-Yabgu shad and Elteber - belonged to the Kagan family. Judicial function performed buyruqs, Tarhan. The basic population consisted of free Khaganate small commune herders (karabudun).
In Zwest Kaganate was a process of class formation and the relatively rapid formation of feudal social relations.
Military and political resources of the central government the West-Khanate was insufficient to keep the tribes and nations in obedience. In Kaganate there is continuous strife, frequent changes of rulers. Long war and dynastic feuds (640-657gg.) Led to the invasion of troops in the Seven Rivers Tang empire. Tang governor tried to control the West-tribes, but do not give up the fight against the Turks Tang conquerors led to the rise of Turgeshes in 704 g
Turgish - numerous people, occupies the western part of the West-Khanate in the Chu-Ili watershed. Main rate Turgeshes g.Suyabe was in, and then was transferred to Taraz. Turkic Khaganate continued state administrative, military and socio-cultural traditions of the West-Khanate.
In 744, in Central Asia, a new state - Uighur Khanate, where the leader of the Karluk got the title right Yabgu. However, the desire for independence led to the Karluk, which they extend to the Uyghur Khaganate. Since that time, was the only rival Karluk Turkic Khanate.
In 759, the Karluk Turgish launched an offensive and could not resist. By 766 Karluk finished conquest Semirechye Talas valley Shuya and reached the Western Tien Shan. It was in this period, during the reign of the Karluk, the Seven Rivers and southern Kazakhstan is in the process of settling the nomadic and semi-nomadic Turkic people.
Karluk union in IX-X centuries. consisted of numerous tribal groups. In VIII-X centuries. in Karluk state was an intensive process Turkization settled agricultural people. Elteber chiefs had the title, the supreme ruler, dzhabgu, and with 840-Kagan. The capital was g.Suyab. Karluk Khanate from the beginning did not have strong economic ties. Its share strife, struggle for power, for grazing. In 942, the state Karluk fell.

2. The states in Kazakhstan in the 10-12 centuries.

In IX-XI centuries. north-west of the Karluk Kaganate formed feudal state Oghuz tribes. Formation Oguz ethnicity was complicated and lengthy process. The composition of the Oghuz came nomadic and semi-nomadic clans and tribes su, and Siberia. The original core group formed in Oguz Jeti, but in the course of its movement to the west it is enriched by the nomadic and semi-nomadic population of the Southern and Western Kazakhstan.
Oguz head of state was "dzhabgu" (Yabgu). Important position at the court held the leader Oguz troops (suybashi). In Oguz state had a system of tax collection.
At the turn of the X-XI centuries. Oguz state began to decline and by mid-century. it fell under the blows of Kipchak tribes.
In the forties the X century. there is the Karakhanid (942-1210 gg.) in East Turkestan, su, and South Prityanshanya.
The ancestor of the dynasty Karakhanids assumed Satuq Bogra Khan (915-955 gg.), Who opposed the former ruler of East Turkestan. In 942, the Satuq Bogra Khan deposed ruler in Balasagun and declared himself the supreme Kagan. However, he enjoyed the support of a strong while the Samanids.
The Karakhanid only at first continued the tradition Turk Empire. In the future, there's a different political system.
The head of state was called Karahanidskyi tamgach Khan themselves Turks called it Hakan. Power in Qarakhanid state was divided between Chigils and Yagma. This is reflected in the division Khaganate in two parts - east and west, with their lords headed. Supreme considered eastern Hagan, who had a stake in Kashgar and Balasagun. He was from Chigils and held the title Arslan Kara - Haq.
West, Jr., Hagan held the title of Yagma Bogra Kara Hagan and had a bet in Taraz, and later, in Samarkand.
In government officials involved-lords. In the service of the Khans consisted viziers, generals, top advisers, ambassadors, clerks, treasurers.
Overall Karahanidskyi era was a qualitatively new stage in all spheres of society.
In the middle of the XI century. a movement Kipchak tribes to the west. In the XI-XII centuries. Kipchaks are actively involved in the political events of Russia, Eastern Europe, the Byzantine Empire. In the middle of the XI century. Kipchak tribes settled in the vast territory of modern Kazakhstan from Altai and the Irtysh in the east to the Volga and the Southern Urals in the west, of Lake Balkhash in the south to the forest-steppe zone southwestern Siberia in the north.
Since the beginning of the XI century. prior to the XIII century. formation of ethnic communities Kipchaks enters a new stage of development. This phase is associated with an increase in the power of Kipchak Khans. By this time belongs to the emergence of the term "Dasht-i-Kipchak," that is, "Kipchak Steppe."
Kipchak ethnos was formed on the basis of many clans and tribes, united not by blood ties, but on the principle of territorial-economic relations. State Dasht-i-Kipchak was prevailing centralized feudal state, continuing the tradition of the Ancient statehood. There was a strict hierarchical society was socially and caste differentiated power - hereditary.
With the Dasht-i-Kipchak bordered on the north-east of the Sayan-Altai civilization whose carriers were Kyrgyz, Khakassia, and others in the north-west of the Kipchaks entered ethnocultural and political contact with the population of the Volga and Ural regions.
Ethnic territory Kipchak tribes within their ethno-political association was relatively stable, with the exception of the south-western borders, where, since the 30's. XII. pursued an active policy of state of Khorezm Shahs.


2. The Culture of Turks.

The Culture of Turks represented in the training manual "Innovative teaching methods in practical courses on the history of Kazakhstan" May 18 2001 .was exposure Kultegin presentation at the International Conference "Ancient Civilization: written records" with the participation of President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, members of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, scientists from Russia, Denmark, Mongolia, China, France, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. In Astana, the Eurasian State University. ENU delivered copy large inscription in honor of the commander Kyultegin (684 731g.g.) Manufactured by Japanese experts on modern technologies.
In this symbolic action in the year of the 10th anniversary of Kazakhstan's independence is seen beginning of a long way people perceive the deep and strong roots in the heroic deeds of their ancestors.
Kazakh culture - direct descendant of the Ancient civilization. Thanks to the achievements of archeology we now know that our ancestors were medieval urban culture, irrigation, architecture, and art. It is proved that our home was the home of a kind of steppe civilization, combining symbiotic culture of farmers and pastoralists, Cities and Stepi.Prichem tradition of interaction can be traced in the past - in the Bronze Age.
First, a definition of "culture."
Culture - a set of achievements of human society in the industrial, social and spiritual zhizni.Kultura is material and spiritual.
Relate to material culture such as cities, monuments, household items, clothing, folk crafts., And the spiritual - folklore, literary, music.
Town is in flood plains, rivers, at the junction of the continents on the track trade caravan routes, as the city was a center of trade and crafts, with \ economy, such a region on the territory of Kazakhstan was Seven Rivers.
The first description of cities Seven Rivers belong to Buddhist pilgrim Xuan Zang, drove here in 630g. He wrote: "After more than 500 li to the north-west of the clear lakes, arrived in the city on the river Sui-e (Suyab). This city in a circle 7.6 li.V it mixed live traders from different countries and hustsy. Directly to the west of Suye are dozens of single cities, and in each of them the elder. Although they are independent of one another, but they all obey tudzyuyu (Kagan). Country from the city Sui-e to Geshuanna (Kushania) is Suli, its population is also the name of ... Those who cultivate the fields, and those who pursue profit - equally. "
In Sughd cultural complex are embodied and functions of the city as a center of trade, commerce and agriculture. Distribution Sogdian cultural complex in the Seven Rivers was partly through direct resettlement here sogdiytsev.S other hand it can be explained as a reflection of the process of cultural integration. Sogdians were based Dzhamukat city, Bundzhikat
Simultaneously with the Sogdian cultural complex in the Seven Rivers, southern Kazakhstan and Maurya extends Turkic cultural complex represented in the archaeological materials such numerous findings as metal utensils and weapons, objects with runic inscriptions. As a result, in the first half of the 6-9v.v. in the Seven Rivers and Central Asia develops unique cultural complex, which can be called the Turk-Sogdian.
Intensive cultural synthesis took place against the background of Ethnogenetic processes. Thus, in the early Middle Ages, in the south of Kazakhstan, and in the Seven Rivers has developed a kind of culture that has integrated itself into the cultural achievements of Sogdiana and Turkic cultural complex. Most pronounced manifestation of this integration is observed in the culture of the city.
By the way, archaeological research in southern Kazakhstan recorded 25 settlements with layers 6 9v.v., Which can be considered remnants gorodov.Izvestny names of some of them - Isfidzhab, Sharab, Buduhket, Otrar Shavgar. These cities stand out: the citadel, and shahristan rabad
In the southwest Jeti on arheologicheskipm data, there are 27 settlements, most of which are identified with the chronicles of Taraz, Kulan, Atlahom, Dzhamukatom, Merka.
Arab conquest had a profound impact on the lives of Central South Azii.I although neither Kazakhstan nor Semirechye not under the power of the Arabs, though affected by the consequences of the gains to the urban culture oblasti.Svyazannaya close economic and cultural ties with Central Asia, it has experienced a strong influence of Muslim culture, which has spread especially among the urban population. Written sources indicate an increase in the number of cities at that time. At the foothill of Talas Alatau, according to these data, there were cities and Dzhumishlagu Mankent; Arys formed in the Middle District Kendzhide centered Usbanikete, in Otrar oasis - City Keder, Vesidzh and Buruk, surrounding Shavgar - Iasi Shagildzhan, Karnak, Karachuk ; Sauran, in the lower Syrdarya - Sygnak, Djendem, Asanas, Barchkent, on the northern slopes - Balaji and Beruket.
The Silk put beginning of his public history of the Turks controlled the important parts of the Eurasian trade routes, received at the end of the 19th century. with the filing of labor German geographer and geologist Richthofen "China" exotic name "Silk Road," for important exports from China to the West was the silk, which became an international currency.
For the history of Kazakhstan is extremely important study on the interaction between the nomadic and sedentary civilizations, between the steppe and the city. Route Syria - Iran - Central Asia - South Kazakhstan - Talas Valley - Chu valley - Issyk-Kul Basin - East Turkestan remained basic to 14c. Went out on the track and also a different route: from Byzantium through Derbent Caspian steppes - Mangistau - Aral - South Kazakhstan.
It looked like the Kazakhstan section of the Silk Road puti.Iz ​​Shasha went through the pass at Turbat in Ispijab, located caravanserais, commercial buildings, whose owners were merchants Bukhara and Samarkanda.Geograf 10v.Ibn Haukal wrote: "Ispidzhab consists of the medina, the citadel and rabada.U medina four gates ... This hearty people and vast city, all over Khorasan and Transoxiana no city, but can not be levied kharaj except Ispidzhab "Leaving Ispidzhab caravans moved toward Taraz. From Taraz eastward path continued to desert the city Kulanov Karluk. Geographical dictionary by Yakut said in the 20 g.g.13v.; "Kulan - a pleasant town on the border of the country of Turks by the Maurya."
Kulan from further east stand of Merka and Aspar.
Jill of Shuba road was in Saryg - Kirmirau - Navaket (rezidentsiyakaganov) - Penjikent - Suyab.Suyab - Seven Rivers largest city, was the capital of the Western Turks, Turgeshes and Karluk. Suyab of roads were either the northern or the southern shores of Lake Issyk-Kul, then joined in Bedel Pass and through it, or Tashrabat, the Silk Road brought to Kashgar and Aksu.
Of the Issyk-Kul basin through the pass and valley r.Karkary Santas walking path in the Ili valley, then in Almalyk, and then on the northern tip of the Dead of the Takla Makan desert oasis in Hami and Turpan went to Dunhuang in China.
Silk Road first to export Chinese silk. In turn, Rome, Byzantium, India, Iran, the Arab Caliphate, and later in Europe and Russia were on it frankincense and myrrh, jasmine and amber water, cardamom and nutmeg, ginseng and bile python, carpets and fabrics, dyes and minerals, diamonds, jade, amber, coral, ivory, silver and gold bullion, furs, coins, bows and arrows, swords and spears. Silk Road carried on sale famous Ferghana horses, Arab and nisiyskih horses, camels, elephants, rhinos and lions and t.d.Po Silk Road extended cultivated plants. Except goods on the Silk Road spread religious ideas, art, music.
Contemporaries praised those distant events not only prosperity of a state, but also the development of the values ​​of foreign cultures own people, communication between people.
Silk Road united the various philosophical systems, demonstrated tolerance, desire for an active exchange of innovations. Turks had made the colossal cultural breakthrough, a new type of an open culture with its unique runic alphabet.
Suffice it to say that UNESCO in 1987. approved by the international research project "Silk Road - the path of dialogue" on the initiative of Greece, Egypt, Indonesia, Italy, China, the Mongolian People's Republic, Oman, Portugal, Sri Lanka and the former Soviet Union. Since 1993. countries have made steps to revive tourism. China, India, Pakistan, Iran, Greece, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates was the first tourists. Opened their borders Kazakhstan and Central Aziya.Ne stayed away and the state - the Silk Road destinations on its both ends: Japan, Korea, Europe.


3. Ancient Turkic writing monumenst.
In the world, there are over 3,000 living languages, but only about 200 of them have writing.
In Kazakhstan, the oldest monument of writing a silver cup from 26 runic signs, supported metal stiletto on the bottom of the Issyk burial mound excavated in 1969 K.A.Akishevym 1970g.g., And dated 5 v.d.n.e . However, it has not yet been read and the definition of its language is controversial, although the proposed 11 different decryption in Kazakhstan, Russia, and Hungary. And this is the "26 silent centuries" - as one of the intellectuals of our time.
We have reviewed with you by the example of the Turkic period material culture, now for the spiritual. Work on the two sub-group.
The ancient letter was first discovered in the valley of the Yenisei River in the 20s 17c. German scientist Daniel Gottlieb Messerschmidt, in the service of Petra1 and accompanied him shvndskim officer Philip Johann Tabbertom-Strahlenberg,. They called the letter "rune" - on his resemblance to the Scandinavian runic text and this name stuck in science.
In 1889. Russian ethnographer and archaeologist Nikolai Mikhailovich Yadrintsev found on the banks of the Orkhon-r.Kokshin in northern Mongolia two large runic monument in honor of Bilge Kagan (680-734) and in honor of his brother, the commander Kyultegin (684-731), erected in 732 - 735g.g. Occurrences on the writings were called "the Orkhon-Yenisei". These monuments of Bilge Kagan and Kyultegin as first counselor monument Hagan second Vostochnotyurkskogo Khaganate (689-744g.g.) Tonyukuk (646 731g.g.), Created shortly after 716g. during his lifetime. Are the most ancient monuments of the ancient Turkic writing.
Great contribution to the study of the monuments of runic letters have Finnish and Russian scientists under the direction of Axel Olaya Geykelya and Vasily Radlov. According to the results of their scientific expeditions created two atlas with pictures, diagrams, and six collections of works that have become required reading turkologists future generations, historians, orientalists research schools in different countries.
Danish scientist, linguist, scholar, historian, skandinavist in their major field of Wilhelm Thomsen, the world's first read the word "Turk" and "Tengri" of runic texts found on the banks of the Orkhon, and announced the transfer of 15 December 1893. at a meeting of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences. It was a great scientific discovery in the world linguistics. Moscow researcher Murad Adji calls this date - the date of the second birth of the Turks.
Distribution area of ​​the Ancient runic inscriptions in Kazakhstan is quite large - it r.Talas Valley, OR, Darya, Irtysh, Zhaiyk. Note the inscription on pottery near Taraz on bronze mirrors near the East Kazakhstan, on a clay whorl of Talgar, hum on the aureole of the settlement of Altyn-Asar Jetyasar Tracts Eastern Aral, printed on clay, found during excavations at the fort Aktobe 1 Chardara, on the lower part of the vessel Altyntobe near Shymkent, bronze rings on the label in the layer 10 11. Zhaksylyk on the mound near Almaty.
The best known of these so-called Koshotsamdayskie monuments - the stele in honor of Bilge Kagan and his brother Cul tegin, erected in 732-735g.g., As well as first counselor stele Hagan second Vostochnotyurkskogo Khaganate (689-744g.g.) Tonyukuk ( 646-731g.g.), created shortly after 716g. during his lifetime.
All of the major texts of Orkhon fairly uniform in structure. They contain the story of the life and exploits of their heroes, expounded on the background of the general history of the Turkic states and accompanied by various declarations. The inscriptions are given a wealth of information for the history, ideology and culture of Ancient tribes and peoples, their language and literary devices.
Znachenipe era Orkhon-Yenisei Turks and ancient Turkic runic writing overestimated. With the onset of old age Ancient Empire - China in East Asia, Byzantium and Iran in the Western and Central Asia - have ceased to be the only dominant big states. And the Turks settled in the vast distances - 10tys.km straight, nations and empires arose as a direct ancestor of modern Turkic nations and states, including the Kazakh. In addition to the resettlement of Arabs during the Arab conquest and the Europeans during the development of newly discovered continents - America and Australia after Christopher Columbus, no group of people is not to settle in such a grand scale.
In the ancient Turkic runic writing reflected the ideology and introduced the concept of a centralized state as the guarantor of the freedom and independence of the Turkic peoples, for centuries had a common history and a common culture of origin, which has become their common heritage. It laid the inexhaustible energy and strong will of Turkish ale makers regarding anything related to such sacred notions as "people", "State", "freedom", "independence".
Monuments of Ancient writing - an extremely valuable source for the language, history, ethnogenesis, geography, literary culture. They are witnessing a high-level language, culture and statehood ancestors of the Kazakh people.
3. Beliefs and religion of Turks.
On the religious world in the scientific literature until recently, was not given a special significance, since the system of spiritual culture of the former Soviet society and the religious worldview, however. The ideology prevailed critical analysis in the context of religion and atheism, and to the values ​​of spiritual culture is only of education, science and art.
In the book, the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev "Critical Decade" is emphasized: "For us, Kazakhs, Islam - this is primarily a high ideal and the factors determining our world, a symbol that allows to pay tribute to the memory of our ancestors and the rich Muslim culture, which once threatened to total oblivion. "
Among the traditional spiritual values, which for centuries formed the national mentality of the Kazakh people, there is a cult vselencheskogo kosmicheskogog deity - Tengri. Shad - as God wrote Valikhanov.
In common parlance Tengri Kazakhs used as a synonym of the Muslim "Allah" and the Persian "kudaya." Expressions like "Tenir zharylkasyn! - Bless you Tengri "," ittin iesi Bolsa, tulkinin teniri bar "-" if the dog has a master, then the fox is Tengri ", proper names (Tenirbergen, Khan-Tengri) indicate deep penetration Tengri worship in various spheres of life people. In the last century, when Sh.Ualihanov complained about the dual faith Kazakhs, he had in mind as an alternative to Islam is bent.
The main religion was the worship of the ancient Turkic Tengri (Sky). That is the will of Heaven kagan, who were called "Nebopodobnymi in heaven-born", "Heaven, which, to avoid missing the name and fame of Turkish people, elevate my father Kagan and my mother Katun, Sky, conferring (Khagans) States planted myself, I suppose, Hagan, is not lost to the name and fame of the Turkish people, "- writes Bilge-Kagan on his accession to the throne. By the will of Heaven Turks victories or were defeated. Heaven and Earth-saving water Turkic people in hard times. Turkic khans in their signatures consistently called Heaven be supportive to them.
Next in importance was a female deity Umai - patroness of the home and children. Umai cult still kept some Turkic peoples of Altai in the late 19th century. However, Umai was part of a triad of deities higher Turks and patron of all of their business, and this can be seen, for example, of a monument in honor of Tonyukuk, where the description of one of the most successful campaigns says: "Heaven, (Goddess) Umai, Sacred Ground-Water here they are, I suppose, gives us the victory! "


Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1428

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