| Possible answers
People use would you, could you, can you to ask polite questions. The questions ask for someone’s help or cooperation.
| a)Would you please open the door?
b)Could you please open the door?
c) Can you please open the door?
| Yes.
Yes, of course.
Yes. Certainly.
Of course.
I’d be happy to.
I’d be glad to.
Sure (informal)
Okay (informal)
My pleasure (informal)
Exercise 5: complete the dialogues. Use a polite question in each.
answer the phone for me say that again
get the door for me turn it down
open the window turn the volume up
pick some up
1. T. It’s getting hot in here. Would/Could/Will/Can you please open the window?
S. Of course. I’d be happy to./Sure/etc.
T. Thank you. /Thanks.
S. You’re welcome.
2. S1. The phone is ringing, but my hands are full. ________________________
S2. ____________________________________________________________
S1. ____________________________________________________________
S2. No problem.
3. S1. I’m trying to study but the radio is too loud. _________________________
S2. ____________________________________________________________
S1. ____________________________________________________________
S2. That’s okay. No problem.
4. S1. I’m trying to listen to the news on TV but I can’t hear it. _______________
S2. ____________________________________________________________
S1. ___________________________________________________________
S2. Don’t mention it.
5. Husband: Honey, I’m out of razor blades. When you go to the store _________
Wife: _________________________________________________________
Husband: _______________________________________________________
Wife: Anything else?
a) My clothes are dirty. I should/ought to/had better wash them.
| Should, ought to, had better have basically the same meaning. They mean: This is a good idea. This is good advice.
| b) You need your sleep. You shouldn’t stay up late.
| Negative: should +not = shouldn’t
| c) I’d better stay home
d) You’d better do smth
e) He’d better go to bed
Note: Ought to is usually not used in the negative.
The negative had better is had better not and it often carries a warning.
You had better not be late. If you are late you will get into trouble.
Exercise 6: Complete the dialogues. Use should, ought to, had better.
borrow some money hold your breath
call the landlord and complain marry somebody who is rich
call the police put cotton in your ears
drink a glass of water see a dentist
find a new apartment send her a dozen roses
find a new girlfriend soak it in cold water
get a job speak English outside of
class every day
go back to the restaurant and ask if take it back to the store
someone found them
use a dictionary when he writes watch TV a lot
1. A: I have a toothache. This tooth hurts. What should I do?
2. A: I have the hiccups. What should I do?
3. A: Ali wants to improve his English. What should he do?
4. A: I don’t have any money. I’m broke. I can’t pay my rent. I don’t have enough
money to pay my bills. What should I do?
5. A: Someone stole my bicycle. What should I do?
6. A: I cut my finger. I got blood on my sweater. My finger is okay, but I’m
worried about my sweater. What should I do?
7. A: Tom’s spelling isn’t very good. He makes a lot of mistakes when he writes
compositions. What should he do?
8. A: Ann bought a new tape recorder. After two days it stopped working. What
should she do?
9. A: The refrigerator in my apartment doesn’t work. The stove doesn’t work.
The air conditioner doesn’t work. And there are cockroaches in the kitchen.
What should I do?
10. A: I asked Mary to marry me. She said no. What should I do?
11. A: I left my sunglasses at a restaurant yesterday. What should I do?
12. A: My husband snores. I can’t sleep at night. What should I do?
Exercise 6: Complete the sentences. Use shouldn’t + the expressions in the list or your own words.
be cruel to animals give too much homework
be late for an appointment miss any classes
drive a long distance smoke
exceed the speed limit throw a trash out of your car window
1. If you’re tired, you _______
2. Cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health. You ____________
3. A good driver ________________
4. A teacher ____________________
5. A student ____________________
6. Littering is against the law. You _________________
7. It’s important to be punctual. You ________________
8. Animals have feelings. You _____________________
Date: 2014-12-29; view: 1087