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Not shown above due to space concerns are irradiatedfruits and vegetables – these are actually far more common than their non-radioactive ‘fresh’ counterparts, imparting 5 rads to anyone who consumes them. They’re also considerably cheaper, costing only half as much as their non-irradiated entries (round down).


Much like food, drinks also heal characters. A list of drinks is shown in table sixteen, on the next page.

Unless otherwise noted, drinks will recover one wound thirty minutes after their ingestion, similar to food. The recovering effects of food and drink may stack (i.e. eating food and having a drink with it will heal wounds from both as opposed to taking the highest of the two), but these recovered wounds cannot restore crippled limbs – additional healing that would have occurred simply doesn’t happen. Drinks are also helpful in hydrating your wastelander, important for roleplay as well as avoiding the death that dehydration tends to result in. All drinks listed here provide hydration and are single-use unless noted otherwise.

Alcoholic beverages are listed separately in the Medicine and Drugs section. All alcoholic drinks are dehydrating and do not recover a wound unless noted in their description in that section. All healing potions also provide hydration; like alcohols, they do not provide nourishment or recover an additional wound (they recover wounds enough as is).

Table XVI: Drinks – Does not include alcohol or other drugs, chems, potions or medicines that can be drunk.

Name Sustenance/Effects Wt Value
“Zebracha” Hot Sauce Recovers no wounds; dehydrating. Breathe fire for 6 seconds (deals damage as a flamethrower for up to two actions, targeted with either Unarmed or Energy Weapons). A single bottle holds 1d6 doses. ½
Apple Cider +1 CHA for 30 minutes.
Bitter Drink Better than dying of thirst. Barely. ½
Blood Pack Requires a carnivorous or omnivorous diet or Cannibal. An adult pony contains about 15 liters of blood (1 liter per pack).
Brahmin Milk Builds strong bones. Goes great with cereal.
Cactus Juice Recovers 2 wounds. Dehydrating.
Cawnic Water Contains one dose of the drug Cawnine. Goes well with Gin. ½
Celestian Sarsaparilla +1 Bottle Cap. Dehydrating.
Coffee +1 PER, +2 INT, -1 AGI for 1 hour. Character cannot sleep for 2d4 hours. Dehydrating. ½
Dirty Water +10 Rads
Earl Brae Tea Relaxing. Tastes nothing like a letter.
Fruit Juice +5 Rads (unless it’s fresh fruit juice – 0 rads).
Green Tea Bitter, but soothing and not unpleasant. Originates from Neighpon. Character cannot sleep for 1d4 hours.
Ice Cola Sparkle Cola Recovers 2 wounds. +5 Rads, +1 Bottle Cap. Dehydrating.
Juice Box +5 Speechcraft for 5 minutes. (Because you look adorable.) ½
Kikkopony Soy Sauce Dehydrating. Does not heal; instead, when added to any carnivorous food, makes that food count as one additional meal. Also makes that food dehydrating; if the food it was added to would otherwise be hydrating, it removes the hydrating effect. A single bottle holds 1d6 doses. ½
Milkshake Recovers 2 wounds and counts as a meal. Everypony keeps saying that it’s better than yours.
Plant Creature Sap Tastes strangely of peppermint.
Purified Water Recovers 2 wounds. At last, a cure for dehydration!
Root Beer Made from real roots! Character cannot sleep for 1d4 hours. Dehydrating.
Rum and Sparkle “Twilight’s Plot” +1 STR, -1 INT for 5 minutes. +5 Rads, +1 Bottle Cap. Does not heal. Dehydrating. Not alcoholic enough to prompt an addiction roll. (Still enough to get Twilight tipsy, though…)
Smoothie Recovers 2 wounds. Refreshing!
Sparkle Cola +5 Rads, +1 Bottle Cap. Dehydrating. It’s like a hoof to the face!
Sparkle Cola: Rad +20 AP for 5 minutes. +10 Rads, +1 Bottle Cap. Dehydrating. It’s like a hoof to the face, with Radishes!
Sparkle Cola: Rainbow Crash +5’ movement per action, +20 AP for 5 minutes. +15 Rads, +1 Bottle Cap. Dehydrating. With REAL Zap Apples!
Sparkle Cola: Starry Night +1 PER, +10 AP for 1 minute. Recovers 2 wounds. +10 Rads, +1 Bottle Cap. Dehydrating. Contains Real Starfruit Flavoring!
Weed Water You figure that the grass adds nutritional value. Counts as one meal for an herbivore or omnivore. +1 Rad.
Zebra Maté Tea Character cannot sleep for 2d6 hours. This is a magical stimulant.

Gems for Cyborgs (and Robots)

Just as normal characters must eat and drink, characters with cybernetic limbs, organs and other enhancements must ingest or otherwise consume gems to maintain and power their artificial components and the embedded talismans.

Characters with cybernetics must maintain their artificial limbs in addition to the rest of their body – unless they’re fully cybernetic inside, they still need to eat and drink (though their portion sizes and hydration requirements may be proportionally reduced). The power supplied value listed below is for characters with a single cyber-limb. Characters with more magi-cybernetic components than that may need to ingest much more to maintain their power (just extrapolate based on the number of cyber-body parts; each limb consumes the same amount, and a cybernetic torso consumes twice as much as a limb. Blackjack, for example, has to consume roughly seven times as many gems per day as a pony with a single cyber limb would use). Thankfully, Equestria has a seemingly inexhaustible supply of precious gems with inexplicable magical properties, making them both easily obtainable and relatively cheap.

Robots may or may not need to consume gems regularly to remain operational, depending on their type and power source. Most conventional robots use spark batteries or spark generators as a source of power instead, which have a virtually unlimited lifespan unless drained by unconventional means. The level of articulated complexity for any full limb cybernetic prostheses used in ponies and other races pre and post-war prevents the use of such power sources for most replacement limbs or other body parts.


Gem Size Power Supplied Wt Value Additional Uses
Cyberpony Cakes 6 hours (x4) Provides its full benefits for up to four meals (wt reduced by two each time. Includes large quantities of gem dust. When fully un-consumed, also usable as a weapon and for armor repair.
Crushed Gemstone Dust 2 hours 0.1 Enough to create 1 Magical Fusion Cell, 3 Magical Energy Cells, or 5 Gem Cells. Used in healing potions and certain zebra recipes.
Small 12 Hours ½ Makes up to 5 MFCs. (Ratio to smaller magical ammunitions remains the same)
Medium 24 hours per 1 wt. 1-5 Makes up to 5 MFCs for every half unit of wt.
Large 4 days per 5 wt. >5 15+ Makes up to 5 MFCs for every half unit of wt.

*Note that cyborgs can (and should) power down their cybernetics while sleeping or inactive for long periods to conserve energy.

Medicine and Drugs

Keeping alive in the wasteland is a constant struggle, especially if you don’t have the magical means to heal all of your party’s wounds after particularly violent encounters. Fortunately, the Ministry of Peace has left behind quite a lot of magical healing items, and many enterprising survivors out in the wasteland have restored the technology and learned the techniques necessary to keep producing most magical healing items. Magical healing items you might encounter in the equestrian wasteland and areas beyond are displayed below, ordered by strength from weakest to strongest.


Healing Bandages – (Wt. 1, Value: 10 caps)Healing bandages are only capable of healing relatively superficial wounds, effectively only accelerating the natural rate at which ponies recover from injury. They recover 1 wound per location per thirty minute interval for up to three hours after application, as long as they are properly administered (Medicine MFD ¾). They are excellent at preventing ponies from bleeding out, to the point that they can even counteract weaker spells or poisons designed to prevent clotting. Even if administered rapidly, healing bandages are incapable of mending crippled or broken limbs.

Healing with Medicine The table below indicates how many wounds you can remove using a single non-enervated healing potion
Skill Level Wounds Restored
0 or below
1-25 1d4
25-49 1 +1d6
50-74 2+1d8
75-99 3+1d10

The skill level indicated is that of the character administering the healing potion.

For potions that heal a multiple times these amounts, multiply both the static modifiers and the number of dice being rolled.

Figure 7: Healing with Potions
Healing Potions – (Wt. ½, Value: 25 caps) Healing potions heal as many wounds as is indicated in the sidebar, figure 5, based on the rank of the medicine skill of the administering character. No medicine roll is required to administer potions. Healing potions cannot mend broken limbs or unicorn horns (the former requires a medicine roll MFD ¾ to set before healing, and the latter requires much stronger magic), but they do provide hydration as though they were a beverage if imbibed.

Rejuvenation Potions(Wt. ½, Value: 75 Caps) Rejuvenation potions are really just healing potions that have been super-charged with magical energy to increase their effects. If applied within the “golden hour” following a wound’s infliction, they heal twice as much as a standard healing potion. If used in conjunction with a splint or medical brace, these potions can be used to mend crippled limbs without first applying conventional medicinal techniques. If a full dose is applied directly to a crippled unicorn or alicorn horn, a single dose of this potent magical curative is enough to restore it to working condition. Like healing potions, rejuvenation potions also provide hydration.

Restoration Potions(Wt. ½, Value: 200 Caps) Restoration potions are a suspension of the most potent type of unicorn healing magic known to pony kind before the war. Because their potency makes stabilizing them in potion-form quite difficult, many of these potions have degraded with age to leave only weaker healing potions in their place. If you or your friends can find a non-degraded restoration potion, however, you’re in luck – these little darlings will remove four times as many wounds as a standard healing potion, and can even remove up to 8 wounds if imbibed after the “golden hour” has passed since wounds were inflicted, as long as those areas are not also crippled. It goes without saying that these potions are capable of healing even broken and crippled limbs if applied quickly after the injury, and these incredible suspensions can restore crippled and broken unicorn and alicorn horns just as easily as they can mend other flesh and bone. Like healing and rejuvenation potions, restoration potions provide hydration.

Healing Talismans(Wt. 2, Value: 500 Caps) Healing talismans are the bread and butter of wasteland doctors everywhere. They require only a minor spark to activate, are easily fully recharged by casting a single healing spell (second level or higher) into them, and are otherwise extremely durable. While not quite a house-hold-standard, healing talismans were present in most pre-war offices and schools, and a good number of these little beauties have survived totally intact. They hold up to 50 charges, and heal up to 3+1d8 wounds per charge expended. Using a healing talisman properly requires either a Medicine Roll MFD ¾ or a Magic roll MFD ½, and a steady source of magical energy to the talisman (as might be provided by a spark battery). If used with a splint or medical brace, these talismans are capable of healing recently-crippled wounds (less than 1 day old), but otherwise will simply heal that area up to the crippled threshold and focus on less-damaged areas, if such areas exist. Setting the bone via conventional methods with a Medicine roll MFD ¾ is still necessary to allow for further healing. Healing talismans cannot affect crippled or broken unicorn or alicorn horns due to their magical properties interfering with the spell.

Unlike healing potions, in addition to removing wounds, healing talismans can also remove up to 200 rads worth of radiation per charge expended.


Rejuvenation Talismans(Wt. 2, Value: 5000 caps) Rejuvenation Talismans were standard-issue for high-profile clinics, Equestrian MASH units, and any MoP-sponsored civilian hospitals before the war’s cataclysmic conclusion. These potent healing talismans are multiple-use, great for disinfecting, removing bullets and shrapnel, and closing up wounds in fast order. They hold up to 20 charges, and heal up to 6+4d8 wounds per charge expended. Rejuvenation talismans are trickier to use than their more durable counterpart, and require both a power source (again, a spark battery will do) and either a Medicine roll MFD ½ or a Magic roll MFD ¼ to operate. They are capable of restoring crippled limbs to working order regardless of the age of the injury, and the magic is strong enough that it can (and will) re-break limbs as necessary to ensure that the healing is done properly. A single charge’s expenditure can even restore a crippled unicorn or alicorn’s horn!

Recharging a rejuvenation talisman requires either casting a (level 3 or above) healing spell into it, or use of the Replenish spell.

Similarly to healing talismans, rejuvenation talismans remove up to 400 rads worth of radiation per charge expended. Most autodoc units have one of these built in on an automagical recharging circuit.

Restoration Talismans – (Wt. 2, Value: -- ) Restoration talismans are the single most powerful piece of medical arcane science technology produced before the war short of a healing megaspell. They are capable of immediately healing a single pony and restoring them to perfect health, regardless of the severity of their wounds or the progression of any disease, in under a minute, and require no external power source. These talismans are even capable of retarding the progression of cancer (though they are not truly capable of eradicating cancer in its entirety) and totally purging the body of any harmful poisons and radiation at the same time. The only medical thing restoration talismans are totally incapable of doing is combatting taint. Broken horns, wings and limbs are nothing before these marvels of medical arcane science and technology.

Understandably these talismans are extraordinarily rare in the present day, as the magic required to create them has been all but lost and very few, if any, remain. It does nothing to help the supply that these medical marvels are single-use only.


Date: 2015-12-11; view: 777

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