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Fuel reserves are vulnerable to weapons fire (due to their pressurized, highly volatile contents), and have 30 DT. If a tank is punctured while more than half full, its contents will explode outward in an impressive fireball that deals 1d10 damage for every five units of fuel it contains in its first five-foot radius, and has an AOE increment of 5d10. Needless to say, it carries the Fire special weapon effect (see weapon effects, later in this chapter). If the tank contains half or less than half of its maximum allowable contents, it instead will begin to leak. If ignited while leaking, it catches the wearer on fire as per the Fire special weapon effect. The wearer cannot extinguish themselves without water or outside assistance. Punctured tanks will leak 10 units of flamer fuel per combat round.

Munitions Case – Sitting atop the battle saddle, this armored metal box is a belt-and-loose-ammunition storage unit. Grants your extra ammunition a little bit of protection from the elements, 20 points of DT, and gives you a place to keep all the extra random bullets you keep digging out of filing cabinets besides your saddlebags. With an expert (MFD ½) repair roll, you can even rig up a crude gravity feed that can adequately reload a breech-loaded weapon as a single action in combat without the aid of an auto-loader.

Retractable Bit – Standard battle saddles have the trigger bit mounted on wires that lead to the weapons on either side, with either a direct wired connection, or, less commonly, a hydraulic line that leads to the actual firing mechanism. This bit is always suspended about half an inch away from the wearer’s face for easy access, making it possible to talk and move the head around, but preventing more in-depth actions requiring oral dexterity.

A retractable bit is a mechanical system that allows the trigger bit to be moved off to the side, away from the mouth, freeing it up for things like picking up items, reloading, more easily accessing saddlebags, working with terminals, etc. A simple flick of the foreleg moves it out of place, and a second one will replace it in firing position. Moving the bit back or away is a free action.

Semi-Automatic Loader – Not as sophisticated as an automatic loader, these fully-mechanical devices can be triggered to load any DTM or belt-fed weapon using a hoof-activated lever near the gun mounting. They’re not as versatile as their more expensive automated counterparts, and must be configured manually for each weapon (even if they’re already configured for a weapon that uses the same ammunition), which requires a repair roll MFD 1 and at least five minutes. Activating a semi-automatic loader system takes a single action, and only reloads a single weapon hooked up to the system. On the plus side, systems like these do allow for reloading without using the trigger bit—those things are widely considered to taste like moldy ghoul ass.

Automatic Loader – These fantastic devices are a must-have for any characters that actively use battle saddles. Every auto-loader is sized to fit a specific weight-class of battle saddle, but beyond that most auto-loaders are capable of working with any caliber of ammunition to load it automatically into a weapon. Auto-loader modules are capable of integration with any detachable magazine (DTM), breech, or internal magazine -fed weapons to enable automatic (only costs you a single action) reloading during combat. Many belt-fed detachable magazine weapons can even be rigged up with a more advanced auto-loader to make reloading at all totally unnecessary. In terms of price, light-barding compatible autoloaders are generally more expensive (3000-4000) due to their being fairly uncommon pre-war; medium models are extremely common due to their mass production for military use and therefore are quite cheap in comparison (1000-1500), and heavy models are somewhere in between the two. Weapons that use nonstandard ammunition sizes (anything larger than .50 caliber rounds, such as 120mm shells or 40mm grenades) tend to require specialized autoloader systems rather than standard units; double the listed maximum value for such units should the party come across one and try to buy or sell it. Weapons that use non-conventional munitions, such as energy weapons, bows, flamethrowers, and melee weapons, gain no benefit from an auto-loader.

These modules are typically controlled by an additional control system that modifies the standard bit of a battle saddle, giving it a third button or a pull-to-activate function that makes reloading a free action.

Food and Drink

Food and drink are of utmost importance to anyone living out in the wasteland. Even heroes need to eat every once in a while.


Not all types of food will actually give a pony the nutrition required to survive. To that end, all of the foods listed here are marked with a handy indicator as to what can actually feed who. Nearly all foods listed provide sustenance for someone, and the furthest right column denotes what diet a character must have to gain nutritional benefit from it. Not all species present in the wasteland can eat and survive off of the same things, after all.

Foods marked “Carnivore” only provide sustenance to carnivores and omnivores. Similarly, Foods marked Herbivore will only provide sustenance to herbivores and omnivores. Those few foods marked “omnivore” only provide nutritional value and stave off starvation for omnivores. Characters can obviously still try to eat foods that they don’t gain nutritional benefit from, but expect them to develop an upset stomach shortly afterward, and gain little to no real nutritional benefit from doing so. For bacon, it might be worth it.

All food that provides a nutritional benefit to a character removes one wound over the course of the next hour after being eaten. All foods are assumed to provide nutritional benefit unless noted otherwise in their effects column entry. For further information on staving off starvation, see the Starvation heading in chapter 11, or the beginning of chapter 10.

Some foods provide more than one meal’s worth of sustenance. These foods can be split apart and eaten in sections over the course of multiple days (rationing), or can be consumed all at once by one or more ponies. Such food items cannot provide sustenance to more ponies than the number of meals they count as. Counting as two meals does not restore additional wounds unless otherwise noted, unless the food item is actually consumed as two separate meals either at least an hour apart or by different ponies at the same time.

Those foods that either provide hydration or heal for multiple wounds when consumed (or both ) which also count as multiple meals provide their additional healing or hydration effects in full even when only consumed in part. In other words, if you split up a pomegranate into two meals, it hydrates you twice. If you eat those meals at least an hour apart, it will also restore one wound each time. Similarly, if you split up a caravan lunch between three ponies, it dehydrates all three, heals them all for two wounds, and provides each with a meal.


Preparing and combining foods, as well as cooking in general, is tied to the Survival skill.



Table XV: Food

Name Sustenance/Effects Rads Wt Value Dietary Reqs
Agave Fruit Also provides hydration. Can be distilled for use in making sarsaparilla or tequila. ½ Herbivore
Alfalfa   +1 Herbivore
Ant Meat -1 STR for 2 min +5 Omnivore
Banana Yucca Fruit Also provides hydration. ½ Herbivore
Basashi Chance of disease, depending on the source. Ponies can gain sustenance from this if they have the Cannibal hindrance or perk. Basashi is pony meat. Non-ponies or those unaware of this do not lose karma for eating it. +10 Carnivore (Special)
Bloatsprite Meat -1 STR for 2 min. 20% Disease contraction chance. +5 Carnivore
Box Of Noodles You’ve got no idea what ‘instant spaghetti’ means. +5 Herbivore
Brahmin Butter -1 PER, -1 END for 2 min. +10 Any
Brahmin Meat -1 STR for 2 min. Ingredient in a brahmin steak and brahmin wellington. +5 Carnivore
Brahmin Steak +1 STR for 2 min. Restores double wounds. +2 Carnivore
Brahmin Wellington Counts as two meals. Carnivore
Bread, Preserved Stale, but pre-sliced. Counts as two meals. +5 1.5 Herbivore
Bread, Fresh Required for sandwiches. Counts as two meals. +1 Herbivore
Broc Flower Can be used to make antidote or antivenom (replaces a poison component). ¼ Herbivore
Broccoli Counts as two meals. Highly nutritious. Herbivore
Bubblegum Does not heal, does not count as a meal. +1 INT while in use. ½ Any
Cactus Fruit (Barrel Cactus) -1 END for 2 min. Also provides hydration. Ingredient in desert salad. ¼ Herbivore
Cactus Fruit (Prickly Pear) Also provides hydration. Covered in micro-needles; survival MFD ½ to eat safely. Ingredient in desert salad. ½ Herbivore
Cake, Boxed Moist and Delicious, despite being 200 years old. +5 Herbivore
Can of Beans Dehydrating. Ingredient in a caravan lunch. +5 Herbivore
Can of Chef Colt-R-D It looks sort of like pasta in the shape of wings and lightning bolts in some sort of red sauce. Dehydrating. +10 Any
Can of Swebell’s Tomato Soup Sweetie Belle’s brand of condensed tomato soup. The lettering is a little worn. +5 Herbivore
Canned Beets Also provides hydration. +5 Herbivore
Canned Corn   +5 Herbivore
Canned Fruit Also provides hydration. +5 Herbivore
Canned Spinach +1 STR for 2 min +5 Herbivore
Canned Sweet Potatoes Also provides hydration. +10 Herbivore
Caravan lunch Dehydrating. Restores double wounds, counts as three meals. 2.5 Any
Carrot Crepes   +5 Herbivore
Carroty Lad’s Snack Cakes: Black Cherry +1 PER, +1 INT, -1 STR for 2 min. +5 Herbivore
Carroty Lads Snack Cakes -2 STR for 2 min. A big delight in every bite! +5 Any
Cave Fungus Removes rads. Can be used to make antidote (replaces a poison component). -10 Any
Cheezy Poofs Does not recover wounds. +5 ½ Any
Cloud Mushrooms +5 Max AP for 30 seconds. Herbivore
Coffee Beans +5 Max AP for 30 minutes. Character cannot sleep for 2d4 hours. +5 Herbivore
Name Sustenance/Effects Rads Wt Value Dietary Reqs
Cookie Does not recover wounds. +5 AP for 15 minutes. ½ Any
Corn Also provides hydration. Ingredient in mole rat stew ¼ Herbivore
Corndog But you know how much I love corndogs! +5 Omnivore
Corn flakes Ingredient in trail mix +5 Herbivore
Cram Ingredient in a caravan lunch +5 Carnivore
Creamed Spinach +1 STR for 1 min +5 Herbivore
Crispy squirrel bits Makes Fluttershy cry. +5 Carnivore
Crunchy Mutfruit Resembles a purple and orange splotched apple. +5 Herbivore
Cupcake With Pink Sprinkles! May cause diabetes. Any
“Cupcake” May contain Basashi. (Still Delicious) +10 Any
Daisy Sandwich Possibly the last of its kind. +5 Herbivore
Dandy Colt Apples   +5 Herbivore
Dead Grass Makes you wish for living grass. +1 Herbivore
Dead Grass Pie Counts as four meals. Tastes like dead grass, no matter how much you dress it up. +1 Herbivore
Dead Grass Sandwich The bread is also dead, but most folks ignore that. +1 Herbivore
Desert Salad Recovers quadruple wounds, also provides hydration and counts as two meals. ¼ Herbivore
Dog Meat -1 STR for 2 min. +5 Carnivore
Dog Steak Recovers double wounds. +5 Carnivore
Dried Seeds   +5 ¼ Herbivore
Dog Treat A reward for loyalty. Tastes vaguely like bacon. +5 Any
Emergency Edible Boots Each boot counts as two meals. The price is for a pair. Durable yet delicious, with a faint aftertaste of leather. +5 Herbivore
Flim n’ Flam Co Mac n’ Cheese Ingredient in a wasteland omelet and brahmin wellington. +5 Herbivore
Fennel Tastes like licorice! Not that you’d know, as you’ve never had any. An ingredient in absinthe. +5 Herbivore
Flower Not interchangeable with Flour. ½ Herbivore
Flower, Rare Finding any sort of flower is rare in the wasteland, really. ½ Herbivore
Flower of Truth Extremely rare flower used to treat Cutie Pox. ½ Herbivore
Fresh Apple Also provides hydration; ingredient in trail mix ½ Herbivore
Fresh Artichoke   Herbivore
Fresh Blackberries Also provides hydration. A controlled substance in the Enclave. Herbivore
Fresh Blueberries Also provides hydration. A controlled substance in the Enclave. Herbivore
Fresh Carrot Also provides hydration. ½ Herbivore
Fresh Grass   Herbivore
Fresh Hay   Herbivore
Fresh Oats   Herbivore
Fresh Pear Also provides hydration; ingredient in trail mix ½ Herbivore
Fresh Potato Also provides hydration. Herbivore
Fresh Pomegranate Counts as two meals, also provides hydration. Not imbalanced. Herbivore
Fresh Raspberries Also provides hydration. A controlled substance in the Enclave. Herbivore
Fresh Seeds You know, you might want to plant these… ¼ Herbivore
Fresh Spinach +2 STR for 5 min. Herbivore
Fresh Strawberries Also provides hydration. A controlled substance in the Enclave. Herbivore
Fresh Tomato Thought to be extinct as a result of the war. Guess not. Herbivore
Frosted Sugar Apple Bombs +5 Max AP for 30 sec. Ingredient in trail mix. +5 Herbivore
Name Sustenance/Effects Rads Wt Value Dietary Reqs
Frosted Sugar Apple Bombs: Atomic Crunch! +10 Max AP, +1 AGI, +1 INT for 1 min. +10 Herbivore
Gecko Kebab Also provides hydration, counts as two meals. +1 ¼ Carnivore
Gecko Meat -1 STR for 2 min. +5 Carnivore
Gecko Steak Recovers double wounds, counts as two meals. +1 Carnivore
Giant Ant Egg   +5 Omnivore
Goat Meat   +5 Carnivore
Grass Pie Counts as four meals. Made with fresh grass. +1 Herbivore
Grilled Manticore Counts as two meals. Removes 10 rads. +0 Carnivore
Gruel Also provides hydration. +25 Herbivore
Gum Drops Does not heal. +1 Any
Gyros +1 STR for 2 min. Recovers double wounds, counts as two meals. Made from Goat Meat. +1 Carnivore
Gyros Kebab Also provides hydration, counts as two meals. +1 ½ Carnivore
Hardtack Also functional as a weapon (see: rock) +5 Herbivore
Hay -1 STR, -1 END for 2 min. +5 Herbivore
Heart’s Desire (Flower) A large, beautifully colored flower. Known to cause Cutie Pox. +1 ½ Herbivore
Hellhound Stew Contains ½ taint level per serving. +5 Carnivore
Honey Mesquite Pod Also provides hydration. ¼ Herbivore
Hot Dog Popular as field rations for Griffin troops during the war. +10 ½ Carnivore
Ice Cream Also provides hydration. The label says it’s made with real ice! +5 Any
Iguana Bits   +5 Carnivore
Iguana-on-a-stick Counts as two meals +5 Carnivore
InstaMash Ingredient in a caravan lunch. +5 Herbivore
Jalapeño pepper Dehydrating. Spicy! May cause you to breathe fire temporarily for comic effect. ¼ Herbivore
Junk Food   +5 Any
Kelp Hydrating. Seapony fare. Herbivore
Kelp, Dried A popular Neighponese snack. +5 ¼ Herbivore
Kibble Dehydrating. Promotes healthy coats. +5 Carnivore
Luna Bar Counts as two meals, dehydrating. It claims to be a meal supplement. +5 ¼ Any
Lustre Dust Does not heal. Does not count as a meal. Gives a golden metallic sheen to whatever it is painted on. ½ Any
Manticore Meat   -20 Carnivore
Manticore Steak Recovers double wounds. -10 Carnivore
Meat Jerky   +5 Carnivore
Mirelurk Cakes Mix 12 eggs with 1 Mirelurk meat, freeze, bake. Makes 4d6 cakes. (Survival MFD 1; failures are inedible) +5 Carnivore
Mirelurk Chowder   +10 Any
Mirelurk Eggs Also provides hydration. +5 Any
Mirelurk Meat Recovers double wounds. +5 Carnivore
Mirelurk Meat, Hatchling   +1 Carnivore
Mirelurk Meat, Soft-Shell Recovers triple wounds. +5 Carnivore
Mississippi Sparkle Pie +1 STR, -1 INT, +20 Max AP for 5 minutes. Counts as two meals. Req. Flour, Sparkle Cola Rad, & Vodka, MFD ¾ survival. +5 Any
Mole Rat Meat -1 STR for 2 min. +5 Carnivore
Name Sustenance/Effects Rads Wt Value Dietary Reqs
Mole Rat Stew +1 STR for 2 min. Carnivore
Mole Rat Wonder Meat Recovers double wounds, counts as two meals. +5 Carnivore
Moonlight Flower Glows in the dark. +1 ¼ Herbivore
Moon Pie   +5 ½ Any
MRE Meal, Rarely Edible. Counts as five meals. ¼ Any
Mutfruit Also provides hydration. +5 Herbivore
Nightstalker Tail Does not provide sustenance, still recovers wounds. +5 Carnivore
Noodles   +5 Herbivore
Oatmeal Also provides hydration. … Are you crazy? +1 Herbivore
Oats -1 PER, -1 END for 2 min. +5 Herbivore
Pinecone Don’t offer these to any Alicorns… +5 Herbivore
Pinto Beans Ingredient in mole rat stew ¼ Herbivore
Pinyon Nuts Ingredient in trail mix, desert salad. ¼ Herbivore
Plant Matter Its origin is unspecified. Best keep it that way. Excellent for use as tinder. +5 Herbivore
Pork N' Beans Dehydrating. +5 Any
Potato Crisps Dehydrating. +5 Herbivore
Preserved Meat Dehydrating. Carnivore
Pudding Pack Also provides hydration. Contains no gelatin. (What does it contain?) +5 Any
Punga Fruit, Refined Recovers double wounds, also provides hydration. -5 Herbivore
Punga Fruit, Wild Also provides hydration. -1 Herbivore
Radhog Bacon +2 END for 5 min. Recovers double wounds. +1 ½ Carnivore
Radhog Meat -1 STR for 2 min. +5 Carnivore
Radigator Bites   +5 Carnivore
Radigator Meat +2 STR, +2 END for 5 min. +10 Carnivore
Salient Green Can be converted into nearly any type of fresh fruit or vegetable. Also provides hydration. ½ Herbivore
Salisbury Steak   +5 Carnivore
Sky Fruit It was probably derived from grapes. The main ingredient in Sky Wine. Also provides hydration ¼ Herbivore
Sky Wheat Bland, with a slight aftertaste of clouds. Herbivore
Slop Recovers double wounds, also provides hydration +25 Any
Small Dusty Box Of Some Sort May or may not provide sustenance. What’s a ‘TV Dinner’? +5 Omnivore
SparkleLurk Meat Recovers double wounds. +10 Max AP for 1 hour. +5 Carnivore
Squirrel Stew Makes Fluttershy cry. Also provides hydration +5 Carnivore
Squirrel-on-a-Stick Makes Fluttershy cry. The bones add crunch. +5 Carnivore
Starfruit Not actually of astronomical or extra-equestrial origin. Also provides hydration. Herbivore
Strange Meat -1 STR for 2 min. May contain Basashi or meat from any other race in the wasteland. +5 Carnivore
Strange Meat Pie May contain basashi, or meat from any other race in the wasteland. Counts as three meals. +5 Carnivore
Strange Meat Pie, imitation Definitely does NOT contain basashi (though the likeness is astounding). Counts as two meals. +5 Any
Sweet Roll Provides no sustenance, still recovers one wound. Any
Thick Red Paste Restores double wounds, +2 END for 4 min. ½ Carnivore
Thin Red Paste +2 END for 4 min. Ingredient in thick red paste. ¼ Carnivore
Tobacco Leaves -1 END, -1 AGI for 2 min. ½ Herbivore
Name Sustenance/Effects Rads Wt Value Dietary Reqs
Trail Mix +10 Max AP for 30 seconds. Restores double wounds, counts as two meals. +5 Herbivore
Wasteland Omelet Counts as 3 meals. Recovers quadruple wounds. Herbivore
Wheat   +1 Herbivore
White Horsenettle -1 AGI, -1 END for 2 min. ¼ Herbivore
Xander Root Can be used as a substitute for a dosage of poison in antivenom or antidote recipes. ¼ Herbivore
Yao Guai Meat Counts as two meals, recovers double wounds. +1d10 damage with melee and unarmed weapons and +2 END for 2 min. +10 Carnivore
YumYum Deviled Eggs   +5 Omnivore
Zebra Herbs +1 INT for 2 min. -1 INT for 2 min. afterwards. The main ingredient in normal Mint-als. Their actual name is too difficult for most ponies to pronounce. +5 Any


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