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Armor – Clothes, Barding and Accessories 1 page

A decent set of armored barding can save your life.

In Fallout: Equestria RPG, bardings generally cover the torso and all four limbs unless otherwise noted. Bardings and clothing only provide the listed DT bonus (that’s Damage Threshold – it represents the amount of damage it takes to overcome armor and deal damage to the thing wearing it), if any, to those areas which they actually cover, while headgear will always provide DT to the head. Most armor will not cover the wings, and most helmets and other headgear will not cover the character’s horn unless specially designed or modified (see the modifying armor sub-header later in this section) to do so. Powered armor and armored helmets will almost never make allowances for characters with a horn. Whether or not a set of clothes or barding covers specific areas (other than those generally assumed) is listed in the effects column.


For bipedal creatures, these clothes and armors are interchangeable – simply note that the rear legs correspond to the legs and that the forelegs correspond to the arms. Armor will need to be modified to fit any creature whose anatomy it wasn’t initially designed for – see the appropriate rules under the armor modification sub-header later in this chapter.


Values may fluctuate based on character size – armor and clothing for bipedal or Large characters is considerably rarer, and can be considered to cost 1.5x as much if it’s available at all. Armor for smaller characters (but not clothing) is also much rarer, and the value of it is increased (to 1.5x as much). Such armor is absolutely essential for characters with Pipsqueak or Young.

Characters can wear up to one layer of clothing or barding from each of the four categories (clothes, light, medium and heavy) at any point in time. Accessories are not limited, so long as they can reasonably occupy different locations on your character, though only one helmet can be worn one at a time. Wearing more than one layer of clothing or barding at a time grants a -1 penalty to AGI for each additional layer after your base layer. Wearing more than 2 layers at a time grants a -1 penalty to STR for each layer after the second.

Battle saddles (the next section) can only be worn one at a time; they are functionally a type of accessory.



Fallout: Equestria Barding List - Clothes
Name DT Wt Value Effects (if any)
All Nighter Nightwear (+1 CHA, +1 END), does not cover rear legs
Aristopony's Tuxedo/Dress (+1 CHA, +5 Mercantile, +5 Speechcraft)
Athlete of the Wastes Outfit (+1 AGI, +1 END, +1 STR)
Birth Skirt Does not cover forelegs
Brahmin-Hide Outfit (+1 AGI, +1 END)
Caravan Outfit 1.5  
Chained Sex Slave/Prostitute Outfit Does not cover anything, really
Dirty Pre-War Businesswear (+5 Speechcraft)
Dirty Pre-War Casualwear (+1 AGI), does not cover rear legs
Dirty Pre-War Parkstroller Outfit (+1 AGI), does not cover rear legs
Dirty Pre-War Relaxedwear (+1 AGI), does not cover rear legs
Dirty Pre-War Spring Outfit (+1 AGI), does not cover rear legs
Duster (+1 CHA, +5 Small Guns)
Enclave Officer Uniform (+5 Energy Weapons), Enclave IFF tags*, does not cover rear legs
Enclave Scientist Uniform (+5 Science), Terminal Interface, Enclave IFF tags*
Equestrian Army Fatigues Military IFF tags*
Equestrian Military Commander Uniform (+10 Speechcraft, +5 Small Guns) Military IFF tags*
Exposed Sex Slave/Prostitute Outfit Does not cover anything, really
Farmworker Outfit 1.5 Does not cover forelegs or rear legs
Formal Wear  
Gambler Suit, Shabby  
Gambler Suit, Well-Kept  
Grimy Pre-War Businesswear (+5 Speechcraft)
Handypony's Coveralls (+10 Repair)
Jail Uniform (Black & White Striped) (+5 Sneak)
Jail Uniform (Orange) (-25 Sneak)
Jumpsuit (Mechanic, Engineer, or Handypony) (+5 Repair), does not cover rear legs
Jumpsuit (RoBronCo) (+5 Repair), RoBronCo IFF tags*
Jumpsuit (Stable) (+2 Melee, +2 Speechcraft), does not cover rear legs (Bonuses may vary between stables)
Jumpsuit (Zebra Detention Facility) (+5 Repair)
Jumpsuit (Zebra) (+5 Small Guns), does not cover rear legs
Jumpsuit, Utility (Stable) (+5 Repair, +5 Lockpicking), does not cover rear legs
Lab Coat (+5 Science), does not cover rear legs
Lab Coat, Doctor’s (+5 Medicine), does not cover rear legs
Leather Jacket Does not cover rear legs
Leather Jerkin Does not cover legs
Leather Vest (+1 CHA), does not cover legs
Name DT Wt Value Effects (if any)
Naughty Nightwear (+1 Luck, +10 Speechcraft), does not cover rear legs
Neural Interface Suit  
Nurse’s uniform (+3 Medicine, +3 Speechcraft), does not cover rear legs
Patient Hospital Gown Does not cover forelegs or rear legs.
Pre-War Kid's Outfit Does not cover rear legs
Pre-War Parkstroller Outfit (+1 AGI), does not cover rear legs
Pre-War Relaxedwear (+1 AGI) , does not cover rear legs
Pre-War Spring Outfit (+1 AGI) , does not cover rear legs
Prospector Outfit 1.5 Does not cover forelegs
Radiation Suit and Tie Appears as a torn and tattered pre-war business suit, but grants +40% radiation resistance.
Raider Barding, Sharp Dresser Pre-war business suit with metal spikes protruding out from it. Great for managing the morning commute.
Robe (Ranger Elder) Steel/Applejack's Ranger IFF tags*
Robe (Ranger Scribe) Steel/Applejack's Ranger IFF tags*
Robe (Priest) (+1 CHA)
Scrubs (Mad Scientist) (+1 INT, +5 Science)
Scrubs (Medical or Scientific) (+1 INT, +5 Science or Medicine)
Settler Outfit 1.5 Does not cover forelegs
Sex Slave/Prostitute Outfit Does not cover anything, really
Sexy Sleepwear (+1 CHA), does not cover rear legs
Slave Clothes, Worn (+1 AGI, +1 END), does not cover anything, really
Slave Laborer Outfit (+1 AGI, +1 END, +1 STR), does not cover legs)
Slave Rags (+1 AGI, +1 END , does not cover anything, really
Society Attire Society IFF tags*
Stealth Cat-suit (+5 Sneak), includes hood.
Tactical Turtleneck (+5 Sneak), does not cover rear legs
Trader Barding (+5 Mercantile), does not cover rear legs
Tribal Outfit (Generally just a loincloth) (+5 Survival), does not cover anything, really
Wasteland Doctor's Fatigues (+5 Medicine)
Wasteland Legend Outfit (+1 AGI, +1 END)
Wasteland Settler Outfit (+1 AGI, +1 END)
Wasteland Surgeon's Outfit (+5 Medicine)
Wasteland Wanderer Outfit (+1 AGI, +1 END), does not cover rear legs
Zebra Legionary Commander Uniform (+2 CHA, +20 Max AP) Zebra IFF tags*, does not cover rear legs


* IFF tags are not always present, and are usually attached to a nametag, ID badge, or keycard that may not be part of the barding or clothing.

Fallout: Equestria Barding List - Light Bardings
Name DT Wt. Value Effects (if any)
All-Purpose Science Suit (+5 Science) Pipbuck and Terminal Interface built in.
Armored Duster (+5 Small Guns)
Armored Formal Wear  
Armored Gala Wear, Ministry Mare Line Ministry IFF tags*
Armored Jumpsuit (Stable) (+5 Small Guns, +5 Energy Weapons) (Bonuses may vary between stables)
Armored Jumpsuit (Stable Utility) (+5 Repair, +5 Lockpicking, +5 Science) Just like the legend herself.
Armored Robe (Ranger) Steel/Applejack’s Ranger IFF tags*
Baseball Catcher/Umpire Barding (+3 Explosives), does not cover rear legs
Equestrian Stealth Suit (+10 Sneak) Ministry IFF tags*
Flight Suit (Military) Military IFF tags*
Gecko-Backed Leather Barding (+5 DT vs. fire, +5 versus poisons, +15% Radiation resistance)
Gecko-Backed Leather Barding, Reinforced (+5 DT vs. fire, +5 versus poisons, +15% Radiation resistance)
Gladiator Barding (+1 AGI), does not cover rear legs
Hoofball Barding (+3 Unarmed)
Jumpsuit (Military) Military IFF tags*
Leather Barding  
Leather Barding, Armored  
Leather Barding, Armored and Reinforced  
Leather Vest, Armored Does not cover legs
Mercenary/Slaver Barding (+2 Melee, +2 Small Guns)
Prison Guard Vest Police IFF tags*, does not cover legs
Radiation Suit (+30% Radiation Resistance)
Radiation Suit, Advanced (+40% Radiation Resistance)
Raider Barding Includes spikes, does not cover rear legs
Raider Commando Barding (+3 Small Guns, +3 Unarmed), does not cover rear legs
Raider Iconoclast Barding (+5% Radiation Resistance)
Raider Ordinance Barding (+4 Small Guns), does not cover legs
Raider Paingiver Barding (+4 Unarmed), includes spikes, does not cover legs
Raider Throwdown Barding (+3 Melee, +3 Unarmed), does not cover forelegs
Security Armor (Casino)  
Security Armor (Casino, Reinforced)  
Security Armor (Stable)  
Sheriff's Duster (+1 CHA, +5 Small Guns)
Space Suit (+40 Radiation Resistance)
SWAT Ballistic Vest (+1 Luck) Police IFF tags*, does not cover legs
Name DT Wt. Value Effects (if any)
Tribal Hide Barding (+5 DT vs. Fire), does not cover rear legs
Tribal Hunter Barding (+5 Sneak), does not cover legs
Tribal Raiding Barding (+5 DT vs. Fire), does not cover legs
Zebra Legionnaire Barding Does not cover rear legs
Zebra Legionnaire Praetorian Guard Barding  
Zebra Legionnaire Scout Barding Does not cover legs
Zebra Infusco Phasmatis Stealth Suit (Mk I) (+5 Sneak) Light model lacks a stealth field generator or IFF tags.
Zebra Stealth Cloak (2 MFD Stealth Field, +75 Sneak) Also muffles sound and masks scent. Can be worn indefinitely.


* IFF tags are not always present, and are usually attached to a nametag, ID badge, or keycard that may not be part of the barding or clothing.


Devices that generate a stealth field render their wearer invisible while that field is maintained. If the wearer maintains sneaking posture and speed, they receive the sneak bonus to opposed rolls; if they do not, enemies take the stealth field as an MFD step penalty to PER rolls to notice them. Penalties to sneak for the invisible character translate directly into bonuses for those making PER rolls against a stealth field.

Characters and creatures under the effects of a magically-induced stealth field are not visible consistently on EFS; they show up as ‘ghosts’, which flicker in and out seemingly at random.


Modifying Armor


Armor can be modified to fit other sizes and configurations of creatures (or to change the body-configuration of a set of armor) using the repair skill. This is required to make a set of armor fit any character it wasn’t originally designed for (large ponies can’t fit into a young character’s barding; Griffins and Hellhounds can’t use Equine bardings, vice versa, etc.).

It takes a repair roll MFD ¾, about 10% of the armor’s value in materials (or another set of similar armor – this is not necessary if you’re making the armor smaller) and 1d4 days to modify armor in this way. Critical successes can accomplish this task overnight, failures add 1d4 days, and critical failures ruin the armor being modified.

Cosmetic alterations such as adding leg pockets only require suitable materials – a needle, thread, and whatever the armor is made of (leather or cloth, usually – and a repair roll MFD 1. Check out the miscellaneous items list at the end of this chapter). Depending on the size of the modification, it can take anywhere from half an hour to a few days. Powered armors cannot be modified in this manner, except to change their color schemes; you can’t sew extra pockets into metal plate.

Repairing armor is covered under the armor degradation rules in the combat section.


Don’t forget, fillies and gentlecolts – armor degrades! Every time your armor’s DT is exceeded by damage, it degrades by 1 point. If it hits 0, you can consider it broken! When DT is reduced to 0 and the armor is destroyed, the effects of that armor are still granted until the armor is removed or replaced. It is still considered worn (and thus still takes up a spot on your character) until removed.

Fallout: Equestria Barding List - Medium Bardings
Name DT Wt. Value Effects (if any)
Bombshell Slaver Barding (+10 Big Guns, +10 Explosives), does not cover legs
Caravan Scout Barding Does not cover rear legs
Dashite Tesla Barding (+10 Energy Weapons, +20% Radiation Resistance) Powered armor training req’d.
Equestrian Combat Barding Military IFF tags*, does not cover legs
Equestrian Combat Barding, Medical (+10 Medicine), Military IFF tags*
Equestrian Combat Barding, Reinforced Military IFF tags*
Equestrian Combat Barding, Reinforced Mk II Military IFF tags*
Equestrian Lunar Guard Combat Barding (+5 Small Guns), Ministry IFF tags*
Equestrian Reconnaissance Barding (+5 Sneak), Military/Rangers IFF tags*
Equestrian Reservist Combat Barding Military IFF tags*, does not cover legs
Equestrian Royal Guard Combat Barding (+3 Small Guns, +3 Melee), Military IFF tags*
Equestrian Stealth Suit Mk II (+25 Sneak, +1 PER, +1 AGI, +5' sneak speed) Integrated Mk II Stealthbuck and audio computer assistant. If the Mk II is detached, the suit only grants a +15 bonus to sneak. All bonuses are in addition to those provided by the Mk II.
Fillydelphian Metal Barding (-1 AGI, +10 Unarmed, +10 Energy Weapons), does not cover forelegs. Standard issue for Red Eye’s shock troops.
Fireproof Barding +10 DT versus Fire damage and weapons with the Fire effect.
Friendship City Security Barding  
Light Bringer’s Leather Barding (+10 Small Guns), does not cover rear legs. Followers of the Apocalypse IFF tags*
Lightweight Metal Barding (-1 AGI)
MoA Special Forces Barding (+10 Small Guns, +1 Luck, +5 Max AP); Alternate: Small guns to Sneak and Luck to AGI, Ministry & Military IFF Tags*
MoM Counter Terrorist Strike Barding (+1 Luck), Ministry IFF tags*
Ranger Desert Scout Barding (+3 Survival) Police/Ranger IFF tags*
Samurai Barding (+10 Melee, +10 Damage with Melee Weapons)
Settlement Security Barding (+5 Speechcraft, +5 Small Guns), does not cover rear legs
Slaver Patrol Barding (+1 PER, +2 Energy Weapons), does not cover rear legs
Slaver Tribal Barding (+1 STR, +2 Melee), does not cover forelegs
Slaver Trooper Barding (+1 END, +2 Small Guns)
SWAT Riot Gear (+1 AGI, +5 Small Guns), Police IFF tags*
SWAT Riot Gear, Advanced (+10 Explosives, +1END), Police IFF tags*
SWAT Riot Gear, Elite (+5 Critical hit range in combat, +10 Small Guns, +1 CHA), Police IFF tags*
Talon Combat Barding Does not cover legs.
Zebra Infusco Phasmatis Stealth Suit (Mk II) (+15 Sneak, 1 MFD step Stealth Field that can be activated and deactivated at will)
Zebra Legionnaire Centurion Barding Zebra IFF tags*, includes spikes
Zebra Legionnaire Vexillarius Barding Zebra IFF tags*, does not cover rear legs
Fallout: Equestria Barding List – Heavy Bardings Req. Training?  
Name DT Wt Value Effects (if any)  
Barrel Barding (-2 AGI), does not cover legs. A metal-reinforced barrel with holes cut in it. It chafes. No  
Clipboard Armor (-2 AGI). Made of 60 clipboards arranged in an overlapping scale pattern. Does not degrade, but is ignored outright by any critical hit. No  
Enclave Powered Armor (P-51f) (+1 STR, +15% Radiation resistance), built in four pronged battle saddle with energy weapons reserve, Wing Covers. Enclave IFF tags* Yes  
Enclave Starfire Barding (P-53a) (+1 STR, +10 DT vs. Fire, +15% Radiation Resistance), Wing Covers. Enclave IFF tags* Yes  
Enclave Tesla Barding (P-52f) (+10 Energy Weapons, +20% Radiation resistance), built in four pronged battle saddle with energy weapons reserve, Wing Covers. Enclave IFF tags* Yes  
Fillydelphian Powered armor (+1 STR, +1 Luck, -1 AGI, +15 Max AP, +5 Melee), Slaver IFF tags* Yes  
Gecko-Backed Metal Barding (-1 AGI, +5 DT vs. fire, +5 versus poisons, +15% Radiation resistance) No  
Gecko-Backed Metal Barding, Reinforced (-1 AGI, +5 DT vs. fire, +5 versus poisons, +15% Radiation resistance) No  
Griffin High Reaches Powered armor (+1 STR, +1 AGI, +10% Radiation Resistance, Bladed Wings) Yes  
Griffin Powered armor (+1STR, +10% Radiation Resistance, Bladed Wings) Yes  
Lunar Guard Powered armor (+1 AGI, +10 DT vs. Magic and Energy Weapons) Yes  
Metal Barding (-1 AGI) No  
Metal Barding, Reinforced (-1 AGI) No  
Necro Shield Barding (-1 AGI, +15% Radiation Resistance) No  
Prototype Medic Powered armor (-1 AGI, +25% Radiation Resistance), Voice interface alerts wearer to enemy presence, administers Med-X automatically from inventory. Yes  
Ranger Powered armor (P-45d) (-2 AGI, +2 STR, +10% Radiation Resistance) Ranger/Military IFF tags* Yes  
Ranger Powered armor (P-51b) (+1 STR, +25% Radiation Resistance) Ranger/Military IFF tags* Yes  
Royal Guard Powered armor (+1 STR, +10 DT vs. Fire), Heals 1 wound per minute while in direct sunlight. Yes  
Salvaged Ranger Barding (-2 AGI) No  
Stronghoof Family Powered armor (+1 CHA, +10 Max AP, +3 Critical Chance in Combat). Requires the Large trait. Yes  
Winterized P-51b Powered armor (+25 Radiation Resistance) Ranger/Military IFF tags* Yes  
Zebra Legate Barding Zebra IFF Tags*, includes spikes on the hooves. Made of Dragon bone, often carries talismanic enchantments. No  


Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1008

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