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Leveling Up Your Character

There are a few easy steps to go through to make your character that much more of a badass each time they level up. Generally speaking, your GM will determine when you level up based on how much experience your character or group of characters have had surviving in the wasteland, based on the tables below and what challenges you’ve faced. Every level, they get a few nice new things to play with, including

· Skill Points (How many depends on your perks and INT score)

· 1 New Perk

· +1 Damage per Wound (every three levels, starting at level 3)

Note that skill points are received, and can thus be distributed, before you pick your perk. This is very useful in that it allows players to raise their skills to meet perk requirements before they select a perk. The maximum rank for any skill is 100 - no exceptions.

Characters level up when they’ve received enough experience to do so. If your GM decides to let players keep track of their own experience progression, the amount of experience a character needs to progress from one level to the next is shown in the tables below. The Total EXP column shows the minimum experience required for a character to be at that level. A slower progression is available on the left, and a faster progression is on the right.

Table XII: Slow (left) and Fast (right) level progressions.

Level Total EXP   Level Total EXP   Level Total EXP   Level Total EXP


Note that not all GMs run games with experience; some insist that leveling up after every game session or two is preferable, and there is a school of thought among game masters of many different RPG systems that suggests experience points, if handled poorly, will actually inhibit good roleplaying.

That being said, if your group does decide to play with experience, GMs should award experience points as they see fit, for things such as good roleplaying, solving puzzles, escaping traps, discovering locations, talking with NPCs, advancing the story, doing something cool, or even just killing monsters. Frequently, however, GMs may want to simplify the leveling up process so as to keep all characters at around the same level and strength by just raising everyone’s level as a group instead. This is much easier for the GM and is recommended for the new or inexperienced. Leveling up the party as a whole with or without keeping track of experience is explained in more detail in the GM’s section.

Our Heroes are Different, Part 2 - Skills Characters in Fallout 3, you might notice, actually receive more skill points than characters in this system – 10 + INT + perks, rather than 10+INT/2 + perks. The amount of skill points received per level has been reduced in the rules you see here to compensate for the extra ten levels added in homage to the Broken Steel DLC for Fallout 3, as well as to encourage specialization in certain skills within a given party and compensate for having multiple characters in a group as opposed to a single player-scenario. Parties, especially parties of four or more players, function better and engage in more role-playing when characters can specialize and fill specific roles, rather than just being good at every skill. GMs can certainly change the number of points given if they wish to have characters that are more accurate to earlier Fallout games or to specific fictions, but it’s only recommended for smaller groups (three or fewer players).  

Skill Points


All characters gain a set amount of skill points per level based on the formula below, rounded down.

Skill Points: 10 + (INT/2) + Perks

The Egghead perk increases the amount of skill points gained by characters every level by two. Each skill point gained can be spent to raise your rank in any skill by one, or saved for use at a future level-up. Skill points must be spent when a character is leveling up, and cannot be spent during sessions to upgrade skills (because that’s simply not fair) unless they are gained as the result of a quest perk. Players should note that every time they increase their rank in a skill (or an attribute value, for that matter), they should recalculate the MFD table on their character sheet to reflect the new value.

A character’s rank in any skill cannot exceed 100. There are absolutely no exceptions to this.

Bonuses (AKA roll bonuses) have no upper limit; similarly, penalties have no lower limit. Bonuses and penalties to the same skill or attribute stack unless otherwise noted.

Skill rank points gained from increasing in level should be applied to the player’s liking before obtaining their perks from the same level increase, enabling perk skill-rank requirements to be met (and meaning that skill points from Egghead aren’t gained until the following level). Skill points should be spent completely when earned, and cannot not be saved for later use; unspent points simply disappear.

Perks – By Level


Perks can be taken only once, unless otherwise explicitly stated in their description.


Magic perks, i.e. perks that grant characters access to spells, are not listed here. Instead of receiving a perk from this table, magic-capable races that meet the requirements listed for a spell or recipe may choose to take that spell or recipe as a perk, as per the rules outlined in the Magic section. The requirements for learning recipes and spells in this way differ significantly, and are outlined in their respective sections.


Unless otherwise explicitly stated or specified, bonuses listed as part of a perk are static bonuses to rolls or to damage that generally stack with each other (meaning that players may add the bonuses together rather than just take the highest one that applies). Damage threshold (DT) bonuses that are provided by perks also stack unless otherwise noted. DT provided by perks can be penetrated with armor piercing bullets, but is insufficient to count as ‘wearing armor’ for the purposes of discerning whether or not a target counts as wearing armor in a targeted location.


Temporary attribute bonuses cannot increase a character’s attributes above 12 under any circumstances. Permanent attribute point bonuses cannot increase it above 12 (though some sources of permanent attribute increases have lower maximums, which are listed individually).


Skill requirements are based on a character’s rank in a skill, not their MFD 1 target number. As with traits and hindrances, rank bonuses provided by perks cannot raise your skill rank above 100.


Perk Name Requirements (Level; Others) Effects
Canterlot Gourmet 2; END 6, Survival 45 Your discerning palette allows you to gain more health benefits from food and drink and resist substance addiction. You get a +5 bonus to both INT and END rolls made to resist addiction to a substance. Snack foods, Scotch, Wine and Vodka now heal one additional wound when consumed, in addition to their normal effects.
Celestian Armorer 2; Repair 20, Energy Weapons 70 Areas protected by your finely-polished armor gain +5 DT versus beam -energy weapons and directed-energy spells. Requires that the armor be capable of being polished – leather and hide armors, for example, won’t work. Bonus points for actually roleplaying keeping your armor polished.
Clever Prancer 2; AGI 6, Repair 45 Through agility and reflexes, you have become deft at striking where it hurts while preventing your enemies from doing the same. Your critical hit range on the dice increases by 5 (for attacks only), and your enemies must roll a second time against your character and hit your targeting MFD to confirm any critical hits made on you. This perk is only effective when you are wearing light armor, clothes, or no armor, and its effects stack with all other critical hit range increasing perks, such as Stable Shot/Finesse or Ninjapony. Clothing counts as being unarmored for the purposes of this perk.
Daddy’s/Momma’s Filly/Colt 2; Governing Attributes 4 Grants five ranks to two skills based on the profession or abilities of one of your character’s parents, if known. If unknown, talk with your GM and have them decide.


Perk Name Requirements Effects
Dash Speed Reload (Rapid Reload) 2; AGI 5 or Telekinetic Precision, and either Big Guns or Small Guns 50. -5AP cost to reload. Raises MFD for the weapon-skill roll to reload and shoot a gun in the same action from ½ to ¾ (Making it one step easier). Allows you to reload breech and revolver-styled weapons in a single action without a speed loader or magic.
The Greatest Sacrifice 2; Virtue: Loyalty or Roleplaying Reason Your wastelander understands what loyalty can mean in an environment as deadly as the Equestrian Wasteland. If a friendly character or NPC is about to take any amount of damage that would result in their death, characters with this perk have the option of interposing themselves (regardless of whether or not they have already acted in that combat round) to take the damage instead. In order to do this, they must be able to move themselves between the attacker and the intended target. They must reduce one attribute’s score, their choice, by one point in order to commit this selfless act, and cannot do this more than once per combat round. If they have not already acted, any character is capable of interposing themselves in this fashion.
Gun Nut 2; AGI 4, INT 4 Grants five ranks to both Small Guns and Repair. Great for ponies considering a lucrative career in toaster repair!
Heave, Ho! 2; STR 5 or Mighty Telekinesis II, Explosives 30. The range increment for thrown explosives (and other items) increases by five feet for you, increasing your effective range with these devices dramatically. (Normally the range increment is 10 feet, making the maximum possible range 40 feet. This perk increases that maximum to 60 feet)
High Ho Silver, Away! 2; AGI 4, Cannot be Maimed in the legs. You’re a fan of cardio and sprints, especially if said sprints are done away from the direction from which the bullets are flying. Your character’s ground movement speed is increased by five feet per action. This perk can be taken up to two times, and its effects stack with other movement speed increasing perks. Does not affect other forms of movement.
Hind Leg Stance 2; AGI 6 or Zony/Zony Shaman You can balance on your hind legs long enough to accomplish tasks difficult for most quadrupeds under normal circumstances. While in this stance your character's height is effectively doubled, and weapons mounted on a battle saddle are unable to be used (except as anti-air guns). It also allows the use of a single non-mouth wieldable firearm, which must be equipped as normal after the stance has been entered. Science and Repair rolls also receive a +5 roll bonus while in this stance. If acquired at character creation, your character is naturally capable of balancing like this for an extended period of time. If acquired as a perk, they must make an AGI roll MFD 1 to maintain this stance for longer than a single combat round. Entering and exiting hind leg stance does not cost an action, but all actions taken by a character that has entered hind leg stance suffer a 1 MFD step penalty for the rest of that combat round, even if they exit the stance.
Horse Sense You’re a swift learner. You gain an additional +10% whenever experience points are earned.
Hunter 2; Survival 30 Your attacks deal 10 additional points of damage against animals, including cybernetically enhanced and/or mutated animals. The GM has final say in what counts as an animal for the purposes of bonus damage. Gotta eat to live, gotta kill to eat.
Intense Training Permanently raise one SPECIAL (STR, PER, END, CHA, INT, AGI, or Luck) attribute score by 1 point. Can be taken 3 times; your attribute scores cannot be raised above 10 by this perk, even if they’re already at or above 10 via other means. Effectively grants an additional 2 ranks to all skills governed by this attribute by increasing the “base” skill level. If Luck is increased to an even value, an extra rank is granted to all skills. If a character’s Luck attribute score is increased to an odd value, skill scores will not be affected.
Perk Name Requirements Effects
Junk Rounds 2; Luck 6, Repair 45 Given the materials, such as tin cans and scrap metal, you can make ammunition for non-energy weapons. To do so requires a source of controlled heat (like a forge or stove) and either a workbench or a sufficiently well-equipped tool-kit. The ammunition created is all of one type, and must be less than or equal to 5x the value of whatever metal material they’re using. More on making ammo is explained in the ammunition section immediately following the wasteland weaponry listing in the Equipment of the Wastelands chapter.
Little Leaguer 2; STR 4 You’ve decided to put your experiences on the Stable’s hoofball team to good use surviving out in the wasteland. Grants 5 additional ranks to both the Explosives and Melee Weapons skills.
Low Hoof Kick 2; Unarmed 30 You have a habit of letting your attacks go for those somewhat… sensitive areas. In other words, you fight dirty! Your first unarmed attack in any combat that hits an opponent stuns them, and they must spend their next combat round to recover.
Lunar Courtier (Friend of the Night) 2; PER 6, Sneak 30. +10 roll bonus on visual perception rolls made in dim lighting. (This negates the normal vision penalty in all but absolute darkness)
Pony Romance 2; Hellhounds and non-pony races should rename these as they see fit. Each time you take this perk, pick one of the two options below suited for your character. àFilly Fatale (Female only) - +1d10 Damage versus males. You go for the guys. àColtsanova (Male only) - +1d10 Damage versus females. You go for the girls. àCherchez La Filly (Female only) - +1d10 Damage versus females. You go for the girls, you filly fooler you. àColt Cuddler (Male Only) - +1d10 Damage versus males. You go for the guys. All four options allow for … interesting interactions with NPCs. This perk can be taken twice. If your gender-swapping occurs (it has been known to happen), these perks should change accordingly to grant damage bonuses against the same groups.
Retention 2; INT 4 +10 to any and all intelligence rolls made to recall facts. Excellent for roleplaying characters with a good memory for things like passwords. Can be taken twice – Taking Retention a second time
Fast Casting 2; INT 5 Casting complex magics can sometimes take too long to make them effective in combat, but you’ve learned how to adjust how your magic interacts with SATS to make them take less time. Spells that cost more than 25 AP to cast now cost 20% less (round up to the nearest five).
Sleight of Hoof 2; AGI 4, PER 4 Taking this perk once grants five ranks to both Sneak and Lockpicking. Taking it again (possible as early as level 4) allows you to attempt to steal from or pickpocket/put-pocket an opponent even while they’re looking in your direction with a Sneak roll, and grants a 1 MFD step bonus to do so (counteracting the pickpocket penalty). Roll as though you were hiding; success means that you were able to nip the item undetected. Absolutely necessary for characters that intend to become pickpockets. Stacks well with Scoundrel. They’ll never see you coming.
Survivalist 2; END 4 You are an experienced citizen of the Equestrian wastes. This perk improves a character’s ability to survive in hostile environments, granting a +10 rank bonus to survival.


Perk Name Requirements Effects
Bookworm 4; INT 4, cannot be Illiterate. Receive 1 additional skill point from reading skill books or magazines. You can now read books in half the time it would take other characters – this effect does not stack with Studious.
Dash n’ Slash 4; AGI 4, Unarmed or Melee 45. You may move and make a melee or unarmed attack, or perform any skill-based action not related to movement (except casting a spell or firing a ranged weapon) as a single action at no penalty once per combat round. This perk enables you to move your full distance and use a close combat weapon, similar to a charge but without necessitating the use of both of your character’s actions for the round.
Dual Wield 4; Unarmed or Melee 50, AGI 5 Your character has mastered the art of attacking in ways an opponent would not expect. When attacking with a melee or unarmed attack, they may make a second attack with a different unarmed weapon at a 1MFD step penalty to hit as a free action on the same target (at either the same or an adjacent location). Those capable of wielding multiple melee weapons at once (via hands, telekinesis, etc.) may use a second melee weapon instead of an unarmed one for the second attack. For use in SATS, combine the SATS costs of the two weapons used. This perk does not change weapon strength requirements – the combined weight of weapons wielded must still be below 2xSTR (unless modified by perks or gear) or 2xINT if using telekinesis.
Egghead 4; INT 4 Receive 3 additional skill points every time your character levels up. NEEEERRD!
Entomologist Deal an additional 50% damage and ignore 5 points of DT when damaging insects.
Foal at Heart 4; CHA 4, Cannot be Young Opens up dialog options with younger NPCs and characters; your GM may give you suggestions on what to say and should change how younger characters will react towards you. When interacting with younger members of any race, receive a +2 temporary bonus to your CHA Attribute.
A Little Dash 4; AGI 4, Sneak or Survival 45. While wearing light armor or no armor, your movement speed is five feet faster per action. Unlike High Ho Silver, Away!, this also increases sneak speed, and flight movement speed as well if the character has one. (That’s more than 20% faster for most characters!)
Rad Foal 4; END 6 or Ghoul Bonus to healing while irradiated. Level of healing depends on radiation poisoning level – other effects of radiation occur normally. You heal 1 wound per location per hour for every 200 rads your character has absorbed. This perk DOES NOT prevent you from experiencing the negative effects of radiation poisoning!
Rhyme Time 4; CHA 5 or Speechcraft 50. Cannot be Dumb; GM discretion advised. Something about the way words mesh has got your mind reeling with ideas full and fresh. When it first came over you, shivers went down your spine, and now you’re compelled to speak only in rhyme! Your rhyming cadence grants all rolls a +5 bonus, so long as you maintain your rhyme-patterned onus. Should your rhyme scheme break or halt, receive to your rolls a -3 penalty, default. At least two consecutive rhymes you must say to make the bonus return and take the penalty away.
Run N’ Gun 4; AGI 4, Small Guns or Energy Weapons 45. You may move and shoot a weapon (or perform any skill-based action not related to movement, casting magic or close-combat attacks) as a single action at no penalty once per combat round. This perk enables you to move your full distance and use a ranged weapon, similar to a charge but without the close combat finale that a charge implies. This perk has no effect on use of the sneak skill, nor does it allow you to move and cast a spell as a single action.


Perk Name Requirements Effects
Scoundrel 4; CHA 4, AGI 4 This perk has two ranks. Rank 1 grants 5 skill ranks to both to Speechcraft and Mercantile. Rank 2 eliminates the 1 MFD step penalty to your sneak roll while pickpocketing and put-pocketing, grants you a 1 MFD step sneak bonus while stealing, and grants access to most NPC’s inventories while facing them. Stacks well with Sleight of Hoof.
Steel Hooves 4; STR 4 You deal 5 extra points of damage while using unarmed attacks, including rocks and improvised weapons.
Perk Name Requirements Effects
Bloody Mess Deaths caused by you tend to be exceptionally violent and gory. You deal an additional +3 damage with all of your attacks, and your enemies tend to inexplicably turn into paste when you’re through with them.
Dash Casting 6; INT 4, Magic 45 You may move and cast a spell (or throw, apply, or drink a potion), as a single action at no penalty once per combat round. This does not allow the combination of magic and actions based on any other skills aside from flight. Basically, this is a more specialized equivalent of the Run N’ Gun or Dash n’ Slash perks. It is possible to use the benefits of both this perk and either of those perks within the same combat round, enabling your character to move, attack, move again, and cast.
Day Light/Night Light 6; INT 6, Magic 45 Your character has learned to optimize the flow of their magic when pushing spells beyond their normal limit, but due to magical interference can only do it during the day or during the night (your choice). The MFD penalty for using overglow to increase the effects of spells is one step lower for them during their chosen period.
Demolitions Pony 6; Explosives 50. You inflict five additional points of damage with explosives and AOE (Area of Effect) weapons. This bonus damage is added before damage is affected by the skill multiplier, at each radius. If I was a bad demo-pony, we wouldn’t be sittin’ here havin’ this conversation!
Fortune Finder 6; Luck 5 Characters with this perk will find considerably more bottle caps (anywhere from 2 to 10 times as many) while scavenging. Be sure to let your GM know when you take this perk!
Gunslinger While using a mouth-wieldable firearm, your chance to hit in S.A.T.S. increases by 10% (+10 bonus to accuracy). Does not increase accuracy out of S.A.T.S.
Hard Rock 6; STR 5 and either Melee Weapons or Unarmed 45 You got a rock? Now show us how bad you are with it! When using rocks and other unarmed or melee weapons, your attacks ignore an additional 10 points of a target’s DT. This effect does not apply to natural weapons.
Hoof Loader 6; Repair 70. When using small guns or big guns, you recover spent casings and hulls equal to half the amount of ammo expended (round down). Spent casings and hulls can be turned back into usable bullets and shells, given some time and the necessary lead and chemical components. If you have all of the required materials and tools, making casings and hulls back into usable ammo requires both a Science roll MFD ½ and a repair roll MFD ½. Failure wastes the materials. See the Ammunition section in the Equipment of the Wastelands chapter for more information on making ammunition.
Lead Belly 6; END 5 You absorb only half as much radiation from food and drink. Doesn’t actually expand your diet, though you may find yourself eating things you might not previously have considered as edible.
The Power of Metal 6; Hard Rock perk There are moments when rock is not enough. You inflict 5 additional points of damage with all unarmed weapons, such as rocks and power hooves. This effect stacks with all other unarmed damage bonuses, but does not apply to natural weapons.


Perk Name Requirements Effects
The Professional 6; Sneak 70. Sneak attack critical hits made with pistols and SMGs inflict an additional +5 damage (before multiplying). Nothing personal, kid. It seems you’ve just had a 24-carat run of bad luck.
Reuse and Recycle! 6; Science 70 or Pegasi. When using energy weapons, you recover drained ammunition equal to half the amount expended over the course of a fight (round down). Drained ammunition can be recharged by a unicorn with the appropriate spell or by using a spark battery via a Repair or Science roll MFD ½. Failure creates unusable or defective ammunition. This perk affects all weapons that use MFCs, MECs, and Gem Cells.
Shotgun Surgeon 6; Small Guns 45. When using shotguns, regardless of the type of ammunition used, you ignore an additional 10 points of a target’s DT. …And that’s how I lost my medical license!
Spell Synergy 6; Magic 70 When targeting magic spells through SATS, you receive a +10 accuracy bonus. This bonus also applies to zebra recipes that are targeted via a magic roll, though it does not apply to zebra recipes or potions that are targeted by other means.
The Magic of Friendship (Ferocious Loyalty) 6; CHA 6 or your party must be loyal to this character. The fire of friendship burns in our hearts. When your character is crippled (or worse) in more than two locations, your friends within line of sight gain +10 DT until you recover. Doesn’t apply to injuries older than 24 hours. DT increase is granted to allies at the start of the next friendly character’s action.
Tough Hide 6; END 5 You may seem a bit callous to others. +3 DT to all locations, permanently. This perk can be taken up to three times, but every time it is taken the level requirement increases by 4.
Wonderbolt Wannabe 6; AGI 6, Flight 45 Hours of scrutinizing every sort of wonderbolts paraphernalia you could get your hooves (or claws) on have paid off! Your intimate knowledge of the wonderbolts and their aerobatic maneuvers makes all non-offensive aerial maneuvers (anything that can’t deal damage) 1 MFD step easier for you to perform.


Perk Name Requirements Effects
Acrophobia 8; Roleplaying Reason. (Such as having or developing a Phobia of heights) You’re afraid of heights, but not in quite the same way as those with a Phobia hindrance (this replaces any phobia hindrance pertaining to heights). Rather, you’ve learned to turn your fears into a combat advantage. Instead of suffering fear penalties, you suffer a temporary -1 Endurance and -5 DT when over 20 feet in the air, but gain a temporary +1 Endurance bonus and +5 DT when on or under the ground. The sweet, sweet ground.
Cannibal 8; Survival 45 or END 6. Your wastelander has acquired a decidedly… unnatural taste. Unlike those affected by the cannibal background hindrance, however, those with this perk are not addicted. They’re just willing to go that extra mile to survive. For those with this perk, eating the corpse of a fallen enemy restores 3 wounds, distributed however you’d like. You gain no benefit from eating species other than your own, and in both cases you lose 1 point of karma whenever you do so. NPCs that see you doing this or hear about it from others will attack you on sight unless they’re cannibals themselves.
Commando You’re a damn good shot with that battle saddle! With all weapons designed for use with a battle saddle (or unable to be mouth wielded – mouth wieldable shotguns, rifles and long-guns still receive this bonus), such as most rifles, heavy weapons and shotguns, you gain a +10% chance to hit in SATS (+10 Accuracy roll bonus). The perk doesn’t require a battle saddle for a character to reap its effects. All weapons that are not explicitly mouth wieldable receive a benefit from this perk; in cases where this bonus would overlap with gunslinger, the two bonuses do not stack.
Cowpony 8; Small Guns and Melee Weapons 45. +5 damage to all successful attacks with dynamite, hatchets, knives, revolvers, and lever-action (mouth wieldable) rifles and shotguns.
Grunt 8; Small Guns and Explosives 45 +5 damage with standard Equestrian military weapons, including the 9mm Pistol and SMG, Canterlot Typewriter, Service Rifle, Assault and Marksman Carbines, IAR and PAW, Combat Knives, and all Grenade Launchers and Rifles.
Impartial Mediation 8; CHA 5 You receive a +15 roll bonus to Speechcraft rolls as long as your karma stays between +25 and -25. Your karma is now considered neutral while within this range.
Large Scale 8; Large While your large size can make it easier for opponents to outrun and outmaneuver you, you have yet to meet the mare who can outrun a bullet. Your size makes wielding larger weapons easier for you. Big guns cost 10 AP less to operate and 5 AP less to reload. While the firing cost reduction stacks with the effects of other perks that can reduce the AP cost to fire big guns, the reload AP cost reduction does not stack.
Light Trot 8; PER 6, AGI 6 Be it by telekinetic means or simply by acquiring a very careful eye, you will never again accidentally set off floor based traps.
Living Anatomy 8; Medicine 70. You can tell how precisely how wounded enemies are, and identify their DT with a medicine roll (MFD 1). +3 damage versus equines and non-feral ghouls.
Organizer (Pack Pony) 8; INT 5, Mercantile 70. Or, apparently, be Little Pip. You are efficient at arranging your inventory. This makes it much easier to carry that little extra you’ve always needed. Items with a weight of 2 or less are considered to weigh half as much for you.
Quick Draw 8; AGI 5 You can draw your weapon, gun down an enemy, and holster it again in ten seconds flat! Holstering and drawing weapons is a free action for you. Bear in mind that weapons already worn in a battle saddle, carried by Telekinesis, in your mouth or on your hooves do not need to be drawn.
Rad Resistance 8; END 5 You resist an additional 20% of radiation exposure. This makes you 20% less ‘hot’!


Perk Name Requirements Effects
Scrounger 8; Luck 5 Characters that take this perk will find considerably more ammunition while scavenging. Let your GM know, and understand that it won’t necessarily be for the guns your character uses. Do ponies really just throw these things away!?
Size Matters 8; END 5 Bigger is better, right? You sure think so! You get a +5 bonus to damage when using weapons with a base weight (i.e. before any perks or modifications) of 15 or greater.
Sneering Imperialist 8; Cannot have Organization: Tribal You deal +5 damage and receive a +5 accuracy bonus in SATS to targets who are Tribals or Raiders. …And I’m backing it up with this gun.
The Stare (Terrifying Presence) 8; CHA 6 or Speechcraft 70. You can intimidate non-hostile contacts through eye contact, causing them to turn tail and flee. This is done by an opposed speechcraft roll. The pony with this perk gets a +5 bonus on this roll, and whoever has the largest and/or most dangerous weapon gets an additional +10. Authority Glasses or Mirrored Sunglasses grant an additional +5. Karma bonuses may apply. This perk can be taken up to three times. Each time it is taken, the level requirement increases by 4. At level 2, you can intimidate even hostile contacts through eye contact, and the +5 bonus increases to +10. At level 3, a successful intimidation causes the target to be temporarily paralyzed as long as eye contact is maintained, and the bonus increases to a +15. At all levels, when eye contact is broken, the target must make a fear roll MFD ¾ or will turn and flee. Opponents with this perk at the same level or higher than you cannot suffer any negative effects from it; those with lower levels suffer as normal. You can only Stare at a number of opponents equal to up to half your charisma attribute score at any given time.
Stonewall 8; STR 6, END 6, Unarmed or Melee Weapons 65. You’re extremely stable, and cannot be knocked down during combat unless paralyzed. You also gain +5 DT versus melee and unarmed attacks.
Strong Back 8; STR 5 & END 5 or Large Just like Big Macintosh, you’re stronger than most. You can carry an additional 50 units of weight without incurring a movement penalty. Sneak penalties are not affected.
Super Slam 8; STR 6, Melee Weapons or Unarmed 45. Your melee and unarmed attacks carry additional weight, and can knock down your target. Your attacks now have a 15% knockdown chance while unarmed or using melee weapons of weight 3 or less (including weightless), or a 30% chance if the melee or unarmed weapon is heavier than 3 units. Powered armor that encompasses the hooves counts as an unarmed weapon of sufficient weight for 30% knockdown chance.
Tribal Wisdom 8; Organization: Tribal You take half as much damage to your limbs from attacks made by mutated animals such as Yao Guai (halve damage before counting for wounds). You also get a +10 bonus to END rolls made to resist the effects of poisons, and can now eat mutated insects for food without risk of poison or disease.
Whining Presence 8; CHA 6 or Speechcraft 70. Cannot be Prideful You can whine your way out of almost every situation. During encounters with intelligent foes, you can choose to avoid combat, but you’ll lose reputation with various factions those foes may know or have connections with every time you do so.


Perk Name Requirements Effects
And Stay Back! 10; Small Guns 70 If you’re using a shotgun and the target is within the smallest range increment, they are knocked backward 10 feet. If this would push them into a wall, they take an additional 5 damage on the attack per five feet they are unable to move. If this would push them off a ledge, they may make an agility roll MFD 1 to stop at the edge; failures fall. Get back! I’m warning you!
Animal Friend 10; CHA 6 Trying to be like Fluttershy, eh? This perk has two ranks. At rank one, animals will not attack you unless provoked. They might still attack your comrades, however, so don’t get the wrong idea. At rank 2, this perk acts as the Animal Companion trait. Within one to two sessions of a character achieving rank 2 of this perk, a GM should introduce an animal companion for the character to befriend. This companion can be replaced if it should die or be destroyed by having the character befriend another creature, though this is not a task that should be taken lightly. If any player in a party has rank 2 of this perk, animals will not attack any party member who is currently with or near the animal friend (with the exception of natural predators for your animal companion, of course).
Dealer’s Call 10; Luck 6 All in. Provides a chance that The Dealer will pop up and finish off a target in SATS that you’ve wounded. Be sure to let your GM know if you take this one – they should roll against a % chance based on your luck to determine whether or not the dealer appears. The exact relationship between a character’s luck score and the chance The Dealer will appear is ultimately up to your GM.
Dressed for Success 10; CHA 6 The expert care and attention garnered to your clothing grants you a +1 temporary bonus to your Charisma while interacting with others in a peaceful manner. This perk’s effects are active while you are wearing only either clothing or tailored light bardings. Rainbow Dash always dresses in style.
Eternity’s Loophole 10; Level less than 20 required to take this perk. No one's going to put you out to pasture 'cause you're going to stay young forever! You'll never again become addicted to drugs, chems or other stimulants, and they'll last twice as long... but after hitting level 20 you can kiss level up perks and skill points goodbye! Also greatly diminishes the rate at which you age.
Fight the Power! +2 DT and +5% Critical hit chance against enemies wearing Zebra Legionnaire or Equestrian Combat Armor or Powered Armor of any type. This critical chance increase stacks with Stable Shot, Ninjapony, and Laser Commander. The Mare is always keepin’ us down!
Mare Do Well 10; Luck 6 Similar to Dealer’s Call, gives a chance that the infamous Mare Do Well will appear and incapacitate a target in SATS that you’re attacking. Unlike The Dealer, Mare Do Well doesn’t kill her opponents – she only knocks them out. Be sure to let your GM know if you take this one - they should roll against a % chance based on your luck to determine whether or not this caped crusader appears to offer aid. The exact relationship between your luck score and the chance she’ll appear is up to your GM.
Math Wrath 10; Science 70. You’ve optimized your pipbuck’s targeting software (or you’ve just become a little faster at pulling the trigger). All AP costs of 20 or higher are now reduced by 5 for your character. SATS is now 20% cooler.
Missus Sandmare 10; Sneak 60. You can instantly kill any sleeping non-player character with a successful melee weapons or unarmed roll. Only works if they do not wake up before you succeed. Sleeping characters in powered armor are unaffected. Missus Sandmare, bring me a dream…


Perk Name Requirements Effects
MoA Agent 10; Sneak and Small Guns 60. When using a battle saddle (or holding a weapon with two hands) with a weapon that has a range increment of over 50ft, you receive a +10% roll bonus to accuracy (both in and out of SATS). Incidentally, your tactics are now 20% more underhanded.
Nerd Rage! 10; INT 6, Science 60. You gain +10 DT and your STR stat is (temporarily) increased to 10 whenever you are crippled in more than 4 locations. This increase occurs at the start of your next action. When healed, the effect dissipates immediately.
Plasma Spaz 10; Energy Weapons 70 You’ve learned to use the fact that energy weapons lack recoil to increase your rate of fire. All energy weapons, including energy big guns, cost 5 less AP to fire for you.
Stable Shot (A.K.A. Finesse) 10; Luck 6 Your attacks are smooth, graceful and precise. You can now score a critical hit on a roll of 1-10 instead of the normal 1-5. If your critical hit range has already been expanded by another perk, then this perk expands it further by another five points. This only applies to attack rolls!
Toss Targeter 10; Explosives 60 or Earth Pony. Your brain is just good at calculating trajectories, I guess. You receive a +5% accuracy bonus when throwing items, including explosives and zebra potions.
Touched by Luna By the light of the moon your surroundings seem sharper, somehow. +2 INT and PER (temporary attribute bonus) when it is night time, regardless of lighting conditions.
Perk Name Requirements Effects
Awareness 12; PER 6 It may not be the fabled Pinkie Sense, but if you really concentrate, you have your own ways of identifying where others might be around you. Temporary +2 bonus to your perception while you remain completely still and are in no immediate danger.
Fast Metabolism You metabolize healing reagents in health potions faster than most, maximizing their effect. All health potions restore one extra wound for you.
Ferrier 12; PER 7 Go for the legs! Your chance to hit a target’s legs in SATS is increased by 25%. (+25 bonus to hit in SATS)
Ghastly Scavenger 12; Cannibal perk or hindrance Your palette has expanded! You now gain the same healing benefits from eating magically altered races such as Hellhounds, Ghouls and Alicorns as you did previously from eating the dead of your own kind. Chowing down still causes you to lose 1 point of karma, and people who see you doing this or hear about it from others will still attack you on sight. Even most normal cannibals don’t approve of this sort of behavior – it’s not sanitary!
Heavyweight 12; STR 7 Weapons with a weight of more than 10lbs only weigh half as much for you. Stalliongrad is NOT weak!
Hit The Deck! 12; Explosives 70 You’ve been hit by one too many explosions. Perhaps it’s time to consider a new career? You gain +25 DT against explosives. This bonus DT requires that you are aware of the explosive (a PER roll) and can get behind something (an AGI roll that requires that you have at least one action remaining in the round). The MFD for these rolls is situational. Otherwise, have fun throwing grenades at your feet!
Life Giver 12; END 6 You’re a bit livelier than most. It takes 2 wounds more than it normally would to maim you in any location. This means that it now takes you END+2 wounds to the head or torso to kill you. This does not affect the point at which you become crippled.
Long Haul 12; END 6, Mercantile 70. You’ve grown used to carrying large amounts of gear around the wasteland. Weight penalties to your ground movement speed are halved; round down to the nearest five feet. This does not affect weight penalties to sneak, flight speed or dig speed.


Perk Name Requirements Effects
Piercing Hoof Strike 12; Unarmed 70 Training and experience have honed your close combat abilities, making them more precise and thus more lethal. Your melee and unarmed attacks ignore 15 additional points of DT. This effect stacks with Hard Rock and similar perks.
Pyromaniac 12; Explosives or Big Guns 60. You deal an additional +5 damage with any weapon that has the “Fire” effect (including Celestian energy-melee weapons). The ‘Fire’ effect deals an extra die of damage per round if you started it.
Robotics Expert 12; Science or Repair 50 You deal 5 additional points of damage against robots and cyborgs. Additionally, if you sneak up on a robot successfully, you can shut them down with a science or repair roll, MFD 1. You can also do this to robots, but it requires that they be crippled in one of their cybernetics and will only deactivate their cybernetic limbs.
Silent Gallop 12; AGI 6, Sneak 50. You have mastered silent movement, allowing you to move quickly and still remain quiet. You can Sneak at full speed with no penalties, and can treat your armor as weightless for the purposes of calculating your sneak penalty due to weight.
Sniper Pony 12; PER 6, AGI 6 Your experience in the wasteland has taught you that it’s easier to put troublesome things down via a bullet to the brainpan, and you’ve learned how best to do that. You gain a +10% chance to hit the head of your target while in SATS. This perk also allows you to spend an action aiming to confer a 1 MFD step bonus to your next roll made to hit.
Specialized Loyalty 12; CHA 6, 2 or more companions or party members with a higher skill rank than you in one of the listed skills. No, you’re doing it wrong! Here, let me help… With this perk, you can use the explosives, lockpicking, medicine, repair, science, or survival score of a present ally instead of yours in skill rolls. You must declare your intent to use this perk before you roll, and your ally must be capable of assisting you remotely on the roll in question (such as by providing advice, walking you through it, etc.) This prevents the ally whose skill you use from assisting you on the roll.
Splash Damage 12; Explosives 70. Explosive and AOE weapons decrease by 1 die less of damage per 5ft increment (to a minimum of one die per increment), increasing their effective maximum radius significantly. Celestia only knows how you achieved this effect, but it scares the ever-loving shit out of your enemies and keeps your friends the hell away from your work bench.
Stubborn Flyer 12; Flight 50 You never give up. A minor set-back is nothing to you, and your failures are just the stepping stones to a brighter, more awesome you! The number of times you may fail a flight maneuver you’re attempting to learn is doubled, making it now equal to twice your character level. These additional chances may immediately be used to attempt to learn flight maneuvers you’ve already totally failed to acquire, but don’t erase any pre-existing failed attempts.
Unstoppable Force 12; STR 7, Unarmed or Melee Weapons 90. If while making an attack with an unarmed or melee weapon an enemy attempts to block your attacks and you still hit them, you deal four times as much damage (before DT) instead of dealing reduced damage due to their successful block. See the rules on blocking in the combat section. I’m The Juggernaut, Bitch!
Violent Vigilante 12; Good Karma You are a force of justice, and don’t take kindly to corruption and needless violence—all of the violence YOU dish out is very much deserved! Against gangs and criminals, you now deal +10 damage and receive a +5 bonus to hit in SATS. The bonus damage applies even outside of SATS.


Perk Name Requirements Effects
Adamantium Bone Lacing 14; Roleplaying Reason. Biological, Spiritual, Electrical, Digital. Your limbs take twice as many wounds to cripple (rounded down) and twice as many wounds to be removed during combat. May lead to in-character reasoning for implants and other cybernetic augmentations. Incompatible with Bone Strengthening Brew and Zebra Augmented. Multiply before adding static bonuses such as those provided by Live Giver.
Bone Strengthening Brew 14; Roleplaying Reason. Infuse this magic into bone, making its strength rival that of stone. Your limbs take twice as many wounds to cripple and twice as many wounds to be removed during combat. Prevents you from taking either Adamantium Bone Lacing or Cyberpony, and cannot be taken by ponies bearing any other sort of cybernetic enhancements. Multiply before adding static bonuses such as those provided by Live Giver.
Boisterous Incompetence 14; Luck 8 You lied when you said you knew what you were doing. At any time, if you declare your desire to do so before you roll, you reverse the success conditions of that roll – failures now succeed, critical failures are now critical successes, and successes are now failures. Every time you do this during a session, your GM may similarly change the conditions of a roll after you’ve rolled it (the GM can even do this on any roll that you’ve declared boisterous incompetence with, so long as it isn’t the first one of that session). Be careful with this!
Cat Like Reflexes 14; AGI 7 or Flight 70. When your character makes a dodge roll in response to an enemy attack, if their roll beats the targeting roll of the opponent by more than 1 MFD step then it does not cost you an action to dodge. Their MFD to be hit for the rest of the round still changes normally. Does not apply to teleportation dodges.
Center of Mass 14; Small Guns or Big Guns 70. When targeting the center of mass of a target (usually the torso for most critters), you gain a +5 bonus to damage. Note that this will always be the default targeting location.
Chemist 14; Medicine 60. Drugs and chems affect you for twice as long. The effects of foods and non-addictive drugs that provide extra bonuses to skills or attributes or which affect accuracy or damage also last twice as long.
Counter Canter Your fancy hoofwork (or agile flying if you’re a pegasus) keeps you out of harm’s way. If you’ve already moved at least ten feet during a combat round, you receive a 1 MFD step bonus to all rolls made to dodge for the rest of that combat round.
Jury Rigging 14; Repair 90 Items are much easier to repair for you. When constructing or repairing items, you may substitute in items of similar size and purpose to what you would otherwise need (versus normally where you need specific items to repair/ build specific items/schematics). Rifles may now be repaired by any sort of rifle, armor can be repaired by any sort of armor that provides similar coverage to the same areas, and energy weapons can be repaired by any energy weapon that uses the same ammunition. This perk is most useful when playing in games with weapon condition and degradation rules.
Lawbringer/ Contract Killer 14; GM permission or Roleplaying Reason Your character has a connection with an organization looking to project their image onto the wasteland. They’ll give you caps for killing those opposed to their ideals, as long as you bring back evidence. Ask your GM before taking this perk – your stretch of the wasteland might lack such an organization.
Mad Gallop 14; AGI 6 So long as you don’t care about shooting back, you can put more emphasis on staying hard to target by diving around! (Now if only you could outrun them too...) While running (spending both your actions to move 3x your listed move speed) enemies suffer a 1 MFD step penalty to hit you with any and all ranged weaponry.
Perk Name Requirements Effects
Punisher 14; CHA 6 or Speechcraft 70. Cannot be Dumb. GM discretion advised. Your mastery of wordplay has led your foes (and friends) to fear you even opening your mouth! Every time your character makes a pun relating to some task at hand, they receive a 1 MFD step bonus on their next roll related to the task to which their pun pertains. At least one other character must suffer from the pun to receive the bonus. If a character is competing with the punisher at that same task when they hear the pun uttered, they receive a 1 MFD step penalty on their next pertinent roll, in addition to the bonus granted to the punster.
Purifier 14; Cannot be Hellhound or Alicorn. Suffer not the unclean and the heretic to live. You deal an additional +5 damage against creatures spawned by taint, including, but not necessarily limited to, Alicorns, Hellhounds, centaurs, night stalkers, and spore plants. Let the Exterminatus begin!
Perk Name Requirements Effects
Action Colt/Stallion/ Filly/Mare 16; AGI 6 Your max AP in SATS is increased by 15 points. This perk can be taken twice.
Clockwork Heart 16; CHA 8 For some reason, you understand Artificial Intelligences better than they do themselves. You get a +10 bonus to speechcraft when dealing with A.I.s, and they will react differently towards you.
D. A. R. E. ing Do 16; Medicine 60 You receive a +20 bonus to either END or INT rolls made to prevent becoming addicted to drugs, chems, and other addictive substances. Pick either END or INT when selecting this perk. Those with the like-named trait cannot select the same attribute they have already selected; this perk can only be taken once. Winners don’t do drugs.
How We Do It Down on the Farm 16; PER 6, Luck 6. In combat, your critical hits are more devastating. Your damage from critical hits, including Sneak Attack Criticals, is increased by 50% (So increase the critical damage modifier by 0.5). See “Wounds and Crippling” in chapter 7 for more details. This does not affect your chance to cause a critical hit.
Meltdown 16; Energy Weapons 90. Foes downed by your energy weapons fire will explode as an incendiary grenade (flat damage, not scaled by your skill rank in explosives). This may cause a chain reaction! Note that energy weapons that deal damage over time, such as the flamethrower, will only cause this reaction if the weapon’s direct fire, not its damage-over-time effect, kills the opponent. Kill it with fire!
Tag! You know what? Maybe Mom was right. I should’ve been a doctor. You receive an additional fourth skill as a Tag skill (as mentioned in the skills section). This gives you 15 extra ranks in that skill, up to the max of 100. Taking a fourth tag skill may alter your cutie mark depending on how it relates to your other tag skills, so be careful what you pick! Nopony wants a toilet for a cutie mark.
Weapon Handing 16; STR < 10 Either your horn’s gotten tough enough to handle the kick or you’ve finally broken in that battle saddle. For the purpose of using weapons, you can now operate weapons with weight up to three times your strength score. (Characters cannot normally wield a weapon with weight greater than twice their strength without an appropriate telekinesis spell or battle saddle)



Date: 2015-12-11; view: 872

Perk Name Requirements Effects
Can You Do That? 18; Explosives or Big Guns 90. Yes, as a matter of fact, you CAN explode twice! Whenever you’re rolling damage dealt by an explosive you triggered, including AOE from Explosives or certain Big Guns, your dice can now ‘explode.’ This means that when you roll the maximum number on any die while rolling damage for an explosive weapon, you may roll another die of that same type and add it to your total. This effect can chain, allowing you to deal massive amounts of damage on a single roll. This effect can apply to spell damage as well, but only if it explicitly states in the spell’s description that an explosion is involved. Increasing the effective number of dice of damage by way of this perk does not change the maximum radius of the explosive.
Computer Whiz 18; INT 7; Science 70. Hey, I recognize this system. It’s Unics! If a terminal you were attempting to hack has locked you out (i.e. a critical failure), you can give it another try. If it locks you out again, though, it can no longer be accessed – even if you know the password.
Combat Meditation 18; INT 6, Magic 90 You have learned how to still your body and mind to allow them to quickly recuperate from the strain of casting spells. This perk allows you to meditate during combat to regain strain. Meditating in this fashion during combat can be difficult; you may not move, shoot, or make any skill rolls while you are attempting to meditate. In fact, all that you can do while meditating is remain hidden (sneak rolls can still be made freely once per round) or sustain any already-cast spells. You recover 1d4 strain per two consecutive actions spent in meditation. Strain regeneration rate outside of combat is doubled.
Concentrated Fire 18; Energy Weapons and Small Guns 60. Sometimes it’s about precision, not accuracy. +5 Accuracy in SATS with every consecutive attack on a given target location that you queue. The total bonus to hit is applied to all of the consecutive queued attacks. This bonus goes away after SATS ends and/or an attack targets a separate region. Attacks targeted at the same region on a different character or creatures don’t count as the same target location for the purposes of calculating the accuracy bonus.
Ghoulfriend 18; Ghoul, roleplaying reasons or GM approval. +1d10 Damage versus ghoul targets and an opportunity for additional speech options. This may expand your character’s repertoire, or it might not, based on your character. While it’s not necrophilia, most ponies will probably still give you odd looks.
Infiltrator 18; PER 7, Lockpicking 70. Broken locks got you down? Not anymore! Locks that have been broken due to a critically failed lockpicking attempt can now be picked once more. If they’re broken a second time, though, they’re broken for good.
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