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Special Trait Eligibility

- Zebra get the Hind Leg Stance perk for free at character creation.

- Astronomer – You possess knowledge about the stars rare even amongst Zebras. Primarily roleplaying effects.

- Stable Dweller – (Must trade Survival for Science, Medicine or Repair)

- Organization: Caesar’s Legion or Organization: Proditor

Alternative Races (Optional) –

Alicorns, Hellhounds, Sand Dogs, Bat ponies, Buffalo, Donkeys, Minotaurs and Half-breeds

In addition to the aforementioned races, there are many other races of sentient creatures present in the post-apocalyptic wasteland that once was Equestria. Of these, the two with the most prominent are not included above simply because of how poorly they play with others - Alicorns and Hellhounds. The other races, listed in the title of this subsection, are not included in the first section because of their rarity – the stables didn’t house them in large quantities (if at all), and far less of them have survived to the present day. I recommend having a discussion with your GM about fitting any one of these races into the game before you start making your character. Alicorns, Hellhounds, Minotaurs and Sand Dogs in particular are powerful and not well liked by many ponies, and they can negatively affect game balance unless the GM is actively making accommodations for them. On the other hoof, having characters that are members of one or several of these races in the party can make for quite a lot of interesting roleplaying.

Also, be warned – depending on your progress within the fiction, the racial ability descriptions on the following pages may contain spoilers.GMs should feel in no way obligated to include these races in their campaigns as playable characters, but the rules for play for these have been included here to enable more variation in adventuring parties or in the creation of more powerful NPCs.

On top of alicorns and hellhounds, and despite the fact that they are referenced for the most part only tangentially in Fallout Equestria and related side-stories (likely because of the show not adding them until after the setting of Kkat’s wasteland had been firmly established) Buffalo, Donkeys, Minotaurs and half-breeds of several different races may also be included as playable characters or NPCs. The rules for creating a character belonging to one of these races are shown below.


The wasteland alicorns are an extremely powerful, all-female race created in the image of the princesses Luna and Celestia by way of a magical compound engineered by the Ministry of Arcane Sciences. They’ve been a major presence in the wasteland since approximately fifty years before the opening of Stable 2, or 150 years after the balefire bombs fell in Equestria.

Height:5’4” + 2d8” (Includes Horn) – From 5’6” to 6’8”

Weight:390 + (2d8*10) – From 410 to 550 macs

Diet: Herbivorous*

Unique Abilities: Flight and Magic:At the time of Stable 2’s opening, virtually all alicorns are telepathically linked to a hive mind (“Unity”) controlled by The Great and Powerful Goddess, an enigmatic entity with a desire to convert the rest of the wasteland into alicorns. In at least one case, the hive mind has been known to isolate portions of itself into individual bodies in order to investigate specific phenomena or accomplish specific goals. These portions often carry large amounts of psychological damage or suffer from diminished intelligence, but this is not necessarily the case. Even while the Goddess takes control of an individual Alicorn, the individual personality or personalities that occupy a given alicorn remain capable of some degree of independent action and thought, though not consistently. Wasteland alicorns are known to be quite dangerous, capable of various types of powerful magic dependent on their coloration.

There are three known colors of alicorn, and their repertoires of spells they possess at character creation are linked to their color. For a complete list of alicorn starting spells, see the Magic section under the Starting Spells heading. All colors of alicorns possess Mighty Telekinesis I and Telepathy II. Alicorns begin with up to 9 spells fitting their color, and can learn more by telepathically obtaining the spell via their link with the Goddess, or in the same way as unicorns if they are able to. Most alicorns are not capable of learning new spells on their own – the powerful magic they possess stifles their ability to cast spells other than their normal fare, even if they might have known the spell prior to becoming an alicorn. Alicorns within Unity that can learn new spells are very rare and highly valued by the Goddess. More information on alicorn magic, both within and without Unity’s influence, can be found in the Magic section.

“Original” alicorns - ones who are still tied to Unity and The Goddess - get +1 INT or END at character creation.

Of course, as many of you may know, Unity is shattered during the events of Fallout Equestria’s primary canon. If you’re creating an alicorn at a position in the timeline after the fall of Unity, then be aware that most remaining alicorns have organized into tribes and are working towards a method to produce male alicorns in order to ensure their survival as a pony subspecies. Those not organized are frequently seen as wandering teachers, roaming in twos or threes and looking for large settlements to set up schools, or lone wanderers, roaming the wastes looking for meaning and a place to belong. Some are perhaps searching for their race’s salvation on their own, or are looking to reclaim their old lives or even to start new ones. These alicorns are capable of acting completely independently of each other or even at cross purposes to other members of their race, though it has been shown that many of them are still closely telepathically linked. Post-Unity wasteland alicorns start with +1 to INT, END or Luck at character creation, and may learn new spells in the same way as unicorns.


While a part of Unity, alicorns do not need to sleep. Apart from Unity, they must sleep at least 4 hours every 2d4 days. In either case, just as normal ponies, alicorns must eat at least one meal a day to maintain their health. Unlike normal ponies however, if they fail to eat at least once a day their bodies will metabolize 50 rads instead, removing it instead of starving. Only if they can do neither will an alicorn begin to starve. Radiation can also be metabolized in place of hydration (10 rads per unit, or 30 rads per day), though there’s usually no shortage of irradiated water in most parts of the wasteland.


Alicorn characters are healed by radiation at rate of 1 wound to all limbs every five minutes per 200 rads absorbed, and can regenerate broken or crippled limbs simply by exposing themselves to sufficient radiation levels. Every wound healed in this fashion metabolizes 20 rads. Even maimed limbs can regenerate in this fashion. While normal non-ghouls suffer from radiation overexposure, alicorns are strengthened by it, providing them with a temporary bonus to their attribute scores equal to the penalty that normal characters would take at that radiation level. Above 600 rads, they will begin emitting rads at low to medium background counts, affecting those around them until they drop back to that level. Alicorns who have absorbed a full 1000 rads or more might find that it takes them several days or even weeks before they can safely be around non-ghouls (their radiation level decreases at 1d4*100 rads per day). Every 1000 rads absorbed by an alicorn increases their physical size, temporarily increasing their damage/wound value by one and their height and weight by 2d4” and 2d4*40 macs, respectively.


Both Unity and post-Unity alicorns only gain one character creation point per two hindrances taken, but can take up to eight hindrances instead of the normal six; this compensates in part for how powerful they are at lower levels. As an alternative method of balance, Alicorn characters may opt to receive hindrance character creation points as normal ponies (one per hindrance, maximum six), but instead receive perks only on even-numbered levels as their character progresses. Though they receive the Large trait for free, the fact that alicorns are predominantly not derived from pegasi makes them poor flyers – they must take Flight School Dropout to represent this fact.

Second generation alicorns (those born to alicorn parents) are much less magically powerful than those created via IMP. Such characters start only with the level 1 shield spell (or another level 1 or 0 spell) and potentially a cutie mark spell, similar to unicorns. Due to the decelerated aging of their race, all second generation Alicorns must take the Young hindrance. They receive a lowered bonus to magic, do not receive the Large trait for free (nor are they required to take Flight School Dropout), and receive 2 character creation points less than the number of hindrances taken (up to a maximum of 8 hindrances for 6 points). They learn spells identically to unicorns.

Alicorns are immune to the effects of Taint, and Pink Cloud. Enervation has a dramatically increased effect on them, even at low levels (detailed in Chapter 11).

Skill Bonus Ranks:

Original: +5 Big Guns, +3 Sneak, -40 Speechcraft vs. Ponies unless disguised or first encounter.

Post-Unity: +5 Big Guns, +3 Sneak, -20 Speechcraft vs. Ponies unless disguised.

Second Generation: +3 to Mercantile, Speechcraft, Big Guns, Sneak (pick any two).

Racial Skills: Flight +5, Agility Based. They can manipulate Enclave cloud consoles in the same manner as pegasi and griffins. Alicorns cannot learn level 4 flight maneuvers.

Magic +15, Intelligence Based. (+5 if second generation.)

Special Trait Eligibility:

- All alicorns receive a single point in the Channeler trait for free.

- All first-generation alicorns begin play with the Large trait (the effects of which are already included in their height and weight values – see trait for additional effects, including sneak penalty) at no cost. They may also opt to take Large a second time at normal cost.

- All first-generation alicorns must take Flight School Dropout.

- Organization: Crusaders (Requires Foal at Heart trait)

àHellhounds/Sand Dogs (Diamond Dog Descendants)

The hellhounds are the tainted, irradiated descendants of the diamond dogs displaced from the Maripony test facility and its surrounding area. The sand dogs are the slightly less tainted, slightly less irradiated, cybernetically enhanced descendants of those diamond dogs who were brought to Hoofington or other areas and hired to work at digging out tunnels. Both divergent descendants of the diamond dogs are extraordinarily fast diggers, fast to anger, and in possession of extremely advanced military hardware that they know how to use. They also tend to hold a grudge against ponies for polluting the world and driving them out of their ancestral homes in Splendid Valley.

Height:3’6” + 2d20” – From 3’8” to 6’10”

Weight:180 + (2d20*10) – From 200 to 680 macs

Date: 2015-12-11; view: 919

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