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Lockpicking (Minimum 5) for all three.

Racial Skill: Flight +10, Agility Based. Can perform flight maneuvers. Also allows access to Enclave cloud terminals.

Special Trait Eligibility:

- Formal Education -- Free with EVC membership

- Power Armor Training -- Free for Dashites

- Organization: Enclave Volunteer Corps

Griffins and Zebra

Ponies are not the only races that still occupy Equestria. In one of Stable-Tec’s most elegant political maneuvers, Griffin and Zebra families who paid for Stable-Tec’s services were also assigned to the safety of Stables near the areas in which they lived. These races too now survive in the wasteland, trading and fighting for survival.



Height:4’6” + 2d8” – From 4’8” to 5’10”

Weight:270 + (2d8*15) – From 300 to 510 macs

Diet: Carnivorous or Omnivorous*

Unique Ability: Flight:Part lion, part eagle, all winged predator, Griffins are one of the only other races besides Pegasi capable of flight. Fiercely loyal within their clans and usually just as loyal to their employer, the Griffins served as mercenaries to both sides during the last war. The largest griffin clan to have survived the last war (at least in the central regions of Equestria) was the Talon Clan, which now leads and largely comprises the well-known Talon Company Mercenaries operating out of Shattered Hoof Mine. All griffins have fierce clan loyalties, instilled in them at a young age along with their military training and an expectation that they too will someday fight and potentially die as mercenaries for their clan. Their individual loyalties are largely tied to written contracts, upon which much of their law and negotiations are based. Griffins possess razor-sharp claws (listed as an unarmed weapon in the weapons section), and, unlike ponies, lack cutie marks. They get +1 PER, AGI or END at character creation.

Skill Bonus Ranks:

Small Guns/Big Guns/Energy Weapons/Melee Weapons/Unarmed. Pick any two.

Racial Skill: Flight +10, Agility Based. Can perform flight maneuvers. Also allows access to Enclave cloud terminals.

Special Trait Eligibility:

- Stable Dweller -- Must trade one set of skill bonus ranks for the same number of ranks in Repair, Science or Medicine.

- Organization: Mercenary – Recommended due to griffin social structure. The benefits and requirements for this are listed in the Traits section. For griffins, this trait also grants the Named Weapon trait for free.

- Opposable Claw – All Griffins are capable of fine manipulation without magic, using their clawed forelegs. Griffins may climb surfaces at half their movement speed, using their Unarmed or Melee Weapons skills to make any necessary rolls. Unarmed rolls should be made for free climbing, while melee weapons rolls should be made if tools are being used. Climbing requires that the character be able to find or create points of purchase on the climbing surface.

- Omnivore - Griffins get the Omnivore trait for free if they take more than 3 hindrances.


Agrave; Zebra

Height:3’10” + 2d8” – From 4’0” to 5’2”

Weight: 210 + (2d8*10) – From 230 to 370 macs

Diet: Herbivorous

Unique Ability: Zebra Magic:While not magical in the same way as unicorns, zebras possess their own special magic based on use of fetishes, talismans, foci and potions as methods of ‘suspending’ magic to be called upon when needed. Many of the zebra tribes maintained their oral traditions in spite of the apocalypse, teaching the creation of potions, talismans and brews that bestow specialized abilities or create specific effects to their young. Most young zebras growing up within tribes in the wasteland face hunting and survival trials similar to those that their ancestors may have faced in their homeland; it is with this intense survival training that they take to the wasteland as semi nomadic tribes or as individuals. The fact that some of these tribes still feel that the war between ponies and zebras has not ended is a frequent point against many of these individuals, regardless of affiliation. Because of these facts,zebra have a penalty to speech against ponies who do not know them, and bonuses to other skills related to survival and zebra traditions. The zebra magic skill is used to collect and identify alchemical ingredients (survival also works for this), brew potions, create talismans, perform rituals, and recount tales from zebra culture. Zebra recipes use special ingredients to channel natural magic through the caster into their object, and knowledge of how to channel these energies is into specific talismans, rituals or brews is limited, so zebra only start with a number of spell recipes that they can perform equal to their Zebra Magic Skill divided by 10, rounded down (see the magic section for a list of some possible spells). Similarly to Unicorn spells, a zebra character’s starting recipes should not exceed level 1. More recipes can be obtained from other zebra, or from books, locations, or audio or text logs (in lieu of teachers).Characters may even discuss the creation of new recipes based on the setting and GM willingness, and not all zebra need to start with recipes known (see below). Zebras may add +1 to Perception, Endurance, Charisma or Intelligence at character creation.

Skill Bonus Ranks:

+5 Survival, +5 Unarmed, +5 Sneak, -20 Speechcraft vs. Ponies (unless disguised or a Proditor, which lowers this penalty to a -5; this works both ways, as many zebras still greatly distrust ponies), -10 Lockpicking (Minimum 5)

Racial Skill: Magic +10, Intelligence or Charisma Based. Not all Zebra choose to learn magic. Characters may instead distribute this +10 as two separate +5 bonuses to other skills (other than Survival, Unarmed and Sneak; both bonuses cannot go to the same skill). Characters that do this start with no known recipes, but can still learn them through play.

Date: 2015-12-11; view: 886

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