1. Confidentiality
2. Facilities
- group room, cupboards and shelves
- drinking water station
- toilets and showers: use slippers
- name tags and markers by the door
- write your name on your water bottle
- name tag on your towel, use racks to hang them; they will be changed every day at Kundalini time – take the name tag away before putting it into the laundry bin
- name tag on your shawl and bedding: keep the bedding for the whole time
3. Medical cases (heart, asthma, epilepsy) - any medication?
- back and knees/hip problems - who needs chair? chair policy
- don’t just take any pain killer or constipation pills or what ever...
talk to the facilitator about what is happening first
4. Cigarette smoking (decision how many per day – suggested max: 3)
5. Eating, drinking (diet food; respect quantities)
- no extra food of your own
- no food in the room
6. No shaving, no cosmetics, no jewellery (including the mala)
- take off wristwatch during sessions; and be on time!
We give signals with the bell.
7. In isolation, in silence, no eye contact, no touch, no speaking, no reading, no writing
- no looking in the mirrors
- silence badges for outside – take off when coming in the room
8. No sex, no masturbation.
9. Structure as discipline, to build up energy, no leaking
- be on time
- keep the room nice; clean your sitting space at the end of the session
10. Always wait for instructions from the staff
11. Need any help: raise your hand
1. The process includes Evening Meeting, Dynamic, Kundalini and other active meditations, sleeping meditation, 72 hour search.
Individual meeting (interview) during the process: you will be invited or you can ask for it.
Whatever is happening come back to the room and connect with the staff. Don’t leave the course without completing with the facilitator.
2. What is a Koan (question = answer, koan = realization – direct experience)
3. The structure, sit opposite a partner...
4. Keep eye contact with the partner
5. Ask your partner the koan: “Tell me, who is in?” once only without changing the wording
6. Listen neutrally: no response, no relating (empty mirror)
Date: 2014-12-29; view: 1113