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ARTICLE 5 Languages



ARTICLE 1 Name of the Federation


On September 5th 1948 a Federation was founded by the Magic Societies present, who agreed upon the basic articles of the following Statutes and the name « Fédération Internationale des Sociétés Magiques » (International Federation of Magic Societies), abbreviated to FISM™, was adopted.


ARTICLE 2 Duration


The duration of the Federation is unlimited.


ARTICLE 3 Aims of the FISM™ 3.1The aims of the FISM are:


- to be a leading global platform of magic, committed to the enhancement, promotion and development of the Art of Magic;

- to unify the organisation of magic and to create a central body to whom general questions concerning magic and the interest of the magicians can be submitted;

- to enhance the co-operation between Member Societies, co ordinate their activities, intensify their authority and to encourage the exchange of reciprocal aid and services;

- to develop, promote and preserve the knowledge of the history of magic;

- to fight against exposure and copies of magic acts, effects or inventions, presentations or original routines.

3.2The principal mechanism by which the FISM seeks to achieve its aims are:

- the hosting and organization of the World Championship of Magic (WCM), which will be held at least every three years;

- the encouragement and support of the hosting and organization of Continental Championships of Magic (CCM), the names of which: Asian Championship of Magic; African Championship of Magic; European Championship of Magic; Latin American Championship of Magic; North American Championship of Magic™ and Oceanian Championship of Magic are a trademark of the FISM.


- To obtain and maintain a standard of quality, the ‘FISM Contest Rules and Procedures, as annexed to these Statutes shall be used for both the World Championship of Magic and the Continental Championships of Magic.


3.3No individual Member Society is allowed to use the terms “World”, “Asian”, “African”,“European”, “Latin American”, “North American” or “Oceanian”, in conjunction with its name, convention or its competition, without prior consent.


F I S M P a g e 1

ARTICLE 4 Organizational Structures


4.1FISM is an organization based on worldwide voluntary membership of MagicSocieties. Member Societies incorporating national affiliated societies speak on their behalf. As such, recognition is granted to the Member Societies, and not to constituent members.


4.2The basic organizational structure of the FISM is depicted in the following diagram



4.3The Member Societies are organizationally grouped into six Continental Divisions, which aretrademarks of the FISM: FISM Asia™, FISM Africa™, FISM Europe™, FISM Latin America™, FISM North America™, and FISM Oceania™. The Continental Divisions may use subtitles that reflects them best.


4.3.1The organizational structure, the decision making process and further necessary rules of theContinental Divisions shall be recorded in Rules of Conduct, to be endorsed by the Board of Directors (See Article 4.5). The Rules of Conduct of the Continental Divisions shall be in line with and not contradictory to these Statutes and shall be attached as separate annexes to these Statutes.


4.3.2Each Continental Division is run by its own Board, represented by its Continental President, aselected and appointed according to its Rules of Conduct. A Continental President is responsible to the International President.

4.3.3.Continental Divisions, being integral and inextricable parts of the FISM, share the same aims asmentioned in Article 3.1, with the understanding that the main mechanism through which they seek to achieve these aims will be the organization of a Continental Championship of Magic to be held, ae least every three years. Other activities of Continental Divisions will be primarily related to the respective continents and shall be mentioned in their Rules of Conduct.



F I S M P a g e 2-8

4.4The ultimate directive authority for the conduct of the affairs of the FISM isvested in the General Assembly, consisting of a representative (delegate) per Member Society and the Continental Presidents. A meeting of the General Assembly is presided over

by the International President who shall be elected and appointed by the General Assembly. Preferably from their midst the General Assembly further appoints two International Vice Presidents, one of whom shall handle the financial affairs of the FISM. The International President and the International Vice Presidents shall be appointed for an initial period of six years, after which they can be re-elected for a consecutive term of three years. Provided however, the service of the International President shall be limited to one such consecutive three year term.


4.5The International President and the two International Vice-Presidents constitute the Board of Directors BoD, which is presided over by the International President. The Board of Directors represents the FISM in all its external relationships; endorses the Rules of Conduct of the Continental Divisions, initiates strategic alterations and shall be responsible for the preparation and implementation of the decisions of the General Assembly. The Board of Directors is responsible to the General Assembly.

4.6The six Continental Presidents, together with the Board of Directors, constitute the FISM EXECUTIVE BOARD (FEB). Meetings of the FEB will be presided over by the International President. The Continental Presidents provide input to the Board of Directors about any major shift of FISM strategy.

The following issues can only be decided by the General Assembly:

– the election and appointment of the International President and the International Vice-Presidents;

– the dissolution of the FISM;

– alterations to the Statutes and to the “FISM Competition Rules and Procedures”;

– the approval of the accounts and the budget for a new period;

– the election of the venue of the next FISM World Championship of Magic, whch issues will be determined by the General Assembly.

4.7The organization of the World Championship of Magic and the organization of Continental Championships of Magic, will be headed by a President of the Organizing Committee. The President of the Organizing Committee of the World Championship of Magic is responsible to the International President. The President of the Organizing Committee of a Continental Championship of Magic is responsible to the relevant Continental President.

4.8Temporary and standing Working Groups can be set up by the Board of Directors to deal with and advise about organizational issues and issues concerning magic in the broadest sense.

4.9The Member Societies and consequently the Continental Divisions, endorse the Statutes and the ‘FISM Contest Rules and Procedures’ and undertake to observe the decisions of the FISM. Neither the FISM, nor one of its Continental Divisions has the right to interfere with the internal affairs of a Member Society.

4.10In the absence of a formal establishment, the office of the FISM shall be fixed at the residence of the International President.


ARTICLE 5 Languages


5.1French, English, German and Spanish are the official languages of the FISM. No other languagesshall be added. For practical reasons all communications from the Board of Directors or the FEB to the Member Societies shall be made in English. Member Societies may communicate in one of the four official languages of the FISM. Members of the Board of Directors and members of the FEB should be able to communicate in English.



F I S M P a g e 3-8

5.2The Statutes of the FISM and the ‘FISM Contest Rules and Procedures’ will betranslated in all the official languages. The Rules of Conduct of a Continental Division shall be in English and will be translated in at least one of the other official languages of the

FISM. In the event of a dispute concerning the interpretation or application of the Statutes or of the “FISM Contest Rules and Procedures”, the International President, after consultation with the other members of the Board of Directors, shall have the authority to render a decision, which shall be final and binding for all parties. In the event of a dispute concerning the interpretation or application of the Rules of Conduct of a Continental Division, the relevant Continental President shall have the authority to render a decision, to be endorsed by the Board of Directors.


Date: 2015-12-11; view: 997

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