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Exercise 1 Complete the chart to present each face shape.


Grammar: Comparisons of Adjectives

Exercise 1 Form the correct form, comparative or superlative.


big ___________ ____________
small ___________ ____________
slow ___________ ____________
rich ___________ ____________
poor ___________ ____________
ugly ___________ ____________
busy ___________ ____________
comfortable ___________ ____________
difficult ___________ ____________
important ___________ ____________
good ___________ ____________
bad ___________ ____________

Exercise 2 Put the words in brackets in the correct form, comparative or superlative.

1. Kiev is ____ (old) than Moscow.

2. Text 1 is _____ (difficult) than text 2.

3. This is _____ (comfortable) room in my flat.

4. He is _____ (strong) in the whole school.

5. Thailand is _____ (sunny) than Norway.

6. My English is _____ (bad) now than it was a year ago!

7. What’s the _____ (good) way to get to the airport?

8. How much is_____ (cheap) ticket to Oslo?


Exercise 3 Put the words in brackets in the correct form, comparative or superlative.

1. My brother’s bedroom is ____ (small) than mine.

2. Mothers have ____ (important) job in the world.

3. It’s ____ (healthy) to eat fruit than to eat sweets.

4. Tokyo’s ____ (big) than Sydney.

5. ____ (expensive) mobile phone in the world costs £ 500,000.

6. Luxembourg is ____(rich) country in the world.

7. I like these sunglasses, but they’re ____ (expensive) than the green ones.

8. Pele is ____ (good) footballer of all time.




Text: Leisure survey Grammar: Present Perfect Simple Present Perfect Continuous Vocabulary

Vocabulary & Speaking

Exercise 1 Look at the pictures. Which of the leisure activities can you see?

A Clubbing B Going to the gym C Playing the guitar D Skateboarding E Snowboarding F Swimming G Football H Going for a run I Rollerblading J Skiing K Surfing the Internet L Yoga    


Discuss the following questions in pairs or small groups.
  • Which of these things do you enjoy?
  • Which of these things don’t you enjoy?
  • What else do you do in your free time?



Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1634

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Exercise 2 Circle the correct word. | Read the information in questionnaire and complete the description of Jenny Chan.
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