I’m Special (This is optional)Recognizing unique qualities in people and yourself
Objective: To recognize unique qualities in people around you and in yourself.
Requirements: No props required.
Total time for the exercise: 10 to 15 minutes
Trainer notes:
If the group is large, then divide it into smaller groups of about 15.
Ask everyone to introduce themselves by saying aloud a quality about themselves that they consider unique.
If somebody in the group has thought of that quality, then they can challenge the speaker, and the speaker must think of a new quality.
This must go on until every person in the group has said something unique about themselves.
Ask the groups what happened during the rounds? (FACTS)
Expect to hear
● Had to keep thinking of something innovative all the time
● Encouraged others to find unique qualities
Ask the groups how they felt during the rounds? (FEELINGS)
Expect to hear
● Found it tough
● Had to idea that my friends had such qualities
● Found it challenging
● Felt good
● Found it introspective
How can we relate it to situations in our daily life? (FINDINGS)
Many a times, we maybe closely working with people, but do not know them very well and do not know their special qualities.
When we take the trouble of getting to know other people, it not only makes us feel good and helps our rapport with the person and work also could get more productive.
Also it is important for us to know our special qualities and talents that make us unique form each other.
That is what make us stand out in our teams.
Did you realize how difficult it was to say something unique?
Guess why it happens?
There are loads of others who have the same qualities.
We may think we are special, but actually may not be really so.
If we want to continue to be special, we have to constantly build our skills.
Doing this will help us to progress and achieve an overall sense of confidence.
End the session by asking the participants to give huge round of applause for themselves.
“Quality is not an act, it is a habit.”
Date: 2014-12-29; view: 864