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A consonant with a vowel at the junction of words

Practise the following words, word combinations and phrases:

an Îuncle "went a"way the "first of ÎJanuary

an Îactress "half an Îhour the "fourth of ÎApril

his Îaunt "once or Îtwice the "fifth of ÎMarch

his Îuncle my "wife and ÎI the "eighth of ÎAugust

the "ninth of OcÎtober "Good Îevening. It’s "always Îgreen

the e"leventh of DeÎcember "Good afterÎnoon It’s "almost Îopen

the "twelfth of NoÎvember It’s "all Îright. It’s "always Îlate

the "thirteenth of SepÎtember It’s "also Înice. It’s "Andrew’s Îaunt.


Two adjacent vowels in a word and at a word boundary

Practise the following words, word combinations and phrases:

the Îartist to Îearn the Îtwentieth the Îeasiest Îtrying

the Îactress to Îown the Îthirtieth the Îearlliest Îgoing

the ÎIndian to Îenvy the Îfortieth the Îheaviest Îdrying

the Îearth to Îargue the "fiftieth the Îhappiest Îcrying

the Îonly to Îoccupy the Îsixtieth Îyellowish Îliving

the Îeleventh to inÎvent the Îeightieth Îbluish Îstaying

"very Îoften "only a "few Îdays It’s a "new Îopera.

"very Îinteresting "every "other Îday It’s a "very easy Îexercise.

"pretty Îawful "nearly a "whole Îweek There are "only Îeight.




Task 1. Loss of plosion

a) Practise the following words, word combinations and phrases.

a"bout Îtwelve a "big Îgarden Îvictory a "light Îdress

"eight Îtext-books a "bad Îdinner " quite Îcommon a "white Îdog

"black Îcoffee a "big Îbreakfast "what Îcolour a "thick °dictionary

a "black Îcoat a "cold Îday "up-to-Îdate "eight Îgirls

a "cheap Îpen a "hundred Îtimes "quite Îclean "sit Îdown


a "big Îtown the "second Îdaughter "What colour is that Îdress?

a "round Îtable "thousand Îpounds It "doesn’t take me Îlong.

a "big Îcottage for the "third Îtime "What kind of "tape do you Îwant?


Îsudden "good Înews clothes at Îlast It’ll be Îfine

Îpardon "top Îmarks Îglimpse at Îleast It’ll be Îlate

Îdarkness "last Înight Îhandle "goob-Îlooking It’ll beÎnice

Îblackmail an "old Îman Îjungle "good Îluck She "doesn’t Îneed it

Îstatement "not Înew Îmodel "hard Îlife I "don’t Îknow

Îointment "right Înow Îbottle a "big Îlawn It "isn’t Înew

a Îfortnight "not Înow Îbicycle a "bright Îlight It "isn’t ÎNell


b) Read the following conversational contexts:

1. - She didn’t reply.

- Write to her again, then.

2. - I won’t be able to phone you.

- Drop me a line, then.

3. - I had to wait for three hours.

- Bad luck! What a shame!

4. - It was most kind of you.

- Don’t mention it. I was glad I was able to help.

5. - It’s all very puzzling.

- I couldn’t agree more.

5. - She won’t be back till ten.

- I’ll ring her up later, then.

7. - You look smart in this coat.

- Does it suit me?

8. - How much were you paying for the room?

- Eight pounds a week.

9. - Do you feel like going to the cinema?

- I’d like that very much. Thank you.

10. - Couldn’t you take the day off?

- Well, it might be possible.

11. - I’m dreadfully sorry, but I’ve broken a plate.

- Oh, that doesn’t matter.

12. - There’s a variety show at eight o’clock.

- We mustn’t miss that.

13. - What’s your opinion of his work?

- It’s not bad.

14. - May I see your passport, please?

- Oh, I haven’t got it with me.

15. - Let’s have dinner out tonight.

- That’s a good idea.Why not go for a walk first? It’s only six o’clock.

16. - I’ve just called in to say good-bye.

- What time are you leaving?

17. - What dress do you think I’d better put on?

- Oh! I don’t know.

18. - Seen my hat anywhere? I’ve lost it.

- What colour is it?

Task 2. Different degrees of aspiration


a) Practise the following words:

tight - Îappetite - style test - Îprotest - step

tale - Îdetail - stale pot - Îteapot - spot

case - Îstaircase - skate tip - Îcity - stick

coat - toÎbacco - scold cup - Îteacup - scull

piece - Îmantelpiece - speak tact - Îcontact - stamp

Îtutor - ÎInstitute - Îstudent kin - Îticket - skin

Îpeaceful - Îmasterpiece - Îspeed tent - Îarchitect - stench

Îtulip - Îstatic - Îstupid Îtimid - phoÎnetic - Îstingy


b) Read the following conversational contexts:

1. - Hallo, Kitty here. Can I speak to Peter, please?

- Sorry, but he’s out.

2. - Hallo, Patrick Cowel speaking. Could I talk to Stella, please?

- I’m afraid she’s not here. Can you call later?

3. - They haven’t time to finish the job.

- That’s no reason for not starting it.

4. - You will stay a bit longer, won’t you?

-I’m sorry I can’t.

5. - What do you think of the place?

- Oh, it’s a delightful spot.

6. - By the way, where do you live?

- Near King’s Cross station.

7. - I do wish I could go.

- I’m not stopping you.

8. - Whatever was he thinking of?

- I can’t imagine.

9. - I want to see the football match after the news.

- Don’t you want to see part two after the serial?


Task 3. Alveolar consonants before interdental

a) Practise the following words, word combinations and phrases:

the Îseventh in Îthat "all the Îtime "quite Îthin

the Îninth in Îthis "all the Îstudents "can’t Îthink

the Îtenth on Îthat as Îthough "last ÎThursday

the Îthirteenth and Îthis is the Îother "isn’t Îthrough

the Îhundredth and the Îothers has Îthis "isn’t Îthin


"Cross the Îriver this Îtheater "Tell the Îtruth He’s Îthirsty

"Pass the Îsalt is Îthere "Write the Îword He’s Îthirty

"Press the Îbutton "six-Îthirty "Meet the Îtrain "Find "thick Înotebooks

"What’s the Îmatter? "six Îthousand It’s Îthundering It was Îthundering

"What’s the Îtime? is Îthat "What’s Îthick? It was ÎThursday


b) Read the following conversational contexts:

1. – Can I book two seats for tomorrow nights?

– Would you like something in the second row?

2. – What’s the postage on these letters to Spain?

– I’ll have to check.

3. – I’ve just been promoted.

– That’s the best news I’ve heard for a long time.

4. – Is there anything worth watching on the other channel?

– I think it’s a documentary.

5. – Excuse me, can you tell me where South Street is, please?

– Take the second turn on the left and then ask again.

6. – Excuse me, but I’m trying to find the town hall.

– Take the third turn on the right and go straight on.

7. – Do you think the manager could see me tomorrow before nine-thirty?

– He won’t be till ten thirty.

8. – Why don’t they work in the evenings?

– Some of them do, I believe.

9. – What’s the time, please?

– I suppose it’s about twelve.

Task 4. Consonants before [r]

a) Practise the following words and word combinations:

drop truth through Îpractice

draft Îtravel throw Îpresent

drove a Îtrolley-bus thrice surÎprise

"Andrew a Îportrait Îthreshold a "tape-reÎcorder

a Îbedroom a Îgreat Îrisk a Îbathroom a "sharp Îrazor

a "good Îreason a "white Îrose "both Îrings a "deep Îriver

"bad reÎsults "Pete Îwrote "both Îroads "deep Îroots

cross a "thick Îrope French Îfrighten

cruel a "dark Îroom France Îfrosty

preÎscribe a "pink Îrose fruit a "brief reÎport


b) Read the following conversational contexts:

1.- Is it still possible to get tickets for tonight?

- No, I’m afraid you’ve left it rather late.

2.- How could he let you know?

- He could have written.

3.- It was all your fault.

- But it wasn’t. And I can prove it.

4. I’m sorry to trouble you, but could I borrow your spade?

- It’s no trouble. I’m not using it at the moment.

5.- Could you make up this prescription for me, please?

- I’ll do it for you straight away.

6.- You’re quite a stranger. Where have you been travelling?

- I’ve had a few weeks with my friend in Brussels.

7.- What do you think of life in France?

- I still feel pretty homesick. Everything seems so strange.

8.- What are your first impressions of Greece?

- It’s quite different from what I expected.

9.- Are you sure this drive is not too much trouble?

- No, it won’t take a minute to drop you off.

Task 5. Consonants before the bilabial sonorant [w]

a) Practise the following words and word combinations:

Îquarrel swan twice dwell

Îquarter Îswallow twinkle Dwen

Îquality Îswarthy Îtwilight dwarf

Îawkward perÎsuade Îfootwear Îhardware

Îequal thisÎwoman it Îwill a Îlanguage

Îquick-tempered it’s Îwhite it Îwon’t Îdwelling house


b) Read the following conversational contexts:

1.- Was there any difference between them?

- Very slight, as far as I could see.

2.- Quick. The kettle’s boiling over.

- I’m just coming.

3.- Nice and bright this morning.

- Yes, quite different from the forecast.

4.- It’s good to see the sun again.

- A big improvement on what we’ve been having.

5.- Hasn’t he been there often?

- Once or twice at the most.

6.- We are quite sold out, l’m afraid.

- Then I must try somewhere else, I suppose.

7.- They are twins, aren’t they?

- Yes, but they’re not a bit alike.

8.- Could you tell me where they live?

- Number twenty-four.

9.- I saw Grace at the Taylors’ party.

- Oh! And who else was there?


Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1108

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