The science as management methodology From the beginning of our civilization the science was applied almost to all spheres of our life except of social arrangement and improvement of our social system. We use results of scientific achievements every day in our life. They make our life easier and rid us of monotonous work. We don't light the candles anymore, because we have electrical light. We don't need to burn a furnace, because we have a heating radiator, electrical pot, hot water from the tapes, electrical oven. Telephone, computer, clocks, conditioner, plastic bags, video-camera, photo camera, cars, pen, paper, printer and many others. They are all the achievements of the science. Now, even a usual man lives in better condition than medieval kings and sultans. The technological process moved forward and developed, but the social system remained the same. We have never used true scientific method to arrange our society.
It is important to understand that a human is not able to manage or arrange social system at all. It is just physically unable to do that. The human is easy manipulated by influence of society as we said before. As result it becomes corrupted even before it comes to the government. Such people spoil everything they touch.
The management of our society must be performed in accordance with amount of available resources and capability of our planet. It is not important what the president or some deputy wants. We have certain abilities of the Earth and we must take all our decisions in accordance with them.
We need to use machines in order to take such decisions. They don't have ambitions, desires, whims, addictions or sympathy. They just perform the measurement of resources we have and make equal distribution of such resources and products in accordance with capacity of manufacturing system and amount of available resources.
We can build such system RIGHT NOW. All we need is society understands, support and agree with it.
Implementation of resource-based economy is very wide theme.
You can learn more about it at the web-site of The Venus Project:
You can also find out about it at the global web-site of The Zeitgeist Movement:
The Zeitgeist Movement in Ukraine is presented by Ukrainian Chapter. It's official web-site:
FORUM of Ukrainian Chapter is located here: //
You can also study the works of other economists who advocate the ideas of resource-based economy.
If you have any additional questions about implementation of RBE, you can join The Zeitgeist Movement or The Venus Project and ask your questions directly.
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1019