Nouns formed with up, down, in, out, back up-
down-downfall downpour downside downturn
income input insight intake
OUt-outbreak outburst outcome outline outlook output outset
comeback drawback feedback setback
Verb Noun
behave (mis)behaviour
.choose choice
complain complaint
die death
give gift
know knowledge
laugh laughter
lose loss
prove proof
receive receipt
respond response
sell sale(s)
succeed success
think thought
try trial
weigh weight
Adjective Noun
high height
Verb Adjective
accept (un)acceptable
advise (in)advisable
afford affordable
agree (dis)agreeable
apply (in)applicable
appreciate appreciable
approach (un)approachable
avoid (un)avoidable
bear (un)bearable
believe (un)believable
compare (in)comparable
consider (in)considerable
desire (un)desirable
dispense (in)dispensable
forget (un)forgettable
imagine (un)imaginable
irritate irritable
note notable
notice noticeable
pay payable
predict (un)predictable
prefer preferable
prevent preventable
regret regrettable
rely (un)reliable
remark (un)remarkable
respect respectable
understand understandable
work . (un)workable
Noun Adjective
comfort (un)comfortable
fashion (un)fashionable
knowledge knowledgeable
memory (un)memorable
profit (un)profitable
reason (un)reasonable
value valuable/invaluable*
extremely useful, eg invaluable advice/experience/help
Noun Adjective
access (in)accessible
flexibility (in)flexible
sense (in)sensible*
Verb Adjective
comprehend (in)comprehensible
respond (ir)responsible
* sensible:
showing or having good sense eg Cycling with a
broken arm is not a very sensible thing to do.
a unconscious
eg He was found drunk and insensible. b not caring about or unaware of
eg She seemed insensible to the dangers involved.
Noun Adjective
accident accidental
addition additional
alphabet alphabetical
behaviour behavioural
centre central
culture cultural
ecology ecological
emotion (un)emotional
environment environmental
exception (un)exceptional
experiment experimental
fact factual
globe global
intention intentional
medicine medicinal
method methodical
monument monumental
nation national
occasion occasional
occupation occupational
origin (un)original
parent parental
person (im)personal
practice (im)practical
profession (un)professional
sensation (un)sensational
society social
temperament temperamental
tradition traditional
universe universal
Verb Adjective
act (in)active
adopt adoptive
appreciate (un)appreciative
assert (un)assertive
attend (in)attentive
attract (un)attractive
communicate (un)communicative
compete (un)competitive
conclude (in)conclusive
construct (un)constructive
cooperate (un)cooperative
create (un)creative
deceive deceptive
decide (in)decisive
defend defensive
describe descriptive
destroy destructive
divide divisive
explode explosive
express expressive
extend extensive
impress (un)impressive
include inclusive
invent inventive
offend (in)offensive
persuade persuasive
possess possessive
produce (un)productive
progress progressive
protect protective
receive • (un)receptive
respect (ir)respective
respond (un)responsive
speculate speculative
succeed successive
support (un)supportive
Noun Adjective
aggression (un)aggressive
effect (in)effective
expense (in)expensive
secret secretive
sense (in)sensitive
The following verbs can be used to form participle
eg worrying/worried
alarm, amaze, amuse, annoy, astonish, bore, confuse, convince, depress, disappoint, disgust, embarrass, entertain, excite, exhaust, fascinate, frighten, frustrate, increase, interest, irritate, motivate, move, refresh, relax, satisfy, shock, surprise, terrify, threaten, thrill, tire, worry
The following -ing adjectives are commonly used with the nouns in brackets.
Verb Adjective
close closing (date)
consult consulting (room)
recur recurring (illness, nightmare,
problem, theme)
run running (water)
support supporting (actor, actress,
evidence, role)
Noun Adjective
(dis)advantage (dis)advantageous
ambition (un)ambitious
anxiety anxious
caution cautious
courtesy (dis)courteous
curiosity curious
danger dangerous
disaster disastrous
glamour (un)glamorous
hazard hazardous
humour humorous
luxury luxurious
monster monstrous
mystery mysterious
nerve nervous
number numerous
poison poisonous
religion (ir)religious
suspicion suspicious
Verb Adjective
infect infectious
vary various
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1807