Person Abstract nounWord formation list
Verb Noun
break breakage
cover coverage
pack package
post postage
store storage
wreck wreckage
Adjective Noun
short shortage
Verb Noun
(dis)approve (dis)approval
arrive arrival
bury burial
deny denial
dismiss dismissal
propose proposal
rehearse rehearsal
remove removal
renew renewal
revive revival
survive survival
Verb Noun
annoy annoyance
(dis)appear (dis)appearance
attend attendance
disturb disturbance
endure endurance
enter entrance
ignore ignorance
inherit inheritance
perform performance
rely reliance
resemble resemblance
resist resistance
signify (in)significance
tolerate (in)tolerance
Adjective Noun
arrogant arrogance
distant distance
(un)important (un)importance
(ir)relevant (ir)relevance
reluctant reluctance
Verb Noun
confide confidence
depend (in)dependence
differ difference
exist existence
insist insistence
obey obedience
occur occurrence
offend offence
persist persistence
recur recurrence
Adjective Noun
absent absence
competent (in)competence
(in)convenient (in)convenience
evident evidence
innocent innocence
intelligent intelligence
(im)patient (im)patience
present presence -
violent violence
Adjective Noun
(in)accurate (in)accuracy
(in)adequate (in)adequacy
(in)appropriate (in)appropriacy
(in)decent (in)decency
(in)efficient (in)efficiency
(in)frequent (in)frequency
immediate immediacy
infant infancy
intimate intimacy
(il)literate (il)literacy
pregnant pregnancy
private privacy
redundant redundancy
secret secrecy
urgent urgency
vacant vacancy
Adjective Noun
bored boredom
free freedom
wise wisdom
Person Abstract noun
king kingdom
star stardom
Noun Noun (Quantity)
arm armful
cup cupful
fist fistful
hand handful
house houseful
room roomful
spoon spoonful
Person Abstract noun
adult adulthood
child childhood
father fatherhood
man manhood
mother motherhood
neighbour neighbourhood*
parent parenthood
woman womanhood
part of a town or city where people live
Adjective Noun
likely likelihood
Adjective Noun
anxious anxiety
notorious notoriety
sober sobriety
various variety
Adjective Noun
(un)able (in)ability
(in)active (in)activity
complex complexity
credible credibility
curious curiosity
(un)equal (in)equality
(un)familiar (un)familiarity
ferocious ferocity
(in)flexible (in)flexibility
(in)formal (in)formality
generous generosity
hostile hostility
immune immunity
intense intensity
major majority
minor minority
(im)mobile (im)mobility
objective objectivity
(un)original (un)originality
personal personality
(un)popular (un)popularity
prosperous prosperity
(im)pure (im)purity
(in)secure (in)security
(in)sensitive (in)sensitivity
severe severity
similar similarity
simple simplicity
(in)sincere (in)sincerity
stupid stupidity
subjective subjectivity
(in)valid (in)validity
Verb Noun
advertise advertising
build building
gather gathering
like liking
live living
meet meeting
record recording
say saying
set setting
suffer suffering
Verb Noun
achieve achievement
(dis)agree (dis)agreement
amaze amazement
amuse amusement
announce announcement
argue argument
arrange arrangement
commit commitment
content contentment
develop development
disappoint disappointment
discourage discouragement
embarrass embarrassment
employ (un)employment
encourage encouragement
enjoy enjoyment
entertain entertainment
excite excitement
govern government
improve improvement
invest investment
involve involvement
judge judgement/judgment
manage management
measure measurement
move movement
(re)pay (re)payment
punish punishment
refresh refreshment
replace replacement
require requirement
retire . retirement
settle settlement
treat treatment
Adjective Noun
(un)aware (un)awareness
careless carelessness
close closeness
(un)conscious (un)consciousness
deaf deafness
eager eagerness
(in)effective (in)effectiveness
(un)friendly (un)friendliness
great greatness
hard hardness
hopeless hopelessness
(un)selfish (un)selfishness
serious seriousness
stiff stiffness
thorough thoroughness
tired tiredness
useful usefulness
weak weakness
Person Abstract noun
champion championship
companion companionship
friend friendship
leader leadership
member membership
owner ownership
partner partnership
scholar scholarship*
sponsor sponsorship**
money given to someone to help pay for their
money given to someone/an organization to help
pay for something, eg an event
Adjective Noun
hard hardship
Verb Noun
diagnose diagnosis
emphasize emphasis
Verb Noun
collide collision
erode erosion
exclude exclusion
expand expansion
include inclusion
persuade persuasion
supervise supervision
Verb Noun
compare comparison
Verb Noun
adapt adaptation
administer administration
apply application
combine combination
compile compilation
consider consideration
expect expectation
explain explanation
identify identification
imagine imagination
inflame inflammation
inform information
inspire inspiration
interpret interpretation
observe observation
prepare preparation
present presentation
publish publication
(dis)qualify (dis)qualification
realize realization
resign resignation
vary variation
Adjective Noun
broad breadth
deep depth
long length
strong strength
warm warmth
wide width
Verb Noun
grow growth
Verb Noun
close closure
compose composure
depart departure
expose exposure
fail failure
please pleasure
proceed procedure
sign signature
Verb Noun
accommodate accommodation
(re)act (re)action
associate association
collect collection
complicate complication
compose composition
(dis)connect (dis)connection
contaminate contamination
demonstrate demonstration
direct direction
evolve evolution
hesitate hesitation
imitate imitation
inhibit inhibition
investigate investigation
(de)motivate (de)motivation
operate operation
perceive perception
predict prediction
prescribe prescription
receive reception
recognize recognition
reduce reduction
repeat repetition
(dis)satisfy (dis)satisfaction
(re)solve (re)solution
subscribe subscription
substitute substitution
Adjective Noun
difficult difficulty
(dis)honest (dis)honesty
poor poverty
safe safety
(un)certain (un)certainty
Verb Noun
discover discovery
enter entry
Verb Person
apply applicant
assist assistant
confide confidant(e)
consult consultant
contest contestant
defend defendant
inhabit inhabitant
occupy occupant
participate participant
Verb Person
lie liar
Verb Person
represent representative
Verb Person
employ employer
lecture lecturer
manufacture manufacturer
present presenter
read reader
research • researcher
win winner
Noun Person
electricity electrician
history historian
library librarian
mathematics mathematician
music musician
politics politician
Noun Person
bicycle cyclist
environment environmentalist
motor (car) motorist
nature naturalist
novel novelist
psychiatry psychiatrist
science scientist
specialism specialist
violin violinist
Verb Person
act actor
collect collector
communicate communicator
compete competitor
conduct conductor
contribute contributor
demonstrate demonstrator
distribute distributor
instruct instructor
invent inventor
spectate spectator
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 2036