The style of belles lettres, the problem of its singling out and definition.5. Functional distribution within each style:
The newspaper style;
The publicist style (oratory);
The scientific style;
The style of official letters.
“Functional style is a system of linguistic means peculiar of a certain sphere of communication”
“Functional style of speech is a special social differentiation of speech, corresponding to a definite sphere of activity, having a special stylistic coloring, determined by the aims and a corresponding sphere of communication”
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Functional Styles (Y.M.Screbnev)
Formal Informal
Table 13
Functional Styles (I.V. Arnold)
Styles Functions
| Commu-nicative
| Volun-
| Emotive
| Phatic
| Aesthetic
| 1. Oratory
2. Colloquial
3. Poetic
4. Publicist and newspaper
5. Official
6. Scientific
| +
| +
| +
| +
| +
Stylistic functions;
1) Communicative – i.e. communicating some primary information
The former method allows direct interpretation.
2) Voluntative (conative) – expressing one’s intention, urging people to some kind of action.
Ex.: “Inform us of your intentions!”
3) Emotive – expressing one’s feelings, emotions, one’s personal attitude.
“Exquisite fountains, beautiful fountains!”
4) Phatic – attracting smb’s attention to make the situation natural
“I say, you know that …”
5) Aesthetic – appealing to people’s heart, deriving the effect of beauty and emotional
“Tired with all these, for restful death I cry!”
Functional Styles (I.R.Galperin.)
| | Table 14
Style of Official Documents
| |
The Belles - Lettres Functional Style.
A) poetry;
B) emotive prose;
C) drama;
Publicistic Functional Style,
A) oratory;
B) essays;
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1397