She ____ an apartment in the city centre.Rents
A shop or store that sells goods to the public.Outlet
A business which is owned by another company.Subsidiary
A reduction in price.Discount
A company can raise money on the stock ______market
A design fault _________ on some of our washing machines.has been found
A document published by companies every year including details of activities and financial statements.annual report
A large board or other surface on which advertising posters are displayed. billboard
A licence giving an exclusive right to manufacture or sell certain products in a certain area.franchise
A piece of paper that you buy something with (instead of using money)_____.Voucher
Air travel ____ still getting more and more common.Is
Airport ____ has increased since 2001.Security
Alex is working his way-up the career ladder. He’s very-____Ambitious
All the phone companies offer pre-paid ____.Packages
All the fruit we use ____ organically.Is grown
Amina and her neighbours___for others, now they run their own cooperative.Used to work
An agent in a particular market, such as securities, commodities, insurance.a broker
Ann has three small children and a full-time job.She’s guite___,although she doesn’t show it.Stressed
Annual accounts.Yearly record of the trading results of your company
Anyone can buy ____in this company.Shares
Apparently she ______ over $60,000 a year.Earns
Are there __tomatoes in the salad?Any
Are you _____ working for the same company? still
Artificial ingredients ____ added any more. The drink is all natural.Aren`t
As I’m leaving the in country I’m going to _______ off my phone service.Cut
As soon as the boat left the ____, the storm began.Harbour
As the train drew in to the station, Terry could see her sister waiting on the ____.Platform
Atract ___ Attention
Beer ____ made from grapes, but from water, yeast, barley and hops.Isn`t
Buyback.Buying something from the person you previously sold it to
Can I get someone to call you ____ .Back
Can you … me what time the next meeting starts? Tell
Can you suggest an ____ for the problem?Explanation
Chicago ____ sometimes called the “Windy City”. Is
Choose the correct form.It’s the___job he’s ever had to do.Worst
Choose the correct answer.We haven’t got___time to get the train.Come on,hurry up. Much
Choose the present simple form.Grew.Grow
Choose the present simple form.Shrank.Shrink
Choose the present simple form.Went down. Go down
Choose the right comparatives.I can’t make -____offer than that.More reasonable
Choose the right question.Do you work for a large company?
Choose the right superlatives.I’m sure this a____sofa you’ve ever sat on.The most comfortable
Choose the right form. Do you like green tea?Yes, I do
Choose the correct answer .What do you do to cope … stress?With
Choose the correct answer.
Choose the correct answer.… equipment got stolen from the factory last night.Some
Choose the correct answer.… Fridays, the restaurant always serves fish and chips.On
Choose the correct answer.His birthday is … April.In
Choose the correct answer.She was born … 1984.In
Choose the correct answer.The meeting is … 3 March.On
Choose the correct answer.They usually go skiing … New Year.At
Choose the correct answer.We usually watch TV … the evening.In
Choose the correct answer.What are you doing … lunchtime.At
Choose the correct answer.Where are you going on holiday … the summer?In
Choose the correct option to complete the sentence. What does AIDA stand …For
Choose the correct word. How _____money did we make last month?Much
Choose the correct word. Sales ____ going up quickly.Are
Choose the present simple form of the verb- rose. Rise
Choose the right question. No, I used to live in New York.Did you use to live in London?
Choose the right variant. I__much exercise, but now I go jogging regulary.Didn’t use to do
Choose the right variant. ____people who are responsible for the financial management of the company.Accountants
Choose the right variant. ____people who provide products or services to the company.Suppliers
Choose the right variant. ____people who run the company.Directors
Choose the right variant. -____people to whom the company belongs.Owners
Choose the right variant. Complete (synonym).Fill in
Choose the right variant. Contact (synonym).Get in touch with
Choose the right variant. New cost airlines have cheaper____.Airfares
Choose the right variant. Now we have received the _______ from the bank, we can work.Funding
Choose the right variant. Real hit (synonym).A big success
Coca-cola __ drunk all over the world.Is
Coffee _____ grown in the UK because it is to cold.Isn`t
Companies often decide _____ into new expand
Complaints about bank charges ____ increasing in the UK.Are
Complete the sentence . ____you smoke?Do
Complete the sentence. How do you ____ a bank account in Germany?Open
Complete the missing letters. Good morning, Custom Computers, h___ can I help you?How
Complete the missing letters. How long is your_____ in Italy?Assignment
Complete the sentence. The plants___,if you don’t water them.Won’t grow
Complete the sentences with the words. I`m calling ____an order.About
Considerable. Large in size
Costs ____ decreasing all the time.Are
Could you put me___to customer complaints?Through
Could I have two days____ next week to visit my mother?Off
Current price of something.Going rate
Do you know what they ___now?Are discussing
Do I have to _____a check-up with a doctor? Have
Do I need to ________ a health insurance scheme?Join
Do you have your mobile phone ____ you?With
Does Michael earn _____ money?much
Domestic sales have _________ by 6% over the last year. risen
English is___to learn than Danish.Easier
Equipment or fixtures.Furniture and fittings
Every weekday she____7:30.Gets up
Finally, if you are able persuade an undecided _______ customer that our products are the best on the market, then please get in touch today.Potential
Find the correct answer. With best regads.All the best
Find the correct answer. Every day I___the for suitable job vacancies.Search
Find the correct answer. Foreign__.Language
Find the synonym of these words. Well-known, famous , popular ,known,___.Outstanding
Find the expressions. Prices as low as the rivals.Competitive prices
Find the correct answer. A____is to try outproducts and services to see if they are satisfactory.Trial order
Find the correct answer. A___is the amount that is left after all deductions have been made.Net price
Find the correct answer. Cover…letter
Find the correct answer. My sister knows English___than my brother.Better
Find the correct answer.Application__Process
Find the correct answer.Each person has an equal in making decisions and whatever profit is made.Shares
Find the correct answer.I__English for five years.Have been learnig
Find the correct answer.This book__here for hours.Has been lying
Find the correct answer.Which companies do you think are____the biggest profits at the moment?Making
Find the correct form.I asked him __,but he went anyway.Not to go
Find the countable noun.Program
Find the definitions.Room where you can put on clothes before buying them.Fitting
Find the negative adjective.Generous Mean
Find positive adjective.Friendly
Find the opposite meaning: failures.successes
First of all, you need to___ the bank proof of identity, earnings and residency.Show
Give informal form of this word.Grateful-Happy
Give informal form of this word.Near future-Soon
Give informal form of this word.Require-Need
Give the informal forms of the words. Assistance.Help
Harry___at school yesterday, was he?Wasn’t
He ____for the government.Works
He___play the guitar.Doesn’t
He’s going out with a friend of____.His
Headquarters.Central office of a company
Hello, I`m calling my new computers that was d ____ last week.Delivered
How_____ employees work in their company?Many
Humans ____ closely related to apes.Are
Íow much___these small postcards.Are
I think he___his homework at the moment. Is doing
I wanted___some computer games after supper.To play
I am very interested____the course you are organizing.In
I can’t cope___any more work.I need a holiday. With
I want to set___my own company, and be my own boss. Up
I ____ improving my sales technique each month.Am
I ____football on Tuesday evenings. Play
I don`t ____to the gym very often.Go
I last saw him__ _August.In
I need to ____ my phone credit.Top up
I never get angry. I’m a very___person.Calm
I was so nervous about flying that I left my bag in the ______.Departure lounge
I___good with money, but these days it goes so quickly!Used to be
I`ll put you ____ to our sales department.Through
I`ll put you ____ to our sales department.Through
I`m afraid I have to hang ____ now because I have to go to a meeting.Up
I`ve only got ____ money left.A little
I`ve only got ____ money left.A little
I’ll call you tomorrow if I____any news.Hear
I’m looking__a new job. For
If Ali___hard ,he’ll pass the exam. Works
If Jamal______on holiday ,he’ll spend spend a lot of money.Goes
If you____Vitamin C, you won’t get a cold.Take
If the sun shines we___go for a walk.Will go
If you ____ in that hotel,it’ll be very expensive.Stay
If you go to USA, make sure you take out medical _____ .Insurance
In a foreign country.Abroad
In 2006, Pr. Yunus __the Nobel Peace Prize for his work.Received
Income or revenue.Turnover
It looks like you have _____ a mistake on our invoice.made
It`s hot in here. I ____ the window.`ll open
Julia can’t find the documents she needs . She’s so ____.Disorgonized.
Karen____Italian for three years now and is still studying.Has studied
Lease----A body part
Leo has been married____4 years.For
Let me just ____ your details.Check
Let me just ____ your details.Check
Louisa _____going to see the doctor if she can.Promises
Made to a particular size (=tailor-made)______.Made-to-measure
Make phrases used in customer care. _____with the problem, if you can.Deal
Match an expression with the meaning. Gap in the market.This product or service doesn’t exist , but there a need for it
Match an expression with the meaning. Minimum equity.The lowest amount of capital allowed to start up a company
Match a verb with a noun.Advertise----products
Match a word with a definition. To establish.To start a company
Match the collocations To set up______A company
Maya works in a shop and has to make____for customers.Recommendation
Money in the form of coins and banknotes. cash
Money that you get back if you return goods that you do not like______.Refund
Most of the young people on the boat slept on the ______ in their sleeping bags.Deck
Moving stairs that take people from one level of a building to the next_____.Escalator
My mother is in the kitchen. She ___a plum cake.Is making
My phone does not have ____ access.Internet
New low cost airlines have cheaper ____ .Airfares
No extra charge for borrowed money.Interest free loan
Ok, can you tell me what the ______ is?Problem
On Fridays I usually finish work ____ half past three.At
On Fridays I usually finish work ____ half past three.At
Paul was always late for his work and in the end he was______.Sacked
Please give me ___interesting to read.Something
Please can you give me the details ____ the order?Of
Policeman______ten minutes ago.Drove away
Rafael_____shopping for me yesterterday.Went
Red tape.Documents or processes that cause delays
Requirement.Something that is necessary, or that a rule says you must do
Run up___Debts
Ryanair has a very modern ____ of ____. Fleet/planes
She came home late. Put the question.When did she come?
She ____ an apartment in the city centre. Rents
She ____ an apartment in the city centre.Rents
She ___dinner when the door suddenly opened.Was cooking
She always _____ work on time.Finishes
She’s only been here three weeks. It’s a ______ job.Temporary
Some parts for the Airbus aircraft ___ flown from Liverpool to Toulouse. They do not go by land or se..Are
Some parts for the Airbus aircraft ___ flown from Liverpool to Toulouse. They do not go by land or sea.Are
Something that helps you to avoid wasting time and effort_____.Convenience
Super Smoothly ____ in half litre or one litre cartons.Can be bought
Thank you ____ calling.For
That means if you run up___, you alone have to pay for them.Debts
That was the happiest day___my life.In
That’s the ____difficult textbook I’ve ever used.Most
The headmaster_____to school in 1985.Came
The teacher already_____him to be quiet.Has told
The traffic on the highways was so heavy that I__.Didn’t get to the office at 8 o’clock
The banks open____9a.m..At
The helicopter landed ___roof of the building.On
The project was successful and___ the levels of millions of women in Bangladash.Changed
The students ____German, they study only English.Aren’t
The ____ sitting next to me was very rude to one of the ____.Passenger/crew
The ______ for delivery of the new aircraft is 1 November next year.Deadline
The bank has _____ approved our loan application.already
The biggest, most important, or best thing in a group (an idea that comes from the navy).Flagship
The building workers were paid their ______ every Friday.Wages
The company restaurant opens for lunch …
The first ____ for the project will be signing the contract.Milestone
The first _____ of the project starts next week.Phase
The flight was late because we missed our take-off ____.Slot
The government gave the ______ for the new passenger terminal at the airport.Green light
The main offices of a company, especially one with lots of branches, regional offices.headquarters
The official list of items to be discussed at a meeting . agenda
The owners of a company’s equity capital.shareholders
The paper or plastic that covers something that you buy _____.Wrapping
The population ____ growing fast.Is
The project is late because there weren`t enough ____ - human, financial and material.Resources
The way that his lives, including their work, his activities and what they own___.Lifestyle
The work usually ____ about a week.Takes
There are many mobile phones____ to choose from.Delivered
There are more ____ to the USA now.Flights
There is still … coffee in the pot.A little
They work in offices_____are air-conditioned.Which
They ___ know the answer to you question.Don’t
They___their cottage ten years ago.Bought
Think about.Consider
This is___camera around at the moment.The most sophisticated
This is___price I can offer.The lowest
This watch is one of___on the market.The most accurate
This includes the ability to be _____ when a customer has a problem.Sympathetic
This plant should ____ watered every two to three days.Be
To raise_____Capital
To be treated ______ the national health service.By
To be treated ______ the national health service.By
To deduct payments ______ an account.From
To invest______Money
To pay _______ private medical treatment.For
To pay _______ private medical treatment.For
Tom has been watching TV ________ 5 o’clock.since
Use the Internet to look ______ places to rent.For
Used in homes, or relating to homes______.Household
Usually I_ _swimming two times a week.Go
Very quickly.Rapidly
We had an exciting___on the Trans-Siberian railway.Tour
We should look___the environment, not pollute it.After
We are very ____ about the bad sales figures.Worried
We doesn`t speak English at home.Don’t
We only cook with the … (fresh) ingredients. Freshest
We`ll arrange ____ the order to be sent to you again.For
We’ll get there on time if we___leave now. Leave
We’ll go out for a walk if it___sunny. Is
Well, any payments you make with your credit card are automatically ____ from your account!Deducted
When I arrived at the station, the train____already left. Has
When David opened his franchise, he ____ such long hours.wasn’t used to working
When he retired he received a monthly_______ . Pension
When I left the job, I had to hand in my_____ three weeks beforehand.Notice
When you open a bank account you need to show _____ of identity. Proof
Which item tells you that smth bad happened next?Unfortunately
Which word doesn’t belong here.Financial benefits and services.Hairdresser
While the boss is away, Sue will be _______ of the office. In charge
Who is your mobile phone ____? Mine`s Vodaphone.Provider
With a prepaid package you can cut_____ the service whenever you want.Off
Worth the price. Good value for money
Yes, the computer was delivered to the office last week, but we had some problems ____ it up.Setting
You can live _______ a local family to learn_____ the culture.With/about
You can take _____ an insurance policy.Out
You need good ____ skills for a job in a customer complaints department.Listening
You will spend about half your time on the telephone so you need to have a polite telephone ____.Manner
You`ll probably also have to show that your salary will be ____ into the account.Paid
Your ____ might help you to find an apartment when you first arrive to do a job in a new country.Employer
Your apartment might be provided ______ you.For
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1963