Each class of words is characterized by a certain number of categories. Some of them are really important to the Parts of the language.(N, V, adj, adv etc.)
gramm categories
Primary (inherent)
Categorical notions
Category--- a specific form of a presentation.
---symbolizes the most general notion
---a system of expressing generalized gramm meaning
by means of paradigmatic correlation of gramm forms
---is a paradigm (is a set of forms)
Opposition (Trybetskoj) opposition of forms is a paradigm too.
---binary privative oppositions (Pr Ind Past Ind, sing plur)
---strong (marked) member of opposition + - (to be written)
---weak member of opposition - - (to write)
is the most typical in English
---equipollentisolated opposition (is, am, are)
---gradual oppositions (good, better, the best)
oppositional substitution one form is used instead of the other form. (man-men)
+ sharp substitution of forms (to be or not to be)
Neutralisation of the opposition one member of the form is used in general (man is fool)
Transposition ( I just quite dont like her eye)
Gramm forms and categories
Grammatical forms:
Inner inflexion (man-men)
Outer inflexion (work worked)
Phenomenon of suppletivity - interchange of roots (to go, went, gone)
Lexical (advise- pieces of advise)
Components of the words morpheme (has| been| written)
Specific stylistically colored gramm forms grammatical repetition to produce stylist. effect
---exposes semantics
---intensifies the meaning
---emphasizes the degree of quality
---identifies the indefinite number of objects
(they talked for a long-long time)
Lecture 5
the Verb, complexity and categorial specifics
1. the verb: situation and reality
Categorial meaning
Functional value
Forms of WB
Classes of verbs
Notional verbs
Types of categorization
verbs combining power valency
The synt valency
Finite and non finite
The verbals paradigm
1. the verb: situation and reality
Verbs categorial meaning process developing in time
Finite (personal form)
Non-finite (impersonal)
Agree with the person and number
Plays a central role in the predication of a sentence, makes up the primary predication
Dont agree
Are very specific
Form additional secondary predication
4 types
Infinitive verbal name of process
Participle1 and Participle2
WB specifics:
1. simple (go, take, try, sing)
2. sound replacive (blood-bleed, food-feed)
3. stress replacive (export to export)
4. composite (blackmail to blackmail)
5. expanded (normal normalize)
Linear characteristics:
--- continuous / discontinuous
--- full nominative value notional verbs / partial nominative value semi notional verbs
--- perceptional (seem, look)
--- factual (to become, to grow)
--- linking verbs - Linking function
combining power valency
V+N in the function of the direct object
(she wrote a letter of application)