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Make the sentences more formal using the words from the previous exercise instead of the underlined ones. Make any other necessary changes to produce a correct sentence.


1. All that carbon-what’s-it-called gas put out by our cars and factories is a major problem.

2. These flowers here are a type there’s not many left of, so it’s illegal to pick them.

3. A lot of wild animals have to survive in smaller and smaller areas where they can live.

4. Most of Patagonia is a completely spotless area that‘s never been touched.

5. We have to look after the things we use on this planet because they won’t last forever.

6. If the cutting down of trees continues, there will be no forest left ten years from now.

7. Burning coal and oil and stuff like that causes a lot of pollution.

8. The sea will get higher if this heating up of the world continues.

9. Increasing population puts really big pressure on economic resources.

10. The way things all balance one another in the nature is very delicate.

Complete the sentences with the following expressions from the box.

non-renewable resources, discharge, dispose, effluent, monitor, carcinogenic, protection of natural environment, toxic emissions, environmental pollution, radioactivity

1. In recent years the quest for economic growth has increasingly come up against a concern for the………………………………………...

2. Ecologists are concerned about the consumption of…………………………………, the creation of waste, and the pollution of the land, sea and air.

3. The scientists believe that companies should minimize ……………………………….

4. Companies should not pollute the air with …………………..from chimneys or with …………..– toxic liquids that they ………………….into rivers or the sea.

5. Companies should ………………of waste in more acceptable ways.

6. Nuclear power plants are required to …………levels of radioactivity in the air and water around them, but critics say that even minimum levels of …………… are unacceptable.

7. Some pollutants are…………………, causing cancer.

8. Many ………………………….people advocate imposing stringent regulations to compel companies to limit pollution.


4. What do the words in the bold mean? Match the words with their explanations. Answer the questions that follow.




Recycling, the recovery and re-use of various materials, is an environmentally friendly approach to using scarceresources. Not only products should be recyclable – the European Union, for example, has regulations about the percentage content of products and packaging that must be reused and recycled. Household and industrial waste should also be recycled. Supporters of recycling say that it’s imperative that we should stop messing upthe environment and salvage refuse. Dumping waste in landfills cannot continue indefinitely and burning waste in incinerators is also environmentally damaging.

 a machine designed to burn things at a very high temperature in order to destroy them;

 unwanted materials or substances that are left after you have used sth;

 designed not to harm natural environment;

 used materials put through a special process so that they can be used again;

 limited in number and amount;

 pollute, affect in a damaging way;

 to save rubbish from damage and destruction for the subsequent recycling and re-use;

 the practice of burying waste under the soil, or the waste buried in this way, a place where this waste is buried;

 the amount of substance in a container;

 getting rid of sth that you no longer need in a most careless way.


Is packaging always necessary or is it just one of the sales gimmicks?

● Is excessive packaging confined only to luxuries? Give your own examples. (For example, to get a chocolate out of a box requires a considerable amount of unpacking)

● The most popular packaging containers are made of plastic. What is the impending threat to the environment? (The trouble with the plastic is that it doesn’t rot)

5. Study the following expressions and match the two parts of the sentences containing these expressions.

Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1504

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C. Economics and Ecology | F. Creative Consolidation
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