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Test 19. Put the verbs in brackets into either the Past Simple, Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous.

Ever since the day I (1) ………………………… (decide) to move to London, I (2) ………………………… (worry) whether the decision I (3) ………………………… (take) was the right one. As I (4) ………………………… (already sell) my house and (5)(arrange) a new job, it is too late to change my mind. However, since then I (6) ………………………… (hear) a lot of negative things about living in the capital, and lately some of them (7) ………………………… (begin) to bother me. I (8) ………………………… (grow up) in a fairly small town and I (9) ………………………… (spend) all of my life there. I (10) ………………………… (always want) to live in v big city and so when my company (11) ………………………… (offer) me a job in their London office, I (12) ………………………… (grab) at the chance. But according to a programme I (13) ………………………… (just hear) on the radio, more and more people (14) ………………………… (stop) working in London recently, and a lot of large companies (15) ………………………… (choose) to move away from the centre. Of course I (16) ………………………… (tell) my parents that I’m moving and they (17) ………………………… (accept) my decision, but when I (18) ………………………… (tell) my friends they (19) ………………………… (seem) rather shocked. Since then I (20) ………………………… (hope) secretly that the company would tell me that the move was off!


Test 20. Past Perfect Simple or Continuous? Choose the correc verb form.

1. I knew the facts of the case because I had (read/been reading) the report.

2. My eyes ached because I had (read/been reading) for three hours.

3. The children were dirty. They had (played/been playing) in the garden, and they were covered in mud.

4. I was very nervous at the beginning of the match. I had never (played/been playing) before.

5. Donald was very angry. He had (worked/been working) in the kitchen all morning, and no one had offered to help him.

6. The roads were wet because it had (rained/been raining) all night.

7. He was broke. He had (spent/been spending) all his money.

8. His hands were covered in oil because he had (tried/ been trying) to fix the car all morning. Unfortunately, he had not (managed/been managing)

to make it start.

9. I got to the meeting very late and everyone was waiting for me to start; the chairman told me they had (waited/ been waiting) for a whole hour.

10. When I arrived at the party, Mary had already (left/ been leaving).

11. We were good friends. We had (known/been knowing) each other for a long time.

12. They had (climbed/been climbing) for five hours before they reached the top of the mountain.

13. I had (felt/been feeling) sleepy all day so I went to bed early.

14. Ken gave up smoking two years ago. He had (smoked/ been smoking) for 30 years.

15. Ann had just (got/been getting) home when I phoned.

17. I was sad when I sold my car. I had (had/been having) it for a very long time.

18. Mary was sitting on the ground. She was out of breath. She had (run/been running).

19. In the evening I was very tired because I had (cleaned/ been cleaning) my house since morning.

20. The house was dirty. They had not (cleaned/been cleaning) it for weeks.


Test 21. Future Perfect Simple or Continuous? Choose the correct verb form.

1. We are late. The film will already have (started/been starting) by the time we get to the cinema.

2. We will have (flied/been flying) non-stop for seven hours before we get to New York.

3. By the end of this year he will have (acted/been acting) for thirty years.

4. Next year John and Ann will have (been/been being) married for 25 years.

5. Mr. Jacobs will have (worked/been working) on this project for 3 years next month.

6. Yes, I make jam every week. I’ll have (made/been making) about 200 kilos by the end of the summer.

7. Ann always leaves for work at 8.30 in the morning. So she won’t be at home at 9 o’clock. She will have (gone/ been going) to work.

8. I hope they will have (repaired/been repairing) this road by the time we come back next summer.

9. His telephone is out of order. He is still repairing it. Tomorrow he will have (repaired/been repairing) his telephone for a week.

10. He spends all his time planting trees. He says that by the end o next year he will have (planted/been planting) 2,000.

11. We’d better wait till 14 December. David will have (had/been having) his exam by then, so he’ll be able to join us.

12. I am expecting an important letter and I think it will have (arrived/been arriving) by Thursday.

13. Jane will have (learnt/been learning) English for 5 years this summer.

14. By the end of the month he will have (climbed/been climbing) mountains for twenty years.

15. By the end of the month he will have (climbed/been climbing) 50 mountains.

16. Today is Tuesday. Rosie says she will have (finished/ been finishing) her composition by Saturday.

17. When Frank comes home, his mother will have already (cooked/been cooking) dinner.

18. By 6 o’clock Ted will have (played/been playing) football for 5 hours!

19. Wake me up by 9 o’clock! I’ll have (slept/been sleeping) long enough by then.

20. At the end of this term I will have (taught/been teaching) for six years.




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