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Rewrite these sentences as in the model.

Model: Tom usually gets up at seven. – Yesterday he also got up at seven.

1. Tom usually wakes up early. 2. Tom generally has a sandwich and a cup of tea for breakfast. 3. Tom usually walks to work. 4. Tom is always busy at work. 5. Tome usually works till late. 6. Sandra usually waits for Tom after work and gives him a lift home. 7. Normally Tom meets Sandra on Friday. 8. He usually goes out in the evening.

Make these sentences negative.

Model 1:I quarreled with my friend yesterday. – I didn’t quarrel with my friend yesterday.

Model 2: Nick was fond of playing the guitar. – Nick wasn’t fond of playing the guitar.

1. I got up early in the morning. 2. I had classes till three. 3. My mother went shopping after work. 4. My little sister made dinner. 5. My friend phoned me in the evening. 6. He invited me to his birthday party. 7. We took part in the discussion. 8. I came home late. 9. It was my day off. 10. We were very upset yesterday.


Ask general questions.

Model 1:Helen liked it. – Did Helen like it?

Model 2: She was on holiday in Mexico. – Was she on holiday in Mexico?

1. James worked till seven yesterday. 2. They visited him last week. 3. I began working last week. 4. Sid went to the cinema last night. 5. Molly talked very little last night. 6. The saw a film last night. 7. They discussed it yesterday morning. 8. She phoned me two days ago. 8. Barbara taught Spanish last year. 9. I was tired yesterday. 10. Tom and Fred were absent from the last lesson.


Ask questions to the words in italics.

Model 1: He gave me a vase as a present. – What did he give you as a present?

Model 2: She was on holiday in May. When was she on holiday?

1. Lucy called me twice last week. 2. I wrote a letter to Nick in the morning. 3. The children broke that cup the other day. 4. They went to the country for the weekend. 5. It took me an hour to read that article. 6. I spoke to Mr. Nixon on Tuesday. 7. Nelly danced with Mark at the party. 8. Mr. and Mrs. Brown were in Italy last summer. 9. Peter was happy because he had won a lottery.


Ask questions to the subject.

Model 1: We played tennis in the field. – Who played tennis in the field?

Model 2: Jill was ill last week. – Who was ill last week?

1. He wanted to go home. 2. The car stopped near the house. 3. He drank tea every day. 4. The teacher gave me a book. 5. The desk stood at the window. 6. Mary came to the class early. 7. The train went fast. 8. An apple fell on the ground. 9. The bag was expensive. 10. His things were heavy.

6. Open the brackets using can, be able to or manage to in the proper tense form. Some forms may be negative.

1. I … drive now but next year I … drive. 2. … I help you? 3. … you skate when you were six? 4. They didn’t want to come with us at first, but we … to persuade them. 5. She wasn’t at home, when I phoned, but I … contact her at her office. 6. I can’t see you on Friday, but I … meet you on Saturday morning.


7. Open the brackets using must, have to or be to in the proper tense form.

1. I … wake up early yesterday. 2. Sorry, but I … leave now. 3. The guide … meet the group and take them to the hotel yesterday. 4. Susan says I … drive her to the station. She thinks it is my duty. 5. I was late because I … type a report. 6. As we agreed, I … meet him at 7 o’clock today.


Date: 2015-12-11; view: 3777

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