Ivan moved to London in 2002. He lives in London now.
How long has Ivan lived in London?
- Ivan has lived in London for five years
This is Juan.
Juan is married to Jeanne
They have been married since 1999
Juan’s best friend is Ian.
Juan has known Ian for ten years
Juan likes playing tennis
He has played tennis since he was a child
Juan works for Macroloft corporation.
He has worked for Macroloft for five years
Juan is learning Spanish (present progressive)
He has been learning Spanish for six months (present perfect
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Have you ever…?
Have you ever been to
Italy ?
Yes, I have
Have you ever been
to China ?
No, I haven’t. I’ve
never been to China
We can use the present perfect to talk about our experiences in life. If
you want to know when something happened, use the simple past.
Have you ever played poker?
Yes I have.
When did you play poker?
I played when I was on holiday in Las Vegas
When we say ‘have you ever been to Italy?’ been is the past participle of
the verb to go. Been then, is like a return trip.
I went to Italy
I came back from Italy
I’ve been to Italy (at sometime in my life)
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For and Since
Compare these sentences:
I’ve lived in New York for ten years
I’ve lived in New York since 1998
Since is used for a specific time:
I’ve had this car since August
I’ve known Jean since 1980
I’ve had this headache since this morning
For is used for a duration of time
I’ve had this car for six months
I’ve known Jean for 27 years
I’ve had this headache for several hours
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Unit 9
is done/was done
The passive voice.
People make cars in Birmingham (active)
Cars are made in Birmingham (passive)
We are not interested in who made the cars (people, somebody, the workers etc). We are only
Interested in which city they are made .
This is the passive voice:
To be:
was were
+ past participle
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 996