A Bit of Singing and Dancing
Omission is reduction of the elements of the ST considered redundant from the viewpoint of the TL structural patterns and stylistics
Omission is the opposite of addition - to understand it consider the literal translation into English of the аbove noun clusters from their Ukrainian translation and compare these translations with the original English text.
Green Party federal election топеу - гроші Партії зелених, призначені для выборів на федеральному рівні - Green Party топеу intended for the elections at the federal level.
Fuel tax protests - протести, пов’язані з підвищенням податку на паливо - protests related to the increase о! the fuel tax.
Peer-bonded goods - товари, розраховані на споживання в певній віковій групі - goods designed for use bу certain age groups.
Furthermore, the meaning of their constituents being the same, а number of expressions do not require translation into Russian in full, e.g., null and void - недействительный.
So, as оne саn see, proper omissions are important and necessary translation devices rather than translator's faults as some still tend to bеlieve.
Thus, basic translation devices discussed in this lecture are, indeed, the only 'tool kit' available to а translator, however, а big question remains unanswered: Where and when to use that or another device? А complete answer is hardly possible, but we shall try, at least, to give some recommendations in the lectures that follow.
A Bit of Singing and Dancing
The Author
Susan Hill was born in Scarborough in 1942. She is a novelist, playwright, and critic, who has also written several radio plays and broadcasts frequently. Some of her novels are I'm the King of the Castle, Strange Meeting, The Bird of Night. The Albatross and A Bit of Singing and Dancing are both collections of short stories. Most of her novels and short stories are about difficult emotional relationships, but she writes with delicacy and compassion.
The Story
Tyranny can take many forms: the tyranny of rulers over people, the tyranny of one individual over another, the tyranny of unjust imprisonment, military force, psychological or emotional domination. Most people want to escape from tyranny of any kind – to be free, free to make their own choices, their own decisions. But when you are not used to it, freedom can be difficult to live with. 'Liberty is a different kind of pain from prison,' wrote T.S. Eliot in his play The Family Reunion.
Esme Fanshaw has suddenly been released into longed-for liberty by the death of her tyrannical mother. Now she can do, say, think what she likes. She can please herself about everything and anything; the choices are endless – and bewildering. It is not easy to shake off fifty years of domination …
Date: 2014-12-29; view: 2267