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Alan asks Jeffrey to become Alicia's godfather after Aaron had told Alan that he couldn't be it

Alan: Oh Jeffrey, I was just coming to see you. (He closes the door to his office and rushes up to JG.)
Jeffrey: Slow down, slow down. You'll hurt someone. I sound just like my old man. If you'd known him, that's just what you'd say too.
Alan: Sorry, I'm late to meet the father.
Jeffrey: My father?
Alan: No, my father.
Jeffrey: (confused) Your father's dead, so is mine. None of this makes any sense.
Alan: Father Fatima. He's performing Alicia's baptism. There's been some last minute changes...
Jeffrey: Ah, you know I never realized you were a practicing Catholic. I mean, not that it would make any difference to me you being Catholic, me being Jewish.
Alan: Jeffrey. I would like you to be Alicia's godparent.
Jeffrey: I wasn't your first choice, was I?
Alan: No.
Jeffrey: I should have known, what with you being Catholic, me being Jewish. That's... such... big differences between us.
Alan: You weren't the first choice; you are the obvious choice.
Jeffrey: Well, why didn't you think of me first? What about Aaron?
Alan: Don't ask, just answer.
Jeffrey: (whispers) I'd be honored. (smiles)
Alan: You will! Oh great! (He runs to the elevator.) All right, see you on the terrace.
Jeffrey: What happens at this shindig? I mean, nobody's speakin' in strange tongues or anything?
Alan: Noooo. Of coarse not.
Jeffrey: No flames of fire dancing on anybody's head?
Alan: No no no no. I've got to go. (He enters the elevator.)
Jeffrey: Alan, Alan. (Alicia's crying in his office.) Forget somethin'? (The elevator doors begin to close as Alan sticks his arm out to stop them.)
Alan: Oh my God! ... Oh! (He rushes to Alicia, but the door to his office is locked.) Oh no! Oh my God! OK honey! It's OK! I'm coming. (He pushes at the door.) Don't worry! Daddy's coming! Here I am! Oh my God!
(Geiger calmly punches in numbers on the phone as Birch tries to break down the door with a running start. A yelp is heard when he makes contact with the door.)



"A coupla stiffs"

In Short: Watters participates in a boxing match. Hancock struggles to diagnose a Chinese man's bizarre illness. Aaron and Camille come to a decision about their future. Grad supervises a strange treatment for a man with gangrene in his leg.

Guest Starring: Michal Jeter (as Bob Ryan), and Julia Nickson (as Leigh)

Story: John Tinker
Directed By: Jerry London

TOP Quotes:

Grad to Kronk : "When Billy Kronk says he's going to hack off a leg, word gets around pretty quick."

Grad to patient : "The only homers Dr. Kronk knows about are hits at Wrigley Field."

Phillip ask Jeffrey to do the physical exams he needs to do the boxing match:

Phillip Just sign the form, Jeffrey.
Jeffrey: Can't believe what you're asking. Want me to lie? Violate the Hippocratic Oath? I'm afraid I can't do that. I won't sign.
Phillip If Morton Shedley wasn't busy, you'd be the last person I'd ask to do this.
Jeffrey: You're breaking my heart. Come on get 'em down. (Phillip pulls down his pants and underwear.) Smile.
(Jeffrey takes a picture of Phillip's butt)
Phillip Give me that.
Jeffrey: You can get dressed now. (Jeffrey passes him and starts to exit.)
Phillip Hey now, now that violates the Hippocratic Oath. Jeffrey! (Jeffrey walks down the hall laughing.) Jeffrey! Jeffrey! Two nurses pass by seeing Phillip in his underwear and start to giggle. Phillip closes the door - very angry.
Aaron walks down the hall, Jeffrey catches up with him and shows him the picture he has taken of Phillip's back
Jeffrey: I'm going to put that on my wall. What do you think ?
Aaron: What is it Jeffrey some kind of mountain ?



" Every Day a little death"

In Short: A former patient hopes Dr. Shutt can save her critically wounded son. A racist skinhead needs a transplant. Grad takes a sudden interest in baby Alicia. Nyland gets a couple of unexpected roommates.

Guest Starring: Giovanni Ribisi (as Michael Weber), Robyn Lively (as Maggie Atkisson), Stephen Elliott (as Harold Aldrich), Kimiko Gelman (as Amy), Lynne Moody (as Yvette White), and Carrie Snodgrass (as Mrs. Weber)

Story: Patricia Green
Directed By: James Frawley

TOP Quotes:

In the Board room Phillip, Kate and Jeffrey discuss the Michael's death after Camille had told them the nurse was afraid of taking his blood after he had threatend her:
Kate: No excuses. I'm responsible. I should have checked with the lab and made sure the blood work was done.
Phillip: (to Jeffrey) You ordered it.
Jeffrey: It's rude to interrupt, Phillip.
Kate: You know what? I'm doing a good job here. Surgery is up, infections are down. We have a new set of critical pathways and I thought about leaving, but I don't think that would be good for me or for Chicago Hope. Guess what, Jeff? I'm not resigning. If you want me out of here, you're gonna have to fire me and if you do that, get ready for one hell of a lawsuit.
Jeffrey: I'm ready.


"Wild cards"

In Short: Geiger second-guess Austin's choice of a non-surgical treatment for a heart patient. Grad gets a surprise visit from an old beau. Hancock asks for Camille's help in coordinating a new home health care program.

Guest Starring: Kim Griest (as Laurie Geiger), and Robert Cornthwaite (as Harry Brunner)

Story: Sara B. Charno
Directed By: Michael Schultz

TOP Facts:

Geiger is playing the piano and singing "I Wish I Could Forget You" (can be found on his cd: Oscar and Steve) to Laurie at the institution:
I wanted you to vanish from sight,
but now I see you in a different light.
And though I cannot love you,
I wish that I could love you.
For now I'm seeing love
like none I've ever known
a love as pure as breath,
as permanent as death,
implacable as stone.
A love that, like a knife
has cut into a life
I wanted left alone
A love I may regret
but one Ican't forget

TOP Quotes:

Geiger to Shutt : "Ever since the divorce, you're no fun."

Camille to Aaron: : "Don't bother giving me advice, you lost that option a while ago."

Jeffrey: You wanted me?
Phillip: Yes. Sit.
Jeffrey: I'll stand.

Kate: Piece of mind. Is that even possible around Geiger?
Aaron: Hey, you wanna know Jeffrey's secret?
Kate: What?
Aaron: When he speaks, he speaks with authority.
Kate: Oh.
Aaron: Makes everything out of his mouth sound like the truth.
Kate: More like everything that comes out his mouth sounds like *gospel*.
Aaron: It's rumored that God has a Geiger complex.

TOP Transcripts:
Phillip, Billy, Danny, Jeffrey and Aaron: are playing cards in Phillip's office, Geiger is dealing:
Jeffrey: It's time to get serious. The game is five card draw. One-eyed Jacks are wild.
Billy: Wild cards are a wuss game.
Jeffrey: I'm dealing, I'm calling the game. You in or out?
Phillip: You're running kind of low there, Jeffrey.
Jeffrey: I can afford to lose.
Danny: Who died and left you money?
Jeffrey: Eleanor Halpern.
Billy: Who?
Phillip: Chicago Hope's latest benefactor. She passed away last week.
Aaron: Jeffrey's under the delusion that all of her funding money's going to his artificial heart.
Billy: How much?
Phillip: 1.8 million.
Billy: Whoa!
Phillip: Board is meeting tomorrow to decide the allocation.
Danny: It's my ace.
Aaron: You know, Jeffrey, there are other doctors in this hospital. Two cards please.
Jeffrey: You know, ever since the divorce, you're no fun. Dealer takes uh... two.
Billy: Ten bucks.
Danny: I'm out.
Billy: You wuss.
Danny: For somebody who needs to rent an apartment and get out of mine, should you be gambling?
Aaron:: See the ten.
Phillip: See your ten, raise you twenty.
Jeffrey: Where else can I get this kind of research grant from that of kissin' ass? Baby's ass, that's another thing. Beautiful woman's, I could kiss all day. But government ass, corporate ass, ick! Big, fat, hairy, I can't stand 'em. Little ol' lady, 85 years old, cardiac arrest leaves almost two million. Bang, ass-less money.
Phillip: Enough with the asses.
Aaron: Bet.
(Austin knocks and enters.)
Jeffrey: Speak of the devil.
Kate: Oh, I guess I'm not interrupting anything too important.
Jeffrey: Don't jump to conclusions. Have a nice night. See your twenty, raise you thirty.
Kate: My critical pathways for tomorrow's Board meeting.
Phillip: Thank you.
Jeffrey: All right, it's too much talk. Billy, you in?
Billy: Wild card is a wuss game. I fold on principle.
Aaron: Fold.
Jeffrey: Typical. (to Phillip) Just you and me.
Phillip: All right, raise you ten.
Jeffrey: See your ten, raise you thirty.
Kate: (looking over Phillip's shoulder) See your thirty, raise you fifty.
Jeffrey: You're not in the game. Phillip?
(Phillip gestures for Kate to bet.)
Kate: Fifty.
Jeffrey: Okay. Want to throw your money away. (He takes some of Billy's chips.)
Billy: Hey hey hey! Get out!
Jeffrey: See your fifty, raise you one hundred.
Billy: Get out of here!
Jeffrey: Call or fold.
Kate: We'll call. One hundred.
Jeffrey: (smiling as he shows his cards) Got a pair of deuces. (They all start to laugh.)
Phillip: (showing his cards) Read 'em and weep guys.
Danny: He beat you with a pair of fours.
Jeffrey: (laughs) You got lucky.
Kate: No. You're easy. Bye boys.
(she leaves)
Billy: Boy, you gonna stand for that?




"Who turned out the lights ?"

In Short: A violent storm on Halloween night knocks out the hospital's power immediately following the arrival of several auto-accident victims. Nyland and Atkisson briefly renew their romance. A new doctor shows up for duty, and is immediately put to work delivering a baby.

Guest Starring: Robin Lively (as Maggie Atkisson), and Lise Hilboldt (as Cindy Crossland)

Story: John Tinker
Directed By: Joe Napolitano

TOP Quotes:

JEFFREY: Jeffrey Geiger, Cardiothoracic.
JOHN: John Sutton, OB/GYN.
JEFFREY: One of those touchy feely OBs?
JOHN: Depends.
JEFFREY: Whatever that means.

KATE: You ever seen acute angina? I could show you sometime.

MAGGIE: We belong together, bodies and souls...
DANNY: Buttons, buttons, too many buttons..

Nyland regarding Sutton's hiring :"Aren't there enough doctors around here already?"

Jeffrey: What's the matter, Alan, didn't pay the electric bill?

TOP Transcripts:

AARON: Kate... last week, at the poker game in Watters' office... I could have sworn you brushed my leg. Under the table. Maybe it was just an accident, but hm... you were on my mind all weekend. And - I wonder if maybe we can have dinner sometime.
KATE: God...Aaron...mh there's just a lot of stuff going on in my life right now you know. I mean... it's just bad timing right now. Okay...?
AARON: Okay.
KATE: Okay (whispering).
AARON: Fine.
KATE: Okay. - You know, Aaron...I've learned a lot from you, too, and not just in the OR.

KATE: Aaron!...Aaron. Ah, hi! Look, you wondered if I touched your leg by accident the other night. Well, okay. It wasn't an accident. And--I would love to touch your leg again...along with other parts of your body, if...you're still interested.
AARON: What changed your mind?
KATE: I just refuse to let my life be held hostage again, that's all. I'll explain the whole boring thing on our date.
AARON: Well, I can't wait.
GEIGER: Did you know she is married?
KATE: Ah! I'm not!
GEIGER: Yes you are.
KATE: I am not!
GEIGER: (to Aaron) Meet you in the cafeteria. (leaves)
KATE: Ah....I'm not married. I...(laughs) I'm not married. I'll explain that on our date too.
AARON: Okay. Would you like to join us for breakfast?
KATE: Oh, no no no. I have to run.
AARON: Okay, good. Okay.
KATE: Okay. Aaron...
KATE: Hm..(She kisses him) I'll see you soon, okay...
AARON: Yeah.
KATE: Okay.
(Aaron sings the soapy song they heard in the OR)



" From Soup to Nuts"

In Short: Watters blames Birch for their poor showing after they're ambushed by a state senator during televised health-care hearings. Sutton operates on a pregnant woman's unborn child. Laurie remarries and asks Geiger to attend the ceremony, which will be presided over by "Evita Peron."

Guest Starring: Kim Griest (as Laurie Geiger), Richard Libertini (as Reverend), Jim Metzler (as Steven), Jenny Gago (as Ellen), Jeff Perry (as Gilbert Weeks), and Gailard Sartain (as Thomason)

Story: David E. Kelley, Jennifer Levin and John Tinker
Directed By: Lou Antonio

TOP Quotes:

Sutton to Austin : "It'll be a cold day in hell before I'm beholden to you."

Aaron: Goodnight Alan.
Alan: Goodnight everyone.
Jeffrey: I'd like the Eel's job, wouldn't you?
Push a few pencils, shuffle some papers. How tough could it be?
Sue a few people, listen to a lot of hooey, spend your life at lunch.

TOP Transcripts:

Alan's speech to the Senate Committee investigating the experimental procedures at Chicago Hope. The day before Senator Thomason had "put down" Phillip - mostly for doing unessecary procedures (he brought up the case with the AIDS patient who got infected with malaria in order to fight the the AIDS virus). Both Phillip and Alan didn't know how to answer the Senator's accusations. After the hearing Phillip was very angry and blamed Alan for not having the right answers. He told him that in his opinion Alan had lost his touch after adopting Alicia. And that he didn't work hard enough for the hospital because taking care for her would require most of his time. Later Phillip regreted his harsh words and wanted to appoligize but Alan closed the door - leaving Phillip standing in the corridore.

Senator Thomason: I'm sorry sir, you are again please.
Alan Birch: Alan Birch, General Counsel to Chicago Hope
Senator Thomason: I see. Well um, Mr Birch this, um, forum is about talking to doctors, not to lawyers.
(Phillip watching on TV)
Phillip Watters: Get him.
Alan Birch: This forum is about medicare. That topic had nothing whatsoever to do with this morning's attack..
Senator Thomason: Well, you'll have to forgive me, but I'm not about to let you turn this into a pissing contest....
Alan Birch: How about allowing me to respond to the allegations made by you with the cameras rolling here. Now if you feel threatened, senator, we can turn the cameras off. Because I understand you might feel overmatched without the element of surprise working for you. Again, in theory, any man worthy of a run for Congress should have enough bite to stand behind his words... Even if they were supplied to him by a campaign committee.
Senator Thomason: Do you want to come at me, sir? Do you know what you're up against?
Alan Birch: Only that you're a political creature who does not know what he's talking about when it comes to how a hospital works. Not too late to kill those cameras, sir.
Senator Thomason: Oh no, the cameras are running.
Alan Birch: Good. Now let's start with some of the facts you left out this morning. Like the fact that in all the experimental procedures you cited at Chicago Hope, the patients lived and benefited. Not 80%. Not 90, not 99, but 100%. They all got better.
Senator Thomason: At what cost?
Alan Birch: At a cost more expensive than death. But you left out that Chicago Hope has the lowest mortality rate of any hospital in the state. You particularly left out that surgeons there or anywhere sometimes have to make decisions in an instant. They don't have the luxury of appointing sub committees, to debate the pros and the cons. They don't have the time to consider public opinion polls. They can't take lunch with a lobbyist before choosing what to do. Patients face imminent death, and surgeons sometimes have to improvise without waiting for (?) approval. And yes, occasionally, they resort to untried, experimental procedures, but your suggestion that it's about playing with toys, who get's to be first, who's ego wins out. That is repugnant, not only to surgeons, but also to the credibility of your office. Only thing a comment like that proves is that obviously you've never been in an OR, senator. Certainly not one at Chicago Hope.
Senator Thomason: You should get John Williams to score this match.
Alan Birch: Boy you talk about saving Medicare from bankruptcy. Your real intent is to slash its costs to balance your state and federal budget. Well I'm going to tell you something. More people die with your plan, senator. Especially the elderly. HMO's win. For profit organizations flourish. But trauma centers, emergency rooms, they get shut down. So you want to make the hospital the villain here, that's fine. But it's a government shell game, at the expense of the elderly, at the expense of the poor. And everyone in this room know it.
(Another Senator speaks up)
Other Senator: This is not a place for politics
Alan Birch: It is entirely about politics. It's about nothing but politics. You single out Chicago Hope because it's rich. You make a big public attack on a wealthy institution. Eh, cameras rolling. Let's wack at the rich. And then you just hope the poor don't realize they're the one's getting hammered here. That's who you're sticking it to.So you want my vote, senator, You check into those hospitals who deliberately overbid Medicare contracts, so they lose them, so they don't have to treat the poor at fixed rates. You check into HMO's who threaten to shut down doctor's practices, unless those doctors promise to treat patients on the cheap. You check into insurance companies who promise to provide coverage, and then deny it, 'cause of some fine print which defines a procedure as experimental. There is a lot of waste, a lot of crap, a lot of wrong for you to go after in health care. But surgeons ain't it. Easy targets, you bet, but they ain't it. So you don't get my vote, Senator Thomason. (Start's pounding on desk) Sloppy work, and YOU DON'T GET MY VOTE! (Alan stares into the eyes of the senator)



"Leave of Absence"


In Short: Geiger's bravado is put to the test when hospital counsel Alan Birch is shot by street thugs. Meanwhile, Grad agonizes over not being able to help Alan and Watters regrets his recent harsh words with the lawyer.

Guest Starring: John F. O'Donohue (Aaron Canton), Gregg Daniel (Aaron McCabe), and De-Aundre Bonds (Aaron Polter)

Story: David E. Kelley
Directed By: Jeremy Kategan

TOP Quotes:

Kate: I'll miss you.
Geiger: I'm running late. You're a hell of a woman. I'll deny ever having said it.

TOP Transcripts:

Austin and Shutt are in his office when Geiger comes rushing in:
Jeffrey: Aaron! Aaron!
Aaron: What?
Jeffrey: Aaron! (to Kate) Hi! (He pats her on the as.) I made it! I made it! I made it! I made it! I made it!
Aaron: You made what?
Jeffrey: The Journal of Medicine, surgeon ranking. There, cardiothoracic, Jeffrey Geiger. Top cardiothoracic surgeon in the nation. Number one! (to Kate) You're not on the list. Number one! I made it!
Aaron: The rankings came out already?
Kate: What?
Jeffrey: It's not important, rankings, stupid I know. Who cares, but nevertheless, that's me at the top, Geiger, Jeffrey, correct spelling. Top!
Aaron: What about uh... neurosurgeons?
Jeffrey: You were twelfth. That's fabulous, twelfth, fantastic! (to Kate) You're... you're not on the list. Three years I made it. Three years at number two. I made it to number one.
Aaron: Twelfth?
Kate: I'm not... I'm not even ranked?
Aaron: I was ninth last year.
Jeffrey: Twelfth is great Aaron, nothing to sneeze at. Twelve is a great number. (Kate looks at the list.) Don't bother, the list only goes to a hundred. I think we should celebrate!
Kate: This is unbelievable.
Jeffrey: I know.
Kate: How can I not make the top one hundred?
Jeffrey: Well, don't take it personal Katete, probably a feminist you know, they probably think someone who looks the way you look, couldn't possibly be a great doctor, but to me, I don't get it, you're not much to look at. I just, I just, I just made number one cardiothoracic surgeon in the U.S. of A. (He gives Kate a big kiss.) This is a great, great country. Phillip!
(He grabs the journal from Aaron and runs out.) Phillip! I got news! Great country America!

Kate: I'm gonna have breakfast and then go home. Come join me? For the breakfast part!
AARON: Hm thanks, but I hm...
Kate: Are you oKatey?
AARON: Yeah, I think just of Alan almost being killed...
Kate: And that's it?
AARON: Yeah. I think so.
Kate: Okay.. (wants to leave)
AARON: Oh hm Kate, I almost forgot. We're giving Jeffrey a little surprise party, hm you know, and I was wondering....
Kate: Okay...
AARON: It... it's gonna be in the conference room and we're all getting together and he is gonna get a cake, and it's secret.
Kate: Okay...
(Kate caresses his cheek, he kisses softly her palm. Then Kate kisses Aaron. - Camille rushes in with Alicia.)
CAMILLE: Oh excuse me. I'm sorry. (to Aaron) I came for your brain. (to Kate) Alicia likes to suck on it. Thank you. I hope I didn't...?
AARON: Ah no, not at all.
Kate: No, nothing. Not at all (whispering).
Geiger is carrying Alicia on their way out:

Jeffrey: (singing) I'll love you in the mornin' or in the afternoon.
I'll love you when it's rainin'. (Aaron comes off the elevator.)
Aaron: Hey.
Jeffrey: Hey... temporary. (They shake hands Aaron Jeffrey gets on the elevator.)
Aaron: Temporary.
Jeffrey: OK. I'll call you.
Aaron: Good luck... being a Daddy.
Jeffrey: OK, yep... Thank you. (Elevator doors close.)




In Short: Shutt finds himself revitalized by a frustrated MS patient who refuses to quietly accept that Aaron can't help him. Dr. Sutton comes up with a way to exorcise Geiger's spirit from the hospital. Watters finds solace with a special visitor.

Guest Starring: Carol Kane (as Marguerite Birch), Richard Pryor (as Joe Springer), Rain Pryor (as Annie Springer), and Phyllis Lyons (as Dr. Larkin)

Story: Kevin Arkadie
Directed By: Mel Damski

TOP Facts:

Richard Pryor (born Dec. 1st 1940 in Peoria IL) is probably best known for his movies with partner Gene Wilder like "See no Evil - Hear no Evil" - "Another You" - "Stir Crazy" - "Silver Streak" and his remarkable performance (IMO) in
"Blue Collar" a movie about the beginning of the union in the car industry. Richard who plays a Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patient in this episode also suffers in real life from this disease. And Rain Pryor who plays Annie Springer is his real life daughter.

TOP Quotes:

Kate: (after being threatened with a gun by Diane Grad): "This job sucks!"

Aaron: What's wrong with my tie?!
Patient: It's ugly!

Nyland: "Geiger's not Christ,"
Kronk : "Nobody ever told Geiger that,"




"Transplanted Affection"

In Short: Watters steps in and asks Geiger to take on Austin's transplant patient as she struggles with her ex husband for custody of their daughter. Sutton brings a brain-dead woman into the hospital to deliver her baby.

Guest Starring: Mae Whitman (as Sara Wilmette), Ron Silver (as Tommy Wilmette), Dan Lauria (as Mr. Alden), Mandy Patinkin (as Dr. Jeffrey Geiger), and Robert Clohessy (as Malzone)

Story: David E. Kelley
Directed By: Michael Dinner

TOP Quotes:

Geiger to Shutt : "Who thinks you look like George Clooney, your mother?"
Geiger to Kronk regarding Shutt : "Does he look like George Clooney?"
Kronk : "I don't know who that is."

Watters explaining why he is calling Jeffrey to do the heart transplant: "He said he'd come in a pinch, this is a pinch. I'm calling him."
Camille: "Yuck!"

TOP Transcripts:

Jefferey Geiger via Tommy Wilmette

Opens in Kate's office......
Jeffrey Geiger: (on phone) I'm gettin everything ready. I'm on my way. Tell Kronk, he'll be assisting. Yeah. I want Camille for the harvest.
Tommy Wilmette: Isn't this Kate's office?
Jeffrey Geiger: (on phone still) I don't care if she's a floor nurse. (Walking out of the office in waiting corridor are) She loaned it to me. Don't tell her. Excuse me.
Tommy Wilmette: Dr. Geiger. Dr. Geiger. A moment please. Is it true she's obsessed with becoming Chief of Staff?
Jeffrey Geiger: If you're looking for me to say something negative that you can utilize in your custody battle, let me happily offer this. From what I've seen, she's not only a great doctor. But also an exemplary role model for any child. I'm sure you've scored big fudge stripes taking Sara for weekend pony rides, cotton candy lunches. But...Kate's been a mother to her every day. Maybe you should leave it like that.
Tommy Wilmette: Of course you'd be right since you're never wrong.
Jeffrey Geiger: No, I was wrong once, very briefly, for the few seconds that I thought I liked you.
Tommy Wilmette: Such wit. Must be joyous to hear your self talk. I bet you can outgab all those other little voices you hear in your dysfunctional head. What do all those voices say, "Go away," "We don't like you," "You're a pompous, egotistical, self-serving carcase of arrogance"? If so, fear not, you're not crazy. Those are real voices coming from every body who has ever met you. I'd about given up on ever being able to agree with Kate on anything, but on you, encouraged, she has got you pegged. You think if you flap your little self-storm, nobody will notice that? Well you don't say much quality-wise, but
quantity, you are spitting flatulence. (here we also missed something) Wouldn't it be nice if I could follow you around on a daily basis and learn through osmosis. I'm sure I'm could learn soo much from your ooze. Although it does redundent. See, I'm getting a little bored now. Actually, listening to you, I'm finding you less interesting as we speak. Maybe I should take out the stop watch like everybody else and see how long it takes from lift-off to melt-down.
(Pushes Geiger away who is flicking finger in front of his lips)
Jeffrey Geiger: Is this the part where I go, "He's a genius, he'll want me to surrender." Let me tell you Mr. Wilmette, Kate told me you were fabulous, but I'm extremely disappointed. It's not that I have expectations. I had none. Until you failed as a father. Keep talking Tommy, you bound to say something profound. By chance every man spits out a gem now and then. Though I'm sure yours are couched in flatulence. Why's your face getting red? You feel somebody beating you in an argument? Somebody's outyapping Tommy Wilmette? I'm shocked. How could that happen with you having two sides of your mouth to talk out of? I'm sitting here trying to figure out how a guy with a 30 million dollar bank account can still be alone in a material world such as ours, where wealth is considered some kind of measure of a person's value. You must have some pretty negative characteristics to have such a bank account, huh? Man, let me see if i can imagine some of them....Vanity, lack of conscience, dishonesty, untrustworthy. (here we missed somthing)Yeah! Yap, Yap, Yap (Jeffrey's thriumph)
(flicking finger in front of Tommy Wilmette's lips, Tommy pushes him away from him).
Jeffrey Geiger: I win. I'd go two out of three, but I got surgery.
While leaving he seas Diane and Dennis in the corridor who are looking amused and astonished. Jeffrey gives Diane a little hug and passes by - leaving a speechlees Tommy back in the corridor.



"The parent rap"

In Short: Kate loses her control and her compassion when her father is admitted with an operable surgical condition but refuses it on religious grounds. Geiger turns up again at the hospital, this time as part of a clown troop there to entertain the patients. Sutton delivers a baby with ambigous genitalia whose parents are equally ambigious about how they feel about their offspring.

Guest Starring: Mandy Patinkin (as Dr. Jeffrey Geiger), George Gaynes (as Brook Austin), John Apicella (as Altar), Michael Christianson (as Stubbs), Cynthia Lynch (as Gail), and Paul McCrane (as Bob)

Story: Kevin Arkadie, Sara B. Charno, and Jennifer Levin
Directed By: Arvin Brown

TOP Quotes:

Geiger explaining to Shutt about being a clown:
"Juggling, magic, mime..."
Shutt to Geiger: "Keeping you mouth shut, that must be hard for you."

Austin to Geiger :"Nice clown suit. Are you in the witness protection program?"

Austin to her father : "Sure Brook, you're gonna heal yourself. You're going to pray real hard and God will clean out your arteries and I'm going to win an Academy Award."




"Quiet riot"

In Short: The ER looks like the only game in town as a very disturbed family one by one injures each other during a therapy session. Geiger and his fellow clowns return to cheer up children injured in a bus accident, with a musical pantomine of "The Emperor's New Clothes."


"Hope against Hope"

Episode Number: 71


Detailed summary

Jeffrey Geiger returns, bearing the news that he's a partner in the newly formed Hope Health Care. Kate bears with Jeffrey's advice in a critical heart transplant operation. Wilkes takes a wild helicopter ride to fetch the donor heart. Dr. Kronk tries to find a solution for his Alzheimer's afflicted father. McNeil and Shutt pontificate about life and religion following a patient's claim that she was healed by a vision of the virgin mother.


Jeffrey returns to Chicago Hope to announce that he has bought an controlling interest of Chicago Hope

In Short: Jeffrey Geiger drops by Chicago Hope to announce that he has bought a controlling interest in the hospital, and to perform a delicate heart operation on one of Kate's patients. Kronk is forced to take over caring for his father, who's afflicted with Alzheimers. Aaron and Jack ponder the meaning of religion and God when several people claim to be seeing an image of the Virgin Mary in the hospital lobby. Wilkes takes action concerning his future.

Guest Starring: Mandy Patinkin (as Dr. Jeffrey Geiger), Roberts Blossom (as William Kronk), and Charlyne Woodard (as Gina Wilkes)

Story: John Tinker and Joe Blake
Directed By: Bill D'Elia

TOP Quotes:

Keith agreed to fly with the helicopter (as an attentend not as a pilot ;-) to collect a heart desperatly needed by Kate for a transplantation. The helicopter crashes in front of Phillip's bureau - on the terrace. Keith survives uninjured.

Keith to Kate: "I want you to tell Austin, it'll be a frosty day in July before I volunteer for this gig again!"

A woman has a apparition claiming she has seen Virgin Mary in the lobby. Aaron and Jack view the spot and talk about religion and believe.

Jack to Aaron:"I wouldn't recognize the Virgin Mary." -
Aaron to Jack: "And I would? She didn't show up at my Bar Mitzvah." -
Jack astonished: "You're Jewish?!



"Brain Salad Surgery"

In Short: Dr. Shutt views his life as a musical after he collapses from an aneurism.

Guest Starring: Bob Bancroft (as Dr. Joseph Cacaci), Amie Carey (as Maricella Keith), Tasha Smith (as Dr. Denise Potter), Carol Kiernan (as Claire Shutt), Azura Skye (as the Cashier), Ben Diskin (as Young Aaron), Mandy Patinkin (as Dr. Jeffrey Geiger), David St. James, Lauren Tuerk, Gil Christner, Richard Gilbert Hill, Helena Lewis and Venessia Valentino

Choreography: Kenny Ortega

Story: Dawn Prestwich and Nicole Yorkin
Directed By: Bill D'Elia

TOP Summary:

McNeil takes Shutt for a game of "speed golf" early one morning. McNeil enjoys the exhilarating spot, but his partner is less than thrilled. During the game, Shutt announces he has decided to leave Chicago Hope for a teaching position at Harvard. Back at the hospital, Austin tells Shutt that she has accepted the position of Medical Director at the Orlando Women's Clinic. Later, Watters takes Shutt to task for bailing out on his colleagues — people who have worked very hard to keep the hospital afloat. Shutt responds that he needs a new challenge. The acrimony between the pair builds until Watters fires Shutt. Not to be outdone, Shutt announces his resignation. While standing in line at a crowded mini-mart, Shutt complains of a pounding headache. His condition is aggravated by the incessant tinkling of a player piano located in the corner of the store. Losing control, Shutt rips the power cord from the wall, silencing the music. Suddenly, he grabs his head, screams, and falls to his knees. Paramedics transport Shutt to Chicago Hope. Drifting in and out of consciousness, Shutt begins hallucinating. In his mind, he imagines the hospital staff lip-synching to a variety of classic tunes. Tests reveal the presence of an aneurysm somewhere in Shutt's body, but surgeons debate the proper course of action. As Shutt continues to hallucinate, he imagines himself, and an entire surgical team, operating on a patient whose face cannot be seen. Meanwhile, Austin discovers that the aneurysm is located in Shutt's brain. Watters contacts Dr. Denise Potter, who is considered the world's premier aneurysm surgeon. As Shutt again loses consciousness, he imagines a meeting between himself and a singing, piano-playing Jeffrey Geiger. Doctors are somewhat intimidated when Dr. Denise Potter finally arrives at the hospital. Young, attractive, and smart, it is difficult for the other surgeons to believe Potter is the best in her field. After viewing x-rays of Shutt's brain, Potter opts to perform surgery. As the real procedure gets underway, Shutt imagines himself operating on the anonymous patient. In his mind, Shutt laments that he has destroyed his relationships, career and marriage, and feels as if his life is completely out of control. He tells Geiger he is jealous of his emotional freedom...of the pain exorcised through his singing. Geiger then encourages Shutt to sing. Potter locates a portion of the aneurysm, but, in an extremely risky procedure, must feel her way to the neck of the blockage. Potter warns that if the procedure last too long, it could trigger brain damage. The operation does not go smoothly; Shutt's colleagues, watching from the observatory, offer their prayers. Inside the hallucinatory operating room, Shutt pulls back the drape covering the patient's face. The man is none other than himself. Dead. Shutt finds himself in heaven, where Geiger plucks stars from the sky and polishes them. During their conversation, Shutt realizes he isn't Jeffrey Geiger...and also realizes it isn't too late for him to turn his life around. Meanwhile, Potter successfully locates the aneurysm inside Shutt's brain. But the operation took some twenty-two minutes..long enough to cause brain damage.

TOP Facts:

The piano in the minibar at the gas station plays When the red red robin comes bob bob bobbing along. When Aaron is brought to the ER Keith and Dennis lipsynch Dean Martin's version Ain't that a kick in the head.
(Note in between: A nurse is handing Keith a glass of whiskey and he salutes to Aaron - in every Dean Martin show one of the girls around handed him a whiskey).
Then Kate, Billy, Diane and Phillip as Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons with Walk like a man. With Kate in the lead (and Diane, Billy and Phillip as background singers) this is very interesting:

"Oh, how you tried to cut me down to size
tellin' dirty lies to my friends
But my own father said "Give her up, don't bother
the world isn't coming to an end"
He said
Walk like a man, talk like a man
walk like a man my son
no woman's worth crawling' on the earth
So walk like a man, my son...."

Later when Aaron is in bed he hears a piano playing and gets up to find out about it: It's the same ragtime song: When the red red robin comes bob bob bobbing along...(voice from the off: Mandy Patinkin) And when the line: ...wake up you sleepy head... occurs Aaron says: "Jeffrey" as the man on the piano turns around he realizes that it is Jack who turns into Mandy after a few moments: "Where have you been Aaron ?" and Aaron faints away...

When Phillip and Dennis bring Aaron back to the intensive care he has another hallucination: Maricella lipsynchs "Brand new key" (Melanie)

"I rode my bicycle past your window last night
I roller-skated to your door at daylight
It almost seems like you're avoiding me
I'm okay alone, but you got something I need
Well, I got a brand new pair of roller skates
You got a brand new key
I think that we should get together and try them out you see"

One of the best choices in my opinion is Phillip's lipsynch version „You and me against the world" (Helen Reddy). Even if I would suggest that Hector Elizondo would have been able to sing that song by himself !

"You and me against the world
sometimes it feels like
you and me against the world
when all the others turn their backs
and walk away
you can count on me to stay"....

Then in the OR Aaron hears the team (Keith, Kate, Billy, Diane, Jack and Dennis) singing: „Going out of my head" (The Lettermans)

"Well I think I'm going out of my head.
Yes I think I'm going out of my head
over you, over you
I want you to want me
I need you so badly,
I can't think of anything but you
And I think I'm going out of my head.
'Cause I can't explain the tears that I shed
over you, over you
I see you each morning;
But you just walk past me
you don't even know that I exist".....

And a highlight in the show is Mandy Patinkin's interpretation of „I'll be there". (The Jacksons)

"You and I must make a pact
We must bring salvation back
Where there is love
I'll be there
I'll reach out my hand to you
I'll have faith in all you do
Just call my name
And I'll be there
And oh, I'll be there to comfort you".....

The conversation between Aaron and Jeffrey over his jealousy about Jeffrey's singing leads to Aaron's song (Adam Arkin sings himself) „Luck be a lady" (from the musical Guys and Dolls) with the „Guys": Dennis, Jack and Phillip (the actors really seem to enjoy themselves)

In the last sequence of the show when Aaron sings: „When I'm on my journey, don't you weep after me"... (This song was performed by Aaron when he was a kid and this particular record was used) He discusses with Jeffrey his life and decides to come back to it, you can see scenes from Aaron's life to Jimi Hendrix version of: „All along the watchtower".

"There must be some way out of here,"
said the joker to the thief,
"There's too much confusion,
I can't get no relief
Businessmen they drink my wine,
plowmen dig my earth
None of them along the line know what any of it is worth".....

(By the way this song was written by Bob Dylan but Jimi Hendrix version of it got more famous !)


"One Hundred and One Damnations"

Episode Number: 100


Detailed summary

Old friends visit Chicago Hope for the hospital's anniversary banquet. Phillip, in a fever-induced dream state, sees and converses with the late Alan Birch. Alan tries to teach Phillip the creator's great plan of happiness. Danny Nyland visits Phillip's bedside. Aaron and Camille rekindle their romance. Jeffrey returns again. Meanwhile, new father Billy and Yeats clash over Yeats treatment of an infant.


Dedicated in loving memory to E.G. Marshall who passed away earlier in the year.

In Short: The hospital prepares for the Doctor of the Year party, and several old friends drop by. Watters goes into a virus-induced coma and gets some words of wisdom from Alan Birch. Camille Shutt returns for the party and Aaron discovers he still has feeling for her. Dr. Nyland returns to the hospital and reveals that he has really changed his life. Geiger also visits the hospital.

Guest Starring: Bob Bancroft (as Dr. Joseph Cacaci), Mandy Patinkin (as Dr. Jeffrey Geiger), Peter MacNicol (as Alan Birch), Thomas Gibson (as Daniel Nyland), Roxanne Hart (as Camille Shutt), Hellena Lewis (as Paramedic), Judy Prescott (as Judy Sears), Gregory Vignolle (as Ronald Sears), Bruce Kirby (as Garner Hoversten), and Kathleen Nolan (as Elizabeth Hoversten)

Story: Barbara Hall and John Tinker
Directed By: Michael Pressman

TOP Quotes:

Alan: "It's easy!"
Phillip: "I thought it was complicated."
Alan: "It's...both."
Phillip: "You... you're giving me a headache."

Jeffrey (to Camille): "I forget your name."
Camille: "Mmm, very funny."



"Curing Cancer" (Part two)


Episode Number: 119


Detailed summary

Newly appointed hospital chairman Jeffrey Geiger returns to Chicago Hope to fire half the senior doctors and to convince Watters to return as chief of staff. The deposed (led by Austin) hire Jonathan Saunders to get their jobs back. Aaron teams with outside neurologist Gina Simon to operate on an infant with a brain tumor.


In a bizarre twist, Judge Aldrich has apparently not only returned from the dead but is also hearing arguments in the Illinois courts. Could it be an evil twin?... Also, actors Gugino, Natasha Gregson Wagner as well as Lauren Holly are reported to be joining the Chicago Hope.

In Short: The staff is stunned to learn that Dr. Geiger is back as part of a sudden management restructuring. His first order of business, as the new head of the hospital, is to fire Drs. Kronk, Catera, Hancock, Yeats and Austin and keep Drs. Watters, McNeil, Wilkes and Shutt. Dr. Grad quits in protest. The outraged doctors sue Geiger and try to force him to reinstate them as part of a wrongful termination suit. Meanwhile, a young cardio surgeon just hired by Dr. Austin, arrives at Chicago Hope to learn that her new boss has been fired. And, when Dr. Shutt diagnoses a brain stem tumor in a nine-week-old infant, he feels the case is hopeless until he calls in a pediatric neuro specialist to consult.

Guest Starring: Mandy Patinkin (as Dr. Jeffrey Geiger), Bob Bancroft (as Dr. Joseph Cacaci), Stephen Elliott (as Judge Harold Aldrich), Denis Arndt (as Jason Sollers), Carla Gugino (as Dr. Gina Simon), Natasha Gregson Wagner (as Dr. Sally Gates), Christine Dunford (as Marcia Loey), William O'Leary (as Mr. Loey), Ken Lerner (as Jonathan Saunders), Annie Gagen (as Woman), Albert Owens (as Man), J.B. Gaynor (as Kevin), Barabra Patrick (as Cynthia Loey), Zach Selwyn (as Paramedic), Jane Clark (as Nurse #1), Pinky Villasenor (as Nurse #2), and Michael Rogers (as Anesthesiologist)

Story: David E. Kelley
Directed By: Bill D'Elia


"Team Play "

Episode Number: 120

Detailed summary

New doctor Gina Simon can't bring herself to tell a relative that her husband died in post-op due to the surgeon's negligence. Jeffrey's daughter convinces him to operate on a child (which brings back memories of Austin's daughter convincing her to operate).

In Short: A priest walks into the E.R. missing a vital organ, on the sixth season premiere. The priest explains that he was mugged and the attacker mugger bit through a very sensitive part of his anatomy, severing it. The priest is frantic to keep his injury confidential, fearing bad publicity for himself and his church.A patient dies after a routine liposuction.

Guest Starring: Bruce Davison (as Dr. Burt Peters), Alan Rosenber g (as Stu Brickman), Robin Thomas (as Priest), Veronica Cartwirght (as Karen Flanders),Jessica Stone (as Alicia Geiger ), Freda Fho shen (as Dr. Aldmen), Sharmila Devarajan (as Nurse #1), Terrilyn Towns (as Nurse #2), Ariel Felix (as Tech), Michelle Wolff (as Paramedic), Y Hero Abe (as Japanese Businessman #1), Ken Enomot (as Japanese Businessman #2), Bill Saito (as Japanese Businessman #3), Alex Buck, Laurel Moglen, Rich Hutchman, Peter Birkenhead and Phill Lewis

Story: David E. Kelley
Directed By: Lou Antonio

TOP Quotes

Dr. Hanlon: "Is he single? Cause I'm lookin'."



"You Gotta Have a Heart"

Episode Number: 121


Detailed summary

Geiger opts to give a donor heart to a wealthy patient rather than a more-in-need newspaper vendor. When the healthy patient's body rejects the heart, Geiger faces up to his poor decision. Aaron wants to date Simon.


In Short: Dr. Watters supports a woman who refuses to give up on her legally dead infant. A baby boy needs a heart transplant. Dr. Shutt and Dr. Antonovich grow closer.

Guest Starring: Margaret Colin (as Dr. Karen Antonovich), Lauren Tom (as Dr. Yao), Nina Siemaszko (as Mrs. MacKinnon), Tuck Milligan (as Steve Wheeler), Deirdre O'Connell (as Ellen Wheeler), and Philip Baker Hall (as Wellington)

Story: Michael Braverman
Directed By: Tim Hunter

TOP Summary:

A little baby is rushed to the ER because she can't breathe. The mother, Mrs. McKinnon, tells them she's encephalic--the baby has no skull. Aaron tells Phillip that the baby can't possibly breathe on her own. They tell the mother the baby is legally dead--although most of her organs are working she has no brain function. Phillip decides to admit the baby. Thurmond needs the encephalic's kidneys, and Angela informs Phillip Karen Antonovich is coming back to use the encephalic's heart for a transplant. Angela puts the encephalic on the donor list.

Mrs. McKinnon won't allow her baby's organs to be used so Jeffrey and Karen do a surgery on the Wheeler baby that will buy him some time, but he still needs a transplant. Mrs. McKinnon tells Phillip the father is not involved. He tried to make her have an abortion. Karen and Aaron go out to dinner and talk about how they tell parents their children have died. Karen admits she wants the encephalic to die so her patient can have its heart. Aaron reminds her it is dead. Back at the hospital Karen gives him a little peck which really unnerves Aaron. Jeffrey approaches Mrs. McKinnon again about organ donation. She won't do it. Aaron tells Jeffrey he might "like" Karen.

Phillip won't kill the encephalic but Jeffrey tells him it already is dead! He accuses him of bringing religion into it. They can save the Wheeler baby, buy not the encephalic. Camille sees something between Aaron and Karen. Thurmond tells Phillip to "grow the hell up". Religion has no place in medicine. Karen tells Aaron they could forget the whole thing even happened, but that would be very hard for her. "For me too," Aaron admits. They kiss. Jeffrey can't believe God would create such a thing as the encephalic. He'll stick with science. "Because God wasn't there for your son", Camille asks. "It's not about that," Jeffrey says. "With you everything is about that," Camille counters quietly.

Phillip finds Mrs. McKinnon in the chapel, and tells her everything that's wrong with her baby. She will die soon anyway. Her soul is not in her body--her soul is in Heaven now. It's time to give her peace. Mrs. McKinnon reluctantly OKs it.

The Wheelers thank Mrs. McKinnon as they wait anxiously during the surgery, which goes well. Christopher Wheeler will be fine. Jeffrey tells Aaron he finally realizes Joey's purpose--to let him love him. And he did, so much that he couldn't let God take him. He's still not over it. Phillip goes to church for confession--it's been four years.

TOP Quotes:

AARON: Let's go home. We won't do anyone any good if we don't get some sleep.
JEFFREY: I won't sleep with you.
AARON: Well I suspected not.

Geiger to Shutt:
"Think I'm certifiable Aaron? Sometimes I wonder if you really even like me. Sometimes I think you've been assigned to me to keep me sane. Executive Committee tells you to hold my hand."
Shutt's response: "That's exactly right."

TOP Transcripts:

Jeffrey to Karen Antonovich while they are operating:

Jeffrey: You know Doc, if you're gonna be here awhile, I should warn you. I'm prone to sexual harassment. I throw out the warning 'cause the Eel says: Assumption of the risk could be a defense. I could be wrong, but you strike me as an ice maiden, for when she thaws, drips lava.
Karen: Suck here.
Jeffrey: Absolutely.
Camille: God Jeffrey, grow up.



" You gotta have Heart"


In Short: Drs. Geiger and Watters must choose between two deserving heart transplant patients when only one heart becomes available. Both patients are in critical need of heart transplants. Dr. Geiger's patient, a wealthy philanthropist, is willing to donate a new wing to the hospital. Dr. Watters' patient works at the hospital newsstand. The two lock horns over which patient is more deserving of the one heart that has suddenly become available. Aaron tries to hold a welcome party for the new docotrs. Meanwhile, Dr. Geiger tries to get Alicia into an exclusive kindergarten.

Guest Starring: Bob Bancroft (as Dr. Cacaci), James Sloyan (as Henry Strauss), Jack McGee (Stanley the Newsstand Employee), Jack Rader (as Walter), Randee Heller (as Pam Miller) , Jessica Stone (as Alicia Geiger) Natalia Nogulich (as Principal), Joe Bays (as Courier), Thomas Vincent Kelly (as Paramedic), Elyse Marie Mirto (as Nurse O'Connor), Ariel Felix (as Anesthesiologist), Regan Burns (as Orderly), John Bradford Pagano (as Surgeon), Kitty Swink and Andy Umberger


TOP Quotes

Phillip about the replacment for Stanley in the hospital's newsstand:
Phillip: "That new temp they brought in couldn't find his ass with two hands."

Phillip and Jeffrey argue about who is getting the heart. Stanley (who works on the newsstand) or Henry (who wants to spend a lot of money to the hospital). Jeffrey plays the "money-card"
Jeffrey: "I've been head of this hospital 6 months, half a year, and did what you couldn't do in 6 years. I don't mean to rub it in... yes I do."
Phillip and Jeffrey keep arguing and the discusion heats up. Suddenly Joe breaks in:
"What is your opionion on that Francesca ?"
Suddenly Francesca is in the focus of attention (she is uncomfortable with that):
"The cases are equal, both man need a transplant. I couldn't say (pause) it's... a "flip coin decicion"."
Jeffrey: "Okay"
Francesca flips a coin - everybody watches as the coin falls - in favour of Henry....

Jeffrey oders Francesca to do the heart trasplant:
Francesca: "I hear you wanted me in your office?"
Jeffrey: "Yep, my office, your office, Barbados."

Jeffery: "What did you do ?"
Francesca: "Oh, that what doctors do? They check in on their patients."
Jeffrey: "Is it that time of month?"
Francesca: "Witty"

Francesca to Aaron (after he stood up against Jeffrey):
"Walk like a man..."



"The Heart to Heart"

of a heart/lung transplant. With the patient in critical condition, Alberghetti proposes an experimental surgery pioneered by a doctor in Sri Lanka. No one in the United States has ever performed this procedure, so the doctors' only choice is to have the Indian doctor guide them through the surgery via satellite link-up and the Internet.

Guest Starring: Laurie O'Brien (as Mother), Jessica Stone (as Alicia Geiger), Kavi Raz (as Dr. Primasseri), Michele Azar (as Mrs. Lindsey), Joseph Hodge (as Neelan), Luck Hari (as Sri Lankan Surgical Assistant), Mike McColl (as Maury Damkroger), Ariel Felix (as Anesthesiologist), Stuart Smith (as Heart/Lung Tech), Jean Montanti (as Nurse/Receptionist), John Cappon (as Paramedic), Tim McFayden (as O.R. Orderly), Pinky Villasenor (as O.r. Nurse) and Nathan West

Story: Chris Mundy
Directed By: Rob Corn

TOP Quotes

Alicia: "Daddy, you're so obnoxious."

Jeffrey: "The crazy Sri Lankan bastard just ran away."



"Painful Cuts"

Episode Number: 134

Detailed summary

Jeffrey agonizes when his daughter Alicia requires heart surgery. Meanwhile he's pressured by the hospital board to cut back financially.

In Short: When Dr. Geiger discovers that his daughter must undergo a surgery for a life threatening heart condition, he is intent on performing the operation himself, despite the fact that hospital policy forbids it. Meanwhile, Dr. Hanlon operates on Siamese twins who need an appendectomy.

Date: 2015-12-11; view: 725

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