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Summary for "Chicago Hope," the Premiere 13 page

In Short: A troubled Dr. Geiger seeks a blessing from his institutionalized ex-wife so he can continue his relationship with Dr. Infante. A dying AIDS patient hopes Hancock can arrange a surgical procedure that would allow him to see one more sunrise.

Guest Starring: Kim Griest (as Laurie Geiger), Vondie Curtis-Hall (as Dr. Dennis Hancock), Jayne Brook (as Dr. Diane Grad), Diane Venora (as Dr. Geri Infante), Jeff Perry (as Gilbert Weeks), Stephen Tobolowsky (as Dr. Joseph), Cotter Smith (as Dr. Bob Mariniak) and Obba Babatunde

Story: David E. Kelley and Dennis Cooper
Directed By: James Frawley

TOP Summary:

Dr. Aaron Shutt and Alan Birch are taken aback when they realize that Dr. Jeffrey Geiger has converted his office into a showcase for toy trains. Despite the presence of other physicians in Geiger's office, Dr. Geri Infante asks intimate questions about where their relationship is headed. Geiger, squeezing Shutt's hand, is unable to answer. Later, Geiger tells Infante that Laurie's blessing would solve his fidelity problem. He arranges for his ex-wife to be released from the mental institution so the threesome can have dinner together. Geiger's best-laid plans go awry when the party of three burgeons into a party of four, then five, and so on, as Camille and Aaron Shutt, Laurie's boyfriend Gilbert Weeks, a psychiatrist and two security officers all show up at the restaurant. During the course of the conversation, Laurie learns that Geiger and Infante danced with one another. She grows upset and demands to know why Geiger refused to dance with her when they were married. Geiger reminds Laurie that they, too, danced together when they first dated. When Laurie also accuses Geiger of having a mother complex, he storms out of the room. Laurie convinces Shutt, Camille and the psychiatrist that Geiger went to Russo's, a nearby bar where he sings away his woes whenever he is unhappy. Laurie's hunch proves correct; the group finds a pathetic-looking Geiger inside the bar singing. Geiger returns to his office and takes solace in his trains. Realizing that Geiger is close to the breaking point, the psychiatrist threatens to file a report on his condition. Later, Geiger describes to Shutt how he feels haunted by the ghost of his dead, domineering mother. He fears that his relationship with Infante may be part of an Oedipal complex. Shutt begs his friend to seek psychiatric help. Later, Laurie assures Geiger that she will always be around for him whenever he needs support. Meanwhile, Charles Ellis, a 41-year-old patient with full-blown AIDS, is admitted to the hospital after suffering acute abdominal pains. Ellis tells his physician, Dr. Dennis Hancock, that he wants to live — even if it means only one more day. Hancock asks Dr. Bob Marinak to remove Ellis' appendix. Marinak refuses, citing that Ellis will not likely live more than a day if he survives the operation. Marinak also voices his concern about how the procedure would place everyone involved at risk of infection. Finding Marinak's attitude unacceptable, Hancock decides to perform the operation himself, with an assist from Dr. Diane Grad and an all-volunteer scrub team. Despite a great deal of blood loss, Hancock successfully removes Ellis' appendix. The next day, Ellis regains consciousness long enough to see the sun rise. He dies shortly thereafter, but to Dr. Hancock, who was present in the room when Ellis regained consciousness, the operation was a complete success.

TOP Facts:

While Jeffrey is operating at the beginning of the episode you hear: "Signed, Sealed, Delivered, I'm Yours"by Stevie Wonder

The song Jeffrey sings at Rusty's: Rock-A-Bye-Baby with a Dixie Melody (from the musical Sindbad), it can be found on his CD "Mandy Patinkin"

TOP Quotes:

Jeffrey is spotting Geri Infante in the scrub room, dashes out to speak with her, ripping off his mask, gloves
Jeffrey: Hey, Geri. I got it figured out. I got it figured out.
Geri: Tell it to me later. I'm face-lifting a nun in 3 minutes.
Jeffrey: A nun? Cosmetic surgery?
Geri: She won it at a church raffle. She's all prepped. I've gotta go.

Aaron to Jeffrey after he invited him to the dinner with Laurie and Geri
Aaron: You are my best friend in life. You know this. You need professional help. It is not normal for you to need me to referee a dinner between your ex-wife and your girlfriend. It is certainly not normal for you to need Laurie's blessing in order to achieve intimacy with Geri.


"Songs From the Cuckoo Bird"

In Short: After the state suspends his license to practice medicine, Dr. Geiger faces an administrative hearing in which his personal life is scrutinized as never before. And Alan feels slighted when Jeffrey chooses another lawyer to lead his defense.

Guest Starring: Kim Griest (as Laurie Geiger), Jayne Brook (as Dr. Diane Grad), Vondie Curtis-Hall (as Dr. Dennis Hancock), Dean Stockwell (as Robert St. Clair), Diane Venora (as Dr. Geri Infante), Stephen Tobolowsky (as Dr. Joseph), Jeffrey Norbling (as Mr. Schepps) and Charles Cioffi

Story: David E. Kelley
Directed By: Michael Dinner

TOP Summary:

TOP Facts:

Maybe someone remembers the tv-series: "Quantum Leap". Dean Stockwellplayed Scott Bakula's invisible friend Al.

Jeffrey listens to ABC sung by The Jackson Five
Later in the OR the team plays The Lumberjack by Jackyl, the beginning of this songs sounds like someone is playing with a chainsaw - a reference to epi: "Small Sacrifices".
Later Billy gets the song he wanted to hear: Sweet Home Alabama by Lynyrd Skynyrd -while Jeffrey is watching theline occurs:I'm coming home to you...

The song Jeffrey sings in the bar: Political Scienceby Randy Newman can be found on his album "Sail away".

No one likes us don't know why We may not be perfect heaven knows we try But all around us even our old friends put us down Let's drop the big one and see what happens We give the money but ha are they greatful no they are spiteful and hateful They don't respect us so let's surprise them We'll drop the big one
Southamerica stole the money Drop the big one there will be no one left to blame More room for you and more room for me They all hate us anyhow so let's drop the big one now let's drop the big one now

TOP Quotes

Jeffrey: Are we all happy?
Dennis: Oh, we didn't mean anything by that.
Jeffrey: Because of my situation, I can no longer do the Morrison bypass. (to Billy) That means you will do it ...
(to Dennis) and you'll assist. Scrub now. I apologize for interrupting your fun.

TOP Transcripts:

Jeffrey: Oh, right. Silly me. (Watters enters the OR in scrubs.) Look who's here. It's bad news Watters. Tell us why you're here, Phillip. Let it be somethin' good for once, 'cause good describes our mood. Everybody... tell Phillip our mood!
Everybody: Goooooood!
Jeffrey: There you go. Now tell us your mood Phillip.
Phillip: It stinks. The state medical board has suspended your license to practice medicine.
Jeffrey: Ha ha.
Phillip: It's not funny, Jeffrey. As of 20 minutes ago, you're unlicensed. I'm here to take over this procedure.
Jeffrey: What'd you say?
Phillip: We'll talk about it later. Please step aside.
Jeffrey: Wait just a second.
Phillip: Jeffrey, please.
Jeffrey: On what grounds? What grounds are you yankin' my license?
Phillip: Subsection 27, mental illness. Mental infirmity resulting in inability to practice medicine with reasonable judgement, skill or safety. That's the charge.
Jeffrey: (stunned) I'm suspended?
Phillip: This hospital, therefore, cannot let you operate. Please step aside now. Scalpel... Scalpel. (Jeffrey reluctantly gives Phillip the scalpel as he steps out of the way.)

Aaron's defense speech for Jeffrey before the court:

I'm his best friend. I love the man, and uh, I think he is a little crazy. Truth is, every night before I go to bed I pray, uh, "Please God, don't let him snap". I've been praying that for six years now. And then the next day comes and, uh, I see him go into the OR and I know he'll never snap. At least not in that room.
Last night I, I was so, um, worried about all of this I started walking around my house. It was late at night, the whole world was asleep and I was just pacing about. And in all the quiet, I heard it. I heard my pants. "Whip whip whip!" [Jeffey smiles.] They actually do make a noise when you walk. Most of us don't know this. But that's Jeffrey's problem. He sees and hears everything. That's what insanity is. It isn't a blindness--it's seeing too much.
The main difference between Jeffrey Geiger and everybody else is that he is acute enough to be on speaking terms with his demons. Normal people defend themselves with a kind of oblivion. Jeffrey has no such defense. The unconscious voices that remain buried and hidden and therefore silent in most of us--they scream at him. It's this mental acuity that makes him, so uh, well, tortured. But it's also what makes him *thee best* surgeon I have *ever* witnessed. Maybe he will self-destruct one day. That's one of my greatest fears. But it won't be in that room, Your Honor. In the OR--he's safe. In fact, if you really do want to keep him from snapping, then please, please keep him in that room.

While Jeffrey, Alan and Aaron waiting for the judge's decision they talk about Jeffrey's future. And Jeffrey thanks Alan for defending him:

Jeffrey: Alan, thanks for... yesterday. If you hadn't gotten up and cross-examined, I'd probably have no chance. And having Aaron do the summation. I said it before, I'll say it again. You're a hell of a lawyer.
Allen: Just knew how close you guys are-- knew it would be effective. It's not as if we won here yet.
Jeffrey: Well, let's go see if we did.
Allen: Jeffrey. You know, we, we, we both love trains, uh... We both uh... sing to relieve stress, though I of coarse do it in the bathroom, um... I just think we have a lot in common. Do you... Do you consider us-- ? Never mind.
Jeffrey: No. You got something to say, say it. Can't tell a friend, who can you tell?
Allen: (smiles) Yeah, we are friends, aren't we?
Jeffrey: Yeah. I think we're good friends.


"Hello Goodbye"

In Short: A new cardiothoracic surgeon joins the staff. Another Dr. Shutt, Aaron's father, checks his very young fiancee into Chicago Hope.

Guest Starring: Rip Torn (as Dr. Warren Shutt), and Brooke Langston (as Sandra Shutt)

Story: David E. Kelley
Directed By: Michael Pressman

TOP Facts:

First appearance of Dr. Kathryn "Kate" Austin.

The song you hear when Billy runs away: "Shake your Booty" performed by KC and the Sunshine Band
When Jeffrey is operating you hear: "What becomes of a broken hearted" performed by UB 40(can be found on their album: Labour of Love)

About Rip Torn:he was born on the 6th of Feb. 1931 in Temple, TX and was married with Geraldine Page (until her death in 1987) he has 3 children (1 daughter and twin sons). And he is Sissy Spacek's cousin. He was Larry's partner in the famous Larry Sanders Show and in Men in Black he played Zed (the boss of the alien operation centre)

TOP Quotes:

AARON: You don't have a tumor.
SANDRA: So there's nothing in my head?
AARON: Absolutely nothing.

Geiger to Shutt:"Do you always answer a question with a question?"
Shutt to Geiger: "Does that bother you?"

Jeffrey is angry about Camille and turns to Phillip:

Phillip: Of coarse. Should I bother to hear her side first?
Jeffrey: She doesn't get a side when it comes to diagnosis. That's my point.
Phillip: All right, 4:00 o'clock in my office I'll hear you both.
Jeffrey: I'm not feeling appeased, Phillip.
Phillip: I'm crushed. I live to appease you.
(He pats Jeffrey on the back with his folders as he walks out.)

TOP Transcripts:

Camille is in Jennifer's room when Geiger walks in:
Jeffrey: (agitated) What!?
Camille: Pulse is almost 200. She's Hancock's patient, but he's with a gunshot in ER.
Jeffrey: She's on digoxin. Get another dig level.
Camille: Digoxin is not having any effect.
Jeffrey: We gotta bring her down.
Camille: Jeffrey, she's been spiking after the V-injection. I think another shot could put her into arrest.
Jeffrey: I'm more worried about total heart failure, Camille.
Camille: She's holding at 200.
Jeffrey: Give the injection.
Camille: I think that could be dangerous.
Jeffrey: Fine. A penny for your thoughts. Mine are more expensive. Give her the injection.
(He walks out.)
Camille: I'm sorry, no.
Jeffrey: (turns around) What!?
Camille: I can't give her any digoxin. Her level's at 2.3. She's a small woman.
Jeffrey: I said give her the injection.
Camille: I won't.
Jeffrey: (Seething, he administers the injection himself.)
(leaving) Page me if she dies.

In Watters' office that afternoon the hearing takes place:
Camille: What happened to your eye?
Phillip: Boxing. Let's turn to why--
Camille: You actually box? Isn't that a little... not smart?
Phillip: There is a much higher rate of injury with skiing or hockey. Kronk plays hockey. Some doctors drive racing cars.
Jeffrey: Would you just cut to it-- she usurped my authority, she should be suspended.
Camille: In my opinion, the digoxin...
Jeffrey: You don't get an opinion. Nurses don't get opinions?
Phillip: All right, all right.
Camille: Phillip, I have no doubt that his prescription was by the book, however, sometimes it helps to have some familiarity with the patient.
Jeffrey: I know the patient, thank you.
Camille: Really? What was her name?
Jeffrey: (hesitates a little) Details. Ask me somethin' relevant.
(Hancock walks in.) Busy, get out.
Dennis: Excuse me. You're talking about my patient.
Camille: That doesn't necessarily make it relevant.
Phillip: All right, what's the situation?
Dennis: What happened to your eye?
Phillip: (agitated) Some doctors skydive for God's sake. I mean,driving a car statistically puts you at greater risk. It's my
personal time dammit! I can do what I want with my personal time. You got a problem with that?
(They shake their heads.)
Dennis: I guess not.
Phillip: What about the patient?
Dennis: It's electrical. She needs an ablation.
Camille: What about digoxin?
Dennis: Can't help, could possibly hurt.
Jeffrey: It woulDanny't hurt. It could at least serve as a stop gap and even assuming it's electrical, the fact is the digoxin didn't hurt, did it?
Camille: Probably because of your soothing bedside manner.
Phillip: All right, it seems that this is a gray area. In fact, it seems Camille was right. But in the future, you damn well
better pick your spots because the next time you defy a doctor, turn out to be wrong, you are gone, forever and ever,
no negotiating, you'd be done, understood?
Camille: Actually, it's not understood. I would expect a fair hearing.
(Nyland enters.)
Phillip: Doesn't anybody knock?
Danny: What happened to your eye?
(Phillip glares at him.)
Dennis: Uh... I'd ask another question.
Danny: I'm sorry to intrude, but there's a problem. A patient, Larry Muldoon, was scheduled for a hernia operation and by mistake I removed his appendix.



"Rise from the Dead"

In Short: Geiger lobbies against Austin's cost-containment proposals. A friend of Dr. Grad's asks to be inseminated with her comatose husband's sperm. Aaron reveals his true feelings for her to Camille. Baby Alicia is baptized.

Guest Starring: Rosalind Chao (as Allison Granger), Diane Baker (as Ellen Olston), and Patrick Y. Malone (as Victor)

Story: John Tinker
Directed By: Donald Petrie

TOP Facts:

When Diane and Allison are talking in the room her husband is laying they hear: "Under the Boardwalk" performend by The Drifters.
Remark: Bette Middler is also performing a version of this song and yes you are reading right: Bruce Willis.I came a cross a cd he recorded named: Bruce Willis and this song is on it. (By the way he sings not bad and he is also playing the harmonica for a blues called "Blues for Mr. D" and an instrumental "Tenth Avenue Tango")
When Jeffrey operates you can hear: "Heat Wave" performend by The Whocan be found on their album:A quick one, Happy Jack
and later when Jeffrey and Kate are operating together : "Get Ready" performend by The Temptations

TOP Quotes:

Geiger to Birch:"Get Kate Austin out of my O.R. and back in her kitchen baking brownies."

Jeffrey and Aaron walk to Aaron's office:

Jeffrey: Where you've been? I'm starved.
(They enter Shutt's office)
You read Austin's proposal yet? Fill you in at lunch.
(Camille has also been waiting for Aaron)
Camille! ... Good to see you. ... Nice dress, very shapely. ... Don't tell me you finally got a day off, huh? ... I'll take a rain check, huh? (he leaves)

Date: 2015-12-11; view: 519

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Summary for "Chicago Hope," the Premiere 12 page | Alan asks Jeffrey to become Alicia's godfather after Aaron had told Alan that he couldn't be it
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