You ________ drive on the right in Europe (except in the UK).o have to
67. You ________ pay to get into that exhibition - it’s free.
o don’t have to
68. A: ‘You’re getting married? You ________ be serious!’ B: ‘You’re right. I’m just joking.’
o can’t
69. A: ‘I thought you ________ like to borrow this book.’ B: ‘Oh great, thanks. I was thinking about buying it.’
o might
70. A: ‘I’ve just run 20km. I’m training for a marathon.’ B: ‘Really? You ________ feel exhausted.’
o must
71. A: ‘Marilyn and Bob are on holiday in Sicily this week.’ B: ‘They ________ be. I’ve just seen Marilyn in town.’
o can’t
72. A: ‘I passed my driving test!’ B: ‘Congratulations! You ________ be very happy.’
o must
73. A: ‘Look, Jane left her bag here.’ B: ‘It ________ be Jane’s- her bag is black.’
o can’t
74. A: ‘Where’s Steven?’ B: ‘I don’t know. He ________ be in a meeting. Shall I look in his diary?’
o might
75. What does this label say? I ________ see without my glasses.
o can’t
76. I’ve never ________draw well, but my brother is brilliant.
o been able to
77. ________ you lend me a pen, please?
o Could
78. I’m free tonight, so I’ll ________ come and help you if you like.
o be able to
After three months living here, I ________ understand quite a lot of Japanese.
o can
80. I’d love ________ play a musical instrument.
o to be able to
You must ________ off your mobile before you go into the cinema.
o turn
82. I have to go to a meeting. Can you call me ________ in half an hour?
o back
83. I’ve just bought a new mobile; I must choose a new ring ________.
o tone
84. I’m sorry, I think I dialled the wrong ________.
o number
85. I’m trying to call Sarah, but her line’s been ________ for half an hour; she must be talking to her boyfriend.
o engaged
86. I sent you a ________ earlier - did you get it?
o text
The person you are calling is not available at the moment. Please leave a ________ after the beep.
o message
I wear my hair in a ________ to keep it out of my eyes.
o ponytail
89. My grandfather has a thick white ________. He looks a bit like Father Christmas!
o beard
90. She has very long hair; it’s ________ and dark.
o straight
91. Darren’s completely ________ now. I didn’t recognize him without hair!
o bald
92. He’s ________ because he does a lot of swimming and surfing.
o well built
93. I was a bit ________ last year, but now I’m really slim again.
o overweight
Studying for five hours a day is really ________.
o tiring
95. I fell over in the restaurant. I was so ________!
o embarrassed
96. It rained every day on my holiday. I couldn’t do anything and was really _______.
o bored
It was really ________ when we saw the lion so close.
o frightening
98. My mobile rang in the middle of the film; it was so ________! Everyone in the cinema looked at me.
o embarrassing
99. I’m too ________ to spend a night alone in this house with ghost.
o frightened
100. I’m very _______. I spent all day sightseeing and shopping in London.
o tired
101. I ________ (already / finish) cooking when Gill offered to help.
o had already finished
As soon as I arrived, we ________ (order) our food - everyone had waited for me.
o ordered
Manchester United ________ (win) 2-0 at half time, but they lost the match 3-2.
o were winning
We were really tired when we arrived because we ________ (not sleep) for 26 hours.
o hadn’t slept
105. I was thinking about him when he ________ (ring) me!
o rang
Choose the odd word out.
o ugly
Choose the odd word out.
o beans
Choose the odd word out.
o raw
Choose the odd word out.
o uncle
Choose the odd word out.
o menu
111. How long _______ in Madrid?
o has your brother been working
112. I’m writing an email to my best friend. I _______ her for years.
o ’ve known
113. Don’t worry. I _______ - I’ve got a cold.
o haven’t been crying
114. I’ve been waiting for this moment _______ a long time.
o for
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 3926