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The chemical thermodynamics. Thermo-chemical equation

1. The heat or enthalpy which gives off or absorbs at the formation of 1 mol of the complex chemical compound from the simple compounds at standard conditions is called as a heat or enthalpy of

1. decomposition

2. combustion

3. dissolution

4. formation

5. sublimation

2.The science about interaction between the different

types of energy which studies a possibility,

direction and limits of the spontaneous

processes, is called

1. thermodynamics

2. kinetics

3. analytical chemistry

4. physical chemistry

5. physiological chemistry

3.The chemical reaction in which internal energy of a

system increases and the heat is absorbed is called

1. exothermic

2. endothermic

3. oxidation-reduction

4. catalytic

5. enzyme

4.The thermodynamic system which exchanges with the surroundings both matter and energy is called

1. isolated

2. closed

3. heterogeneous

4. open

5. homogeneous

5.Thermodynamic processes at the constant volume and temperature is called

1. isobaric

2. isobaric-isothermal

3. isothermal

4. adiabatic

5. isochoric-isotherm

6.The living organism is

1. the heterogeneous, multicomponent and multiphase open system

2. the homogeneous, multicomponent and multiphase closed system

3. the heterogeneous, multicomponent and multiphase isolated system

4. the heterogeneous, monocomponent and mono-phased system

5. a heterogeneous, multicomponent and mono-phased isolated system

7.The bonded energy is expressed as

1. sum of internal energy and work of extension

2. product of pressure and volume

3. sum of Gibbs’s energy and bonded energy

4. product of absolute temperature and entropy of

a system change

5. difference of an enthalpy and work of the extension

8.Unit of measurement of the standard parameters enthalpy and

Gibbs’s energy in a system at the standard conditions

1. kJ, J, kcal, cal

2. kJ/mole

3. kcal/mole

4. mole/l/sec

5. mole/l

9.A chemical reaction in which enthalpy in a system increases is called

1. exothermic

2. endothermic

3. catalytic

4. reaction of exchange

5. oxidation-reduction

10. A thermodynamic process at the constant pressure and temperature is called






11.The phases transition of substance from a liquid state to the steam is called

1. melting

2. crystallization

3. condensation

4. evaporation

5. not right answer

12.Chemical processes which can go spontaneously should have value

of energy of Gibbs

1. positive value

2. negative value

3. is equal to zero,

4. meaning of energy Gibbs=0 and the entropy decreases

5. meaning of energy Gibbs > 0 and the entropy decreases

13. Mathematical expression of 1-st application of the Hess’s law For the reaction

CH4 (g) + 2O2 (g) = CO2 (g) +2H2O (g) + D H

1. D H = D H (CH4) +2D H (O2) - D H (CO2) - 2D H (H2O)

2. D H = D H (CO2) + 2 D H (H2O) - D H (CH4)

3. D H = D H (CO2) + D H (CH4) + 2 D H (H2O)

4. D H = D H (CH4) +2D H (O2) + D H (CO2) + 2D H (H2O)

5. there is no correct answer

14.The mathematical expression D H = D E + PD V corresponds to the first

law of thermodynamics, where the product D E denotes to

1. internal energy of a system

2. change of a heat and useful work against external forces

3. bonded energy

4. thermal effects of a reaction

5. enthalpy of a reaction

15. A system in which different parts are separated from each other by the visible border and have the different properties is called:

1. isolated

2. open

3. closed

4. homogeneous

5. heterogeneous

16. The homogeneous part of a system having identical chemical and thermodynamic properties, separated from the other parts by the border is called:

1. parameter

2. entropy

3. enthalpy

4. component

5. phase

17. A part of the internal energy of a system which is possible to convert into useful work at constant pressure and temperature is called:

1. enthalpy, Í

2. Gibbs’s energy , G

3. entropy, S

4. heat effect of a reaction, Q

5. bonded energy

18. When reactants are converted to products, the change in enthalpy is the same whether the reaction takes place in one step or in a series of steps. This is the law

1. low of mass action

2. second law of thermodynamics

3. Hess's law

4. first law of thermodynamics

5. no correct answer

19. The chemical equations in which physical state of matters, enthalpy are shown are called:

1. isochoric

2. isobaric

3. isotherm

4. thermo chemical

5. isobaric-isotherm

20. In the formula DÍ = DG + ÒDS, coming from the second and the first laws of thermodynamics ÒDS characterizes:

1. the part of the energy which is convertible to a useful work

2. the part of the energy which is not convertible to a useful work

3. free energy of a system

4. enthalpy of the chemical reaction

5. heat of the formation of the substance

20. By the reaction of 9.5 g magnesium with chlorine

Mg(l) + Cl2(g) = MgCl2(l) + Q 64 kJ of heat gives off. Find enthalpy of MgCl2 formation.

1. - 640 kJ/mol

2. - 768 kJ/mol

3. - 320 kJ/mol

4. - 95 kJ/mol

5. there is no correct answer

21. By the reaction of 32.4 g of bromine with hydrogen Br2 + H2 = 2HBr 1.6 kJ of heat was given off. Enthalpy of HBr formation is:

1. -72 kJ/mol

2. -36 kJ/mol

3. -80.0 kJ/mol

4. 92.16 kJ/mol

5. there is no correct answer

22. By the reaction of 0.8 g of potassium with chlorine

2Ê + Cl2 = 2KCl 8.0 kJ of heat gives off. Enthalpy of KCl formation is:

1. +6090 kJ/mol

2. –1335 kJ/mol

3. +1490 kJ/mol

4. –4368 kJ/mol

5. there is no correct answer

24. By sulfur combustion: S(ò) + Î2(ã) = SO2(ã) + Q 155.5 kJ of heat was evolved and 6.4 g of sulfur oxide was formed SO2. heat of SO2 formation is:

1. +1294 kJ/mol

2. - 1555 kJ/mol

3. -1118.4 kJ/mol

4. -1296 kJ/mol

5. there is no correct answer

25. By the formation of 1.0g of benzene Ñ6Í6 from the elements 15.6 kJ of heat was. Enthalpy of formation of benzene is:

1. –0.81.9 kJ/mol

2. +0.81.9 kJ/mol

3. –0.40.95 kJ/mol

4. +0.20 kJ/mol

5. there is no correct answer

26. At the formation of 0.4 g of phosphorous oxide (III) Ð2Î3 from the elements 1.5 kJ of heat was evolved. Enthalpy Ð2Î3 formation is

1. -825 kJ/mol

2. –412.kJ/mol

3. -352 kJ/mol

4. +234 kJ/mol

5. there is no correct answer

27. At the formation of 0.8 g of phosphorous oxide (III) Ð2Î3 from the elements 1.5 kJ of heat was evolved. Enthalpy Ð2Î3 formation is

1. -825 kJ/mol

2. –206.25 kJ/mol

3. -352 kJ/mol

4. +234 kJ/mol

5. there is no correct answer

28. At the formation of 0.2 g of phosphorous oxide (III) Ð2Î3 from the elements 1.5 kJ of heat was evolved. Enthalpy Ð2Î3 formation is

1. -825 kJ/mol

2. –206.25 kJ/mol

3. -352 kJ/mol

4. +234 kJ/mol

5. there is no correct answer

29. At the formation of 2 g of HF 13.6 kJ of heat evolved. Enthalpy of HF formation is

1. -272 kJ/mol

2. -125 kJ/mol

3. -264 kJ/mol

4. -136 kJ/mol

5. there is no correct answer

30. At the formation of 6 g of HF 21.0 kJ of heat evolved. Enthalpy of HF formation is

1. -272 kJ/mol

2. -125 kJ/mol

3. -264 kJ/mol

4. –70.0 kJ/mol

5. there is no correct answer


Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1937

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