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Exercise 8. Ask questions about the words underlined.

1. All universities in England and Wales are state universities.

2. There are also a variety of other British higher institutions which offer higher education.

3. The third group consists of new universities founded after the Second World War.

4. Some universities, such as Oxford and Cambridge, have an entrance exam before the interview stage.

5. Higher education in England and Wales is highly selective.

6. At the end of the third year of study undergraduates sit for their examinations and take the bachelor’s degree.

7. The Fellows teach the students either one-to-one or in very small groups.

Exercise 9. Translate into English.

3 ÷àñ. 22 ìèí. 18 ÷àñ. 15 ìèí. 15 ÷àñ. 38 ìèí.

17 ÷àñ. 00 ìèí. 4 ÷àñ. 44 ìèí. 1 ÷àñ. 45 ìèí.

2 ÷àñ. 15 ìèí. 4 ÷àñ. 08 ìèí. 23 ÷àñ. 30 ìèí.

5 ÷àñ. 45 ìèí. 16 ÷àñ. 53 ìèí. 4 ÷àñ. 20 ìèí.

6 ÷àñ. 00 ìèí. 9 ÷àñ. 35 ìèí. 8 ÷àñ. 55 ìèí.

11 ÷àñ. 30 ìèí. 7 ÷àñ. 17 ìèí. 19 ÷àñ. 15 ìèí.

Exercise 10. Answer the following questions.

1. What time do you usually get up? (7 ÷àñ. 10 ìèí. óòðà)

2. What time do you have breakfast? (7 ÷àñ. 30 ìèí. óòðà)

3. What time do you usually go to the University? (8 ÷àñ. 15 ìèí. óòðà)

4. What time do you go into the classroom if classes begin at a quarter past eight? (at nine o'clock, at half past eight, at a quarter to nine, at ten minutes past eight, at twenty minutes to nine)

5. What time do you usually get home? (6 ÷àñ. 45 ìèí. âå÷åðà)

6. When do you begin doing your homework? (9 ÷àñ. 15 ìèí. âå÷åðà)

7. What time do you go to bed? (11÷àñ. 50 ìèí. âå÷åðà)

Things to do

Task 1. Answer the following questions. You can find the answers in the text.

1. What accommodations do the most colleges have for their students?

2. What are the students studying for the first degree called?

3. What types of English universities can be broadly classified into?


Task 2. Translate and comment on the following.

– We all know that the British are very cultural people and many possess an outstanding mind.


Task 3. Give your arguments for and against the following saying.

– Nowadays the number of students who enter into higher education is increasing.


Task 4. Work in small groups. Role-play the situation: YOU WANT TO ENTER INTO HIGHER EDUCATION.

Discuss with your friends the following points.

· institutes of higher education

· the town where you will study

· your aims and ambitions

Remember to:

· discuss all the options

· take an active part in the conversation and be polite

· come up with ideas

· give reasons

· ask for your friend’s opinion and agree or disagree with him\her

· come to an agreement



Knowledge is power.

Live and learn.

To know everything is to know nothing.



Task 1. Choose the correct transcription.

1) laneA. [læn] B. [lein ] C. [lain]

2) gift A. [guft] B. [dçift] C. [gift]

3) seed A. [si:d] B. [sid] C. [sed]

4) eve A. [evi] B. [i:v] C. [ev]

5) tight A. [tait] B. [taight] C. [tig]


Task 2. Choose the correct spelling.

1) [drai] A. dra B. dery C. dry

2) [hold] A. holed B. hold C. hould

3) [pu:l] A. pool B. pul C. pule

4) [feis] A. face B. theis C. feis

5) [si:] A. sie B. sea C. su


Task 3. Which word sounds different?

1. a) morning b) divorced c) home

2. a) mystery b) write c) kill

3. a) wrote b) first c) word

4. a) gentleman b) goose c) geography

5. a) classes b) cinema c) ice

Two of these ed-endings sound like [d]. Which one does not?

a) informed b) persuaded c) loved


Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1404

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