Ex. 2. Study the text. Use the words from Ex. 1. in their meanings in the text.
Interpol is the more common name for the International Criminal Police Organization, which has about 180 member countries. The starting point for this organization was the first International Congress of Criminal Police convened in Monaco in 1914. One of the proposals put forward at the Congress was the creation of an international record-keeping office on crime. The idea was supported by the majority of delegates, but the WW I blocked any work on creation of this organization. The idea was returned to only after the war and Vienna convention founded the International Criminal Police Commission in 1923. The commission was reorganized in 1946 and again in 1956, when its current name was adopted. The headquarters is in St-Cloud, France, near Paris.
Interpol exists to help create a safer world. Its aim is to provide a range of essential services for the law enforcement community to optimise the international effort to prevent, detect, and suppress crime.
Interpol achieves this by working in the following directions:
· It provides both a global perspective and a regional focus on crime;
· It exchanges information that is timely, accurate, relevant and complete;
· It facilitates international co-operation;
· It co-ordinates joint operational activities of its member countries;
· It makes available know- how, expertise and good practice in crime prevention, detecting and suppressing.
Interpol is mainly a data-collection agency, and its information is passed to countries that need it.
Bureaus of Interpol operating within member countries may investigate crimes and apprehend criminals at the request of another country, but the organization must act in accordance with the laws of the country in which a bureau is located. Criminals can be returned to another nation only if there is an extradition treaty in force and the offender is a national of the country requesting the return.
Interpol acts on the basis of the demands and expectations of national law enforcing organisations, authorities and services. The core services the Interpol provides for these bodies are:
· a unique global police communication system;
· a range of criminal databases and analytical services;
· proactive support for police operations throughout the world.
Ex. 3. Find in the text Ex.2. the words and expressions describing Interpol’s aims and services.
Ex. 4. Study the text. Translate the sentences containing the words from the list:
to stipulate
governing body
related to smth.
to supervise
administrative staff
to entrust smb. with smth.
key links
advisory capacity
Article 5 of the Constitution stipulates that 'The International Criminal Police Organization - Interpol shall comprise: the General Assembly, the Executive Committee, the General Secretariat, the National Central Bureaus and the Advisers.'
General Assembly is the organization's supreme governing body, composed of delegates appointed by each member country. It meets once a year and takes all important decisions related to policy, resources, working methods, finances, activities and programmes. It also elects the Organization's Executive Committee. The Assembly takes decisions by a simple majority in the form of resolutions. Each Member State represented has one vote.
Executive Committee is elected by the General Assembly, there are 13 members (the president, three vice-presidents and nine delegates) representing the different Interpol regions. The president is elected for 4 years, and vice-presidents for 3.
The Executive Committee is Interpol’s deliberative organ which meets three times a year, usually in March, July and immediately before the General Assembly.
Its role, in accordance with Article 22 of the Constitution, is to supervise the execution of the decisions of the General Assembly, prepare the agenda for sessions of the General Assembly, submit to the General Assembly any programme of work or project which it considers useful, and supervise the administration and work of the Secretary General.
General Secretariat comprises the Secretary General and a technical and administrative staff entrusted with the work of the Organisation. The General Secretariat is headed by the Secretary General of the Organization, who is appointed by the General Assembly for a period of 5 years. He may be re-elected.
The Secretary General is the Organization’s chief full-time official. He is responsible for seeing that the day-to-day work of international police co-operation is carried out, and the implementation of the decisions of the General Assembly and Executive Committee.
National Central Bureaus (NCBs) are Interpol offices or points of contact which are the key links between national law enforcement and Interpol services provided and maintained by each member state.
For administrative purposes, Interpol groups its member countries into four regions: Africa, Asia, the Americas and Europe. On an operational basis, countries are arranged into a number of zones, geographically and linguistically, to facilitate communication.
Advisers are experts in a purely advisory capacity, who may be appointed by the Executive Committee and confirmed by the General Assembly.
Ex. 5. Prepare a graphic presentation of Interpol structure indicating the main functions of the bodies.