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1. The catof VOICE (vc) expr the relations btw the subj & the obj of the action:

He invited his friends (doer) – He was invited by his friends (object)

2. Opp-n of active (weak) & passive (strong) vc. In coll speech, the role of the p-ve
aux-ry may be performed by ‘get/become’. The freq-cy of usg of PVc in Eng is far greater than in Rus (‘cause the number of Vs capable of forming the Pvs is greater).

3. Debated: are there other vcs in Eng? 3 vcs may be suggested:

1)thereflexive (he dressed himself)2)reciprocal (they kissed e.o.) 3)middle(door opened

4.The catof ASPECT shows the manner in which the act-n is either performed or repr-ted

2 const-ts: common (cm; weak) & continuous (ct; strong) aspects.

Ct – an action as a process developing at a certain moment or a limited period of time.

Cm – just names the action.

5. Some linguists: no aspective mng in the cm form, ct – just one of the tense forms.

6. Usually ct not used with Vs denoting abstract rel-ns, sense perception, emotions. But

there’re numerous examples of such usage: the V changes its mng to denote either

an activity (I’m thinking of him) or the temporary char-r of the state (He’s being..)

7. Curme – 4 aspects:

1) durative (action as continuing – He’s eating)

2) point-action (calls attention to 1 point):

a) the ingressive type (begin/start + inf, get,grow,turn,become+pred adj, part-le

N or a prep-l phrase: He often gets sick)

b) the effective type (the final point: The two friends fell out)

3) terminative (action as a whole – He handed me a book. I overlooked a mistake)

4) iterative (indefinitely prolonged succession – He pooh-poohs at everything)




1. Mood (md) shows the degree of reality or possibility of an action. The verbal cat of md

serves to expr the speaker’s attitude towards the factuality of a state-of-affs as real

Or hypothetical.

In ModEng this cat is decaying.The forms of the unreal md in many cases repl=modals

2. 2 groups of mds are dist-shed: real/fact mds & the unreal/non-fact/oblique mds.

3. a) The indic – the only real md in Eng; represents an action as a real fact. The forms =

the tense-aspect forms of the V. 2 non-fact mds:

b) The imperadvice, request, recommendation, order and so on. Stelling – the gram

idiom. One form only, without any suffix or ending.

c) The subjan action as unreal (I wish I had known it).

4. Another app-ch – md: 3 const-ts (ind, subj I, subj II). They form a binary opp-n.mark

5. Prof. Smirnitsky – 6 mds:

1) indic (He came there) 2) imper (Read the letter!)

3) subj I (be/go for all prsns: I suggest that he go there. If it be so)

4) subj II ( were for all prsns, forms PS & PPS: I wish I were.. If I knew/had known)

5) suppositional(anal-l forms should/would + infin: Should u meet.., I sug that he sh

6) conditional(anforms sh/wd+inf in the main clause:what wd u do if y were asked?)

6. Other ways of indicating the reality or possibility of an action:

1. Lexico-syntactic means (comb-n of modal Vs may/might/can/could/sh/wd with the inf

If anything should happen I can take care of myself)

2. Lexical means (mod wds maybe, perhaps, possibly, probably;other wds (Ns, adjs, Vs)

of modal semantics: It’s time we were moving)

3. Syntactic types of sces or subordinate clauses (imper-ve; clauses intr-d by conjs as if/

as though, conditional, etc: Take it easy! She really looks as though she isn’t..

4. Diff com-ns of the above means.

5. Intonation, prosody.


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