Figure 5.18Dynamic elastic modulus and tan5 vs. temperature
One of the basic methods of measuring glass transition temperature is dilatometry,where volume is measured as a function of temperature. A small piece of polymer sample of known weight is immersed in mercury in a small cylindrical glass bulb, which is attached to a graduated capillary tube. The mercury, which has a constant coefficient of thermal expansion over the temperature ranges of interest, fills part of the capillary tube as well. The dilatometer, prepared in this manner, is then placed in a water or an oil bath and heated. The rise of mercury in the capillary with temperature is recorded, which is a reflection of the expansion of the material. From this information, with calibration, the specific volume of the material can be obtained and plotted as a function of temperature. As shown in Figure 5.19, the T , which represents a second-order transition, is therefore the temperature where the volume-temperature curve changes slope.
Melting, however, is a first-order transition and produces a clear step/discontinuity change in specific volume at the melting point (Tm). Sometimes the change in slope is not very distinctive and, therefore, to identify the transition temperature more clearly a plot of the coefficient of thermal expansion, which is the derivative of the specific volume with respect to temperature, against temperature is plotted as in Figure 5.20 and produces a discontinuity or an abrupt change at T .
Tg Tm J
Figure 5.19A plot of specific volume (V) vs. temperature (T) for a semi-crystalline polymer
Introduction to Polymer Science and Technology
Behaviour of polymers
Figure 5.20A plot of (dV/dT) vs.T
5.3.1 Dependence of T and T on chemical structure
G m
In general any structural feature, which encourages intra molecular (i.e., within a single molecule) and inter molecular (in between molecules) motions yields low T and Tm and, conversely, structural features that hinder molecular motion cause an increase in T and T .
G m Molecular weight
Tg,s Tgi_
Figure 5.21Plot of specific volume vs. temperature for short (S) and long chain (L) molecules
Molecular weight influences both the molecular chain length and the number of molecule chains. A polymer with shorter chains will have more chain ends per unit volume, so there will be more free volumeto accommodate molecular motion. Hence the T for a thermoplastic with shorter molecular chains will be lower than if the chains were longer as illustrated in Figure 5.21.