Choose the job that matches the definition Jobs and Professions Activities
Vocabulary Game: ABC Jobs
1. Divide the class into groups of 3–4. Tell students to write the alphabet on a piece of paper (as a list).
It is difficult to think of names for jobs beginning with the letters Q, V, X, Y or Z.
2. Each group has to think of a job for each letter of the alphabet. Set a time limit (10 minutes) or stop after a group has found jobs for all the letters.
3. Check answers by asking learners from each group to write up the jobs on the board. The winners are the groups with the most jobs for different letters.
Can you find a JOB for each letter of the alphabet?
Suggested answers:
A accountant, astronaut, actor, actress, artist, author, architect, ambulance driver, assistant, athlete, air steward, air hostess, archaeologist, astronomer, attorney, announcer
B businessman/woman, bus driver, beautician, baker, butcher, builder, bricklayer, barman, barmaid, banker, bank teller, barber, broker, blacksmith, burglar, beekeeper, biologist, bookseller, bookmaker, ballet dancer, bodyguard, barrister, boss, baby sitter
C cook, clown, carpenter, computer engineer, computer operator/programmer, chauffeur, chef, clerk, coach, civil servant, caretaker, craftsman, criminal, clergyman, caretaker, chemist, cameraman, cashier, conductor, compositor, cleaner
D dentist, doctor, dancer, director, driver, designer, decorator, dustman, dressmaker, dietician, diplomat
E engineer, editor, economist, electrician, entertainer, executive
F farmer, fireman/woman, firefighter, footballer, film star, film director, fisherman, fishmonger,flight attendant, florist
G gardener, geologist, garbageman, greengrocer, guard
H hairdresser, helicopter pilot, head teacher, historian, house painter, housewife, homemaker
I interpreter, instructor, ice- cream maker
J journalist, judge, jurist, jeweler, janitor
K king, knitter
L lorry driver, lawyer, librarian, lecturer, locksmith, lumberjack, labourer
M mechanic, model, magician, musician, manager, miner, mathematician, mountaineer, milkman
N nurse, news reader, notary
O office worker, optician
P painter, photographer, pilot, policeman/woman, pharmacist, poet, politician, postman, printer, professor, plumber, priest, porter, public prosecutor, physician, physicist, philosopher, playwright, presenter, programmer, president, publisher, pianist
Q queen
R reporter, receptionist, refuse collector
S secretary, singer, sailor, soldier, seaman, salesman/woman, shop assistant, shopkeeper, shoemaker, surgeon, solicitor, scientist, schoolmaster, schoolmistress, student, sculptor, sportsman, steward, stewardess
T teacher, tennis player, taxi driver, tailor, technician, telephone operator, travel agent, translator, typist, typewriter, turner, TV presenter, ticket-inspector
U university teacher, undertaker
V veterinarian/vet
W worker, writer, waiter, waitress, watchmaker, watchman, webpage designer, window cleaner, warder, weaver
X x-ray technician
Y -
Z zoologist, zookeeper
Job Alphabetical quiz
Choose the job that matches the definition
Actor Interpreter Queen
Baker Journalist Reporter
Cook Knitter Surgeon
Driver Librarian Teacher
Engineer Manager Undertaker
Farmer Nurse Veterinarian
Gardener Office worker Waiter
Hairdresser Policeman Zookeeper
1. a person who serves food and drink at the tables in a restaurant
2. a person trained in any branch of the profession of engineering
3. a person whose business is to knit clothes
4. a person who write about news events for a newspaper
5. a person who works in or takes care of a garden
6. a person who is the official ruler or head of state, especially a female one
7. a person who changes spoken words from one language into another
8. a person whose occupation is journalism
9. a person whose business is cutting, curling and colouring hair
10. a person who works with lots of different books
11. a person whose job is to treat animals
12. a person who rules and manages a farm a person who drives a car
13. a person who looks after and helps ill people
14. a person who works in an office
15. a person who directs or manages an organization, industry, shop
16. a medical person who operates people
17. a person who works in a Zoo
18. a person who works at a police station
19. a person whose business is to make or sell bread, cakes
20. a person who acts in a play, film, broadcast
21. a person whose job is to teach children
22. a person who drives a car
23. a person who prepares food for eating
24. a person whose profession is the preparation of the dead for burial or cremation and the management of funerals
Answers: 1. waiter; 2. engineer; 3. knitter; 4. reporter; 5. gardener; 6. queen; 7. interpreter; 8. journalist; 9. hairdresser; 10. librarian; 11. vet; 12. farmer; 13. nurse; 14. office worker; 15. manager; 16. surgeon; 17. zookeeper; 18. policeman; 19. baker; 20. actor; 21. teacher; 22. driver; 23. cook; 24. undertaker
What job is this?
Unscramble the job words below:
1. iloamecpn
2. aspnotm
3. eracteh
4. nregenei
5. rtodco
6. nreus
7. entstdi
8. tdxriiearv
9. teiawr
10. eirtrhfgief
Answers: 1. policeman; 2. postman; 3. teacher; 4. engineer; 5. doctor; 6. nurse; 7. dentist; 8. taxi driver; 9. waiter; 10. firefighter
Date: 2015-12-11 ; view: 4441