Global firm law firm that employs hundreds of attorneysFrom allover the world
Good faith state of mind whereby a person has an
Honest conviction that they are observing reasonable
Commercial standards of fair dealing
Good title title that is valid and free from defects such
As liens, litigation or other encumbrances
Goods items of personal property other than money (US
Good can be used in the singular)
Grantee person to whom a grant of property is made
Hereditament property which can be inherited; also
Refers to land in general
High court (UK) court which hears serious civil cases
And appeals from county courts; (US supreme court)
Holder person that has legal possession of a trade mark
Holder in due course (HDC) person who acquires a
Negotiable instrument in good faith
Holder of title person who owns the right to control and
Dispose of a particular piece of property
Holiday entitlement right of an employee to take paid
time off from his/her employment
Horizontal merger combining of two or more firms which
Are at the same level in the economic supply chain
Hostile takeover situation where a company attempts to
Buy another company against its wishes
, id est (i.e.) (Latin) that is
Illegality of the subject matter when the matter under
Consideration in the contract is unlawful and therefore
Unenforceable in a court of law
Immaterial breach breach of contract after which the
Non-breaching party is still required to perform its
Contractual obligations and may be entitled to
Implied contract contract whose terms have not been
Specifically outlined, but rather are presumed
Implied warranty guarantee that is implied by law rather
Than promised by the seller
In rem (Latin) against a piece of property (rather than a
In the course of business regular mode of conduct or
Routine of a trade
Incidental beneficiary person who was not planned to
Benefit from a contract and is also not party to that
Contract. This person does not gain any rights under
The contract.
Indefinite vague, not certain, not determined
Infringement unauthorised use of material protected by
Copyright, patent or trademark law
Inheritance property which is transferred upon death to
A person designated as an heir
Injunction official order from a court for a person to do
Or stop doing something
Injured party party that has suffered a violation of its
Legal rights
Inn of Court (UK) one of four institutions that barristers
Must join in order to practise law as a barrister
insolvent unable to pay one's debts
Instrument written formal legal document
Intangible property rights legal interest or claim in
Things which cannot be touched or felt
Intended beneficiary person who was planned to benefit
From a contract but is not party to that contract. As a
Result of this, this person obtains rights to enforce the
intent mental desire/willingness to act in a certain way
Inter alia (Latin) among other things
Ipso facto (Latin) by that very fact itself
Issue to produce or provide something official
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 627