Disclosure imposed on corporate directors, officers andParties to a contract
Fair use (US) see right of fair use
Fee simple whole interest in a piece of real property; the
Broadest interest in property allowed by common law
Fee tail estate which lasts as long as the original
Grantee or any of his descendants live
Fiduciary duty obligation to act solely in the best
Interests of another
File with to officially record (e.g. in a court of law)
Financing measures methods of securing funds or money
First-in-time rule which distinguishes which creditor has
first claim over a debtor's assets
Fitness for a particular purpose if a buyer is buying
Property for a certain reason and the seller knows
This, then this warranty exists by law to guarantee that
The property is suitable for that certain reason.
Sometimes referred to as warranty of fitness.
Fixed charge (UK) grant of security for a loan on a
Specific asset or on specific assets whereby the
Creditor has first claim to recover upon default by the
Debtor (US security interest in specific assets; (prior to
UCC) chattel mortgage)
Floating charge (UK) form of security interest over the
debtor's assets which may change on a daily basis,
Such as stock; a grant of security for a loan on the
company's assets in general, and not on any specific
Asset (US floating lien)
Foreseeability reasonable anticipation of possible results
Of an action
Foreseeability rule rule that states that damages are
Only recoverable when it can be established that the
Damage was reasonably anticipated by the breaching
Party at the time the contract was entered into
Form model document or agreement with blank spaces
To be filled in
Formation act of bringing a contract into existence
Fraud deliberate misrepresentation or concealment of a
Material fact to gain an advantage
Fraud in the inducement act of misrepresenting or
Misleading someone so as to entice them to enter
Into a contract or agreement
Freehold estate property whose duration of ownership or
Occupation is not determined
Friendly takeover situation where a company attempts to
Buy another company with approval of the board of
Directors of the company that is being bought
Gain control to obtain the power to direct or have
Influence over the management of a company
Garnishment 1) claim or interest resulting from a legal
Proceeding in which party A (creditor) requests a
Court to issue an order or writ against party B
(garnishee) holding property of or owing money (e.g.
Bank account or wages) to party C (debtor) to
Release the relevant property or money to the
Creditor; 2) the whole process involved in the legal
Proceedings described in 1) above
General creditor creditor who has no lien or security for
payment against the debtor's assets (also known as
An unsecured creditor)
General damages (also actual damages) compensation
For proven injury or loss
Genuine occupational qualification limited
Circumstances where sex or marital status may be
Used as a job requirement
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 647