Anti-competitive behaviour face high fines as well as, underCertain circumstances, the threat of criminal prosecution.
I propose that we draw up a comprehensive set of
Guidelines for preventing anti-competitive behaviour by your
Firm. Initially, these guidelines could be presented to all
Employees in informative workshop sessions, and later
Reinforced through regular anti-competitive internal memos.
The benefits for your company are clear: an increased
Awareness of the risks of anti-competitive behaviour at all
Levels of your enterprise would greatly lessen your risk of
Exposure to antitrust lawsuits and actions.
The implementation of this proposal could be carried out
in a four-stage process: 1) assessment of anti-competitive
Behaviour risks; 2) drawing up of guidelines; 3) holding
Workshops for employees; and 4) follow-up reinforcement.
Should you be interested in pursuing this course of
Action, the Competition Department of our firm could
Begin work immediately.
If you would like to discuss this proposal and the details of
Its implementation, please do not hesitate to contact me.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely
Andrew Chase
This is a journalistic text from a newspaper written for
A non-specialist audience.
2 The companies involved are Sotheby's and Christie's,
Two art auction houses in the service sector.
They formed an illegal price-fixing cartel.
15 1 Christie's escaped a fine because it provided the
Evidence that proved the operation of a cartel between
The art houses.
The illegal collusive agreement concerned an increase
In the corn missions paid by sellers at auctions and it
Also involved advances paid to sellers.
3 The president and chief executive of Sotheby's said he
Was relieved that the fine was less than it could have
Been and was pleased that the investigation was over.
For 2 for 3 on
B 2a 3a
One-stop shop is usually used to refer to a store where
different kinds of products can be bought: one convenient
Location where various needs can be met at once. Here,
The term is used to indicate that many procedures that
Formerly were carried out in several different places are
Now taken care of centrally by the European Commission.
Turnover threshold refers to the combined turnover of the
Parties to a merger for purposes of EC merger control. If
The combined turnover of the companies exceeds the
Amount stated in the EC Merger Regulations, then the
Merger is said to have a community dimension and the
Merger is subject to the competence of the European
Commission, as opposed to the Member States.
The first purpose of a pre-notification request is to have
The Commission take over the case from the national
Authorities in cases when the combined turnover of the
Parties to a merger falls below the existing thresholds,
And where notification would otherwise have been
Required in at least three Member States. The second
Purpose is to have the case be examined by a national
Competition authority rather than by the Commission
When it can be shown that a distinct market exists in
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 955