Lawyers at competition authorities in the EU or inCountries affected by EU pOlicy
To make it easy for the reader to identify at a glance
What countries are effected and the measures taken in
The particular country.
Yes, as the entries for Italy, the Czech Republic and the
Slovak Republic all relate to the telecommunications
4 1 (chickens') eggs 2 SEK 394 million 3 2004 4 11
They were suspected of abusive pricing practices.
Initiated proceedings against 2 Italian Competition
Council 3 discriminatory prices 4 Anti-monopoly
Office of the Slovak Republic 5 railway carrier
Collusion on bidding prices 7 price-fixing; formation
Of information exchange cartel 8 formation of cartel
Filed petition; fined
D 2e 3b 4a 5c
Suggested answer
Dear Mr Nazarenko
In your email of 8 November, you enquired about recent anticompetitive
Activities in the telecommunications sector in
The EU and the measures taken against them. I would like to
Provide information about three cases from the past month.
A telecommunications corporation in Italy was fined for
Abuse of a dominant position, while a group of
Telecommunications companies in Slovakia were fined for
Concluding a vertical agreement which restricted
Competition. In the Czech Republic, the decision of the
Office for the Protection of Competition, which had found
That a telecommunications company had abused its
Dominant position by charging discriminatory prices, was
Upheld by the Supreme Administrative Court.
I hope that this information is of use to you. Should you
Require any further assistance please feel free to contact me.
Yours sincerely
Marie Delapre
8 1, 3, 6, 7
True 2 False 3 True 4 False
11 The client's problem is a sharp drop in the number of
Contracts his construction company has been awarded in
The last year.
The lawyer proposes that his law firm look into the
Possibility that anti-competitive agreements have been
Made by the competition.
A4 b6 c3 d1 e5 f2
Suggested answer
Dear Mr Rodrfguez
As a follow-up to our telephone conversation yesterday in
Which we discussed a case of anti-competitive behaviour
In your market sector, I would like to propose that your
Firm establish anti-competitive guidelines as a preventive
Measure against such behaviour.
As I am sure you are aware, the recent case of price-fixing
In your industry is not unusual; several cases of cartel
Formation and price-fixing have occurred in recent years.
You should also be aware that such behaviour does not
Always originate at the level of top management, and that
Employees at all levels are at risk for such activities.
Practices such as exclusive dealing arrangements with
Suppliers or even unintentionally misleading advertising -
To name but two examples - can harm competition and
May be considered to represent an infringement of
Antitrust law. Employees at all levels of the firm need to be
Informed of the wide range of possible anti-competitive
Activities, as well as of their potential legal consequences.
I must warn you that individuals directly involved in serious
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 986