See words in italics in table above.The Trade Mark Office informs the owner of the trade
Mark when that trade mark is about to expire.
E 2 d 3 f 4 g 5 b 6 a 7 c
Expiry 2 request; renewal 3 fees 4 trade mark
The long sentence has been broken down into shorter
Sentences; passive sentences have been made into active
Ones; shall constructions have been replaced with other
Verbs; formal vocabulary has been replaced with more
Common, everyday words.
Suggested answers
Paragraph 2: The Office will tell the owner of the Community
Trade mark, and anyone who has a registered right in it,
When the registration will run out, in good time before it
runs out. If the Office doesn't give this information, it will
Not be the fault of the Office.
Paragraph 3: The owner has to send in the request for
Renewal within a period of six months ending on the last
Day of the month in which protection ends. He also has to
Pay the fees within this period. If this has not been done,
He can submit the request and pay the fees within a
Further period of six months following the day referred to
In the first sentence, as long as he pays additional fees
Within this further period.
Paragraph 4: If the owner submits the request or pays the
Fees in respect of only some of the goods or services for
Which the Community trade mark is registered, the Office
Will only renew registration for those goods or services.
She is asking for information about reviewing a
Community Trade Mark.
Suggested answer
Dear Ms Fox
In response to your request of 18 December for information
Concerning the renewal of registration of a Community trade
Mark, allow me to answer the three questions you posed.
C First of all, the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal
Market (OHIM) informs the owner of the Community trade
Mark (as well as and any person having a registered right
In it) when the registration will expire in good time before
it expires. However, even if you don't get notice of expiry,
You still have to renew your registration, so you should be
Aware of the date of expiry.
Secondly, as the owner of the trade mark, you can
Renew the registration of the trade mark yourself.
Alternatively, another person can renew the
Registration if you, the owner, have authorised this
Person to do so. Naturally, this means that I can do it
For you if you wish.
C Finally, in response to your third question, you must
Submit the request for renewal six months before the
Last day of the month in which protection ends.
Furthermore, you must pay the renewal fees within
this six-month period. If you don't pay the fees within
This period, you can submit the request and pay the
Fees within a further period of six months, but you
Would then have to pay additional fees.
I hope that the information I have provided is of use to
You. If you would like further assistance in this matter,
Please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely
Estella Walters
21 1 Fair use is when you're allowed to make limited use of
Copyright material without permission. The Copyright
Act allows teachers to display and perform the works
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 872