Concluded between my client and the defendant, the softwareDesign company Glaptech, unambiguouslv stipulates that the
defendant agrees to create a computer program enabling ill!
Customers to book a ferry passage online. Specifically, the
contract express Iv reads that the program must work for "ill!
customers using modern home computers." We heard today,
In the testimony of a recognized computer expert, that the
concept of "modern home computers" can reasonablv be
Construed to include Apple Macintosh computers. Therefore
We must conclude that the creation of a program which does
Not function on this verv tvpe of computer system constitutes
A clear breach of the contract concluded between my client
And the defendant.
C 2 a 3 b
Suggested answers
The court gave weight to the evidence provided by the
Expert witness.
The court's determination that the withholding of consent
Was unreasonable was supported by the evidence.
In reaching its decision, the court drew inferences of fact
From the evidence submitted.
The text is about a new law in England, Wales and
Northern Ireland which came into force in 2000 and which
Gives third parties to a contract additional rights.
C 2 d 3 b 4 e 5 a
The act applies to contracts governed by English law or
The law of Northern Ireland entered into beginning May
As well as to each English law contract
Entered into beginning November 11, 1999, which
Expressly provides for its application.
A person that is not a party to a contract will be
Permitted to enforce its terms if the contract expressly
Provides that the non-party may do so, or if one or
More terms of the contract purport to confer a benefit
On the non-party, unless on a proper construction of
The contract, it appears that the parties did not intend
The term to be enforceable by the non-party.
The advice is given that contract drafters should
Consider whether any third party has been given rights
Under a contract. The parties may agree in the contract
To exclude the application of the statute to prevent one
Or more of the parties from being exposed to
Unexpected claims by third parties who were not
Intended to be beneficiaries of the contract.
D 2 c 3 a 4 e 5 b
Language Focus
Intensity 3 enlist 4 propose 5 appeal
Contrary; shall; to 2 withhold; thereof; conditions
Have; approval 4 to; entity
To 3 under 4 from 5 to 6 against 7 to
S upon
To; under; to 2 to; to; under 3 to; on
Of; against
5 2 lessor/lessee, a 3 mortgagor/mortgagee, c
4 transferor/transferee, b
Un 8
A5 b6 c4 dl e7 f3 g2
Suggested answers
1 This means 'interpreted or understood to be
discriminatory' .
This refers to adjustments which are fitting and
Appropriate, and not excessively costly.
This refers to damages awarded for feelings of
Disappointment, frustration, grief, humiliation, etc. arising
Out of the manner, and possibly the fact, of dismissal.
C 2d 3a 4e 5b
Both a case bonanza and a boom in work mean an
Extremely large amount of cases to work on.
One directive would outlaw discrimination on the basis of
Age and religion.
The second deals with discrimination based on race and
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 815