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Drafting a whole document from scratch. It was only one

Aspect of the project, but that direct contact gave me real

Insights into that branch of the law.

3 At first, I wasn't sure that I fitted Haddiscoe's image, having

Trained in a more traditional firm, but I did eventually find I

Had lots in common with my colleagues. What actually

attracted me was the firm's willingness to experiment with

Different ways of working, even for more junior staff;

Staggered hours, the option of working at home sometimes

- it was all refreshingly forward-looking. Once there, the

Most beneficial thing for me personally was working as part

of a team on complex international projects where we'd

liaise closely with various overseas offices. It wouldn't have

Been my choice, because nothing in my previous training

Had prepared me for that, but I gradually acquired the

Necessary expertise,

4 I'd read a very positive article about Haddiscoe in the

Press, but it was only at the interview that I sensed how

Intent they were on expansion. I reckoned that would mean

Training opportunities, interesting work with high-profile

clients, etc., so I didn't even apply to any other firms. In

actual fact, I've mostly been involved with fairly routine work

with little opportunity to branch out. It wouldn't have been

my choice, but it has meant that I'm trusted to do more

Things on my own. Like when the partner takes me along to

Meetings and then leaves all the follow-up to me - drafting

The documents, preparing for the signing, etc. Some

colleagues recruited more recently don't really get that.

Friends working at Haddiscoe seemed quite enthusiastic,

but colleagues aren't everything, so I got hold of a copy of

the firm's mission statement. It might not be the best way

To choose an employer, but I found myself in sympathy with

Their general approach and so applied. I was pleasantly

Surprised by the variety and the scale of the litigation

Projects I got involved in, though I have to be flexible. But

The real plus for me is the chance I get to pass my

Knowledge and experience on to newer recruits. Devoting

Time to the induction course means less contact with

Clients, which might mean less higher-level work in the

Future, but the rewards far outweigh any drawbacks.

Now you will hear the recording again.

That is the end of Part 4. There will now be a five-minute

Pause to allow you to transfer your answers to the separate

Answer sheet. Be sure to follow the numbering of all the

Questions. The question papers and answer sheets will then

be collected by your supervisor. I'll remind you when there is

one minute left, so that you're sure to finish in time.

You have one more minute left.

That is the end of the test.



Un 1

A international students who will be studying at English


B students who are going to study law in a European





Based on 2 disputes 3 legislation 4 bound by

Provisions 6 custom 7 precedents 8 rulings

Codified 10 non-criminal

C 2a 3b 4e 5d

6 1 regulations 2 ordinance/by-law 3 bill 4 directive


Ordinance 2 regulations 3 bill 4 statutes


E 2g 3i 4a 5b 6c 7d 8f 9h

L11c 2f 3a 4b 5d 6e

Breach of contract

2 The lawyer thinks it's hard to say.

E 2i 3b 4h 5g 6f 7c 8d 9a

14 1,2,3,4,6,7,9

B 2e 3d 4a 5c

16 1 draft: an answer, a brief, a complaint, a motion, a


2 issue: an injunction, a notice, a writ

3 file: an affidavit, an answer, a brief, a complaint,

Date: 2015-12-11; view: 730

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And be ready to do a 15-minute presentation. The topics of the | A motion, a notice, a pleading
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