And be ready to do a 15-minute presentation. The topics of theSix sessions are as follows; on the first day, sessions will
Focus on tax incentives in oil and mining activities and in the
Financial services sector. If none of those topics appeals, then
the following day's programme might hold more interest for
you. That's when the emphasis will be on tax incentives in
Utilities, in ecotourism and in the real-estate sector. Each
Speaker needs to present a particular incentive or disincentive
In a local Latin American jurisdiction, together with the reasons
For implementing it. The effectiveness of local tax
Arrangements for attracting foreign investment should also be
Addressed. Each presentation will be followed by a panel
Discussion which further investigates the issues raised.
Finally, if you're hoping to attend the conference - whether as a
Speaker or a delegate - and you live outside the USA,you may
Need to think about a visa. The conference organisers would
Like to stress, though, that they are unable to issue a letter in
Support of any application until they have received a completed
Registration form and the full fees.
So, if you'd like more information about the conference ...
Now you will hear the recording again.
That is the end of Part 3.
Part 4
Now look at the fourth and last part of the test. Part 4
Consists of two tasks.
You will hear five short extracts in which various employees of
A law firm called Haddiscoe are talking about working for the
Company. Look at Task 1. For questions 21-25, choose from
The list A-F the thing that impressed each speaker about the
Firm initially. Now look at Task 2. For questions 26-30, choose
From the list A-F what each speaker regards as the most
Valuable experience they have gained whilst with the firm.
You will hear the recording twice. While you listen, you must
Complete both tasks.
You now have 40 seconds to look at Part 4.
1 I'd applied to various law firms and been put off by the very
Traditional image you get from all the paperwork they send
You. Haddiscoe stood out as different, they dispensed with all
That; just invited me in for a fairly laid-back interview, which
really suited me. Once I'd settled in, I realised not everything
Was quite as flexible and friendly as the recruitment staff had
Suggested. But never mind; I got the chance to work with
People who really know their stuff in fairly specialist areas of
The law. They could be difficult at times, and it was a steep
Learning curve for me, but brilliant training - giving me a
Future as a specialist in those areas, too.
2 I'd trained with another firm where working conditions were
Excellent, but I was fairly ambitious, and could tell from the
interview that at Haddiscoe I'd be able to branch out into all
Sorts of areas that interested me for the future -
particularly the regulation of financial markets. I couldn't
Have got that anywhere else so early on in my career. You
couldn't pick and choose, of course, but I was lucky, getting
Taken on as assistant to a partner on a multi-million-dollar
Financing deal. I got to work directly with the financiers,
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 762