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Now open your question paper and look at Part 1.

Part 1

You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6,

Choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best according to what

You hear. There are two questions for each extract.

You will hear each extract twice.

Extract 1

The six months I spent in Milan were amazing. It wasn't just

That I was part of a smaller team, it was also that I had to

work with other local firms. I'd worked with the Italian office

Before, during a banking deal, but being on the spot meant

That I could really grasp how things work out there. That

Experience helps a lot when you get home. I think that the

firm's smaller European offices are different from, say, Hong

Kong or Singapore - whicharemuchmorewhatI wouldbe

Used to back home - so it was a good choice for me.

I think sometimes as a trainee it can be difficult to see the

Significance of some of the work you do. It took me a while to

Appreciate the fact that without the routine elements,

transactions simply can't complete successfully. Working in the

firm's Milan office was an eye-opener for me, as it's a smaller

outfit than back home and there's less in the way of practical

Support, so it made me realise the importance of getting every

Detail right and still being efficient about it. Even as a trainee,

there's a need to manage effectively and delegate.

Now you will hear the recording again.

Extract 2

Lawyer: Robert, good morning. Thank you for coming. I just

Wanted to update you on where we are concerning your case.

Client: Oh, yes, that would be really useful.

Lawyer: Basically, what's happened is that some neighbouring

Homeowners have been granted a Temporary Restraining

Order, preventing your company from carrying out any further

Chemical operations on your property. What happened was

That their lawyers were able to convince a judge that your

Chemical operations are contrary to your zoning status.

They've also got some evidence that chemicals may be

leaking onto their land. That's how they met the requirements

necessary to get an order, and they've posted a bond to

Cover any loss you might incur.

Client: So when do I get any say in the matter? It seems

ridiculous that they're complaining about the chemical

Operations when the local authority has no problems with it.

We've been doing it for six years.

Lawyer: Yes, I know, Robert ... and with the local authorities on

our side, I wouldn't be overly worried. However, apparently the

Homeowners do have some photographs to submit which

May well support their argument. A hearing is scheduled for

Next week to determine whether cause exists to continue the

order or not pending a full trial. At the hearing, you'll need to

Testify and provide the technical background.

Client: I see.

Now you will hear the recording again.

Extract 3

Woman: Your new recruit called me about the Thwaite case the

other day. How's she getting on?

Man: Claudia? She's not doing badly, actually. She certainly

Keeps the paperwork moving - which is more than can be

said for her predecessor, I must say. I'm already able to

Leave most routine aspects of cases to her without feeling I

Date: 2015-12-11; view: 953

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