Republic imposed fines on the telecommunications companiesOrange Siovensko (Orange) and SAPEKOfor concluding a vertical
Agreement restricting competition.
Skim through the table quickly and answer these questions.
1 What product was at the centre of a price-fixing cartel in Latvia?
2 How much did the Competition Authority fine oil companies in Sweden?
In what year did the Italian Competition Council fine Telecom Italia 152
million euros?
How many parties were involved in an illegal shrimp-fishing cartel in the
Why were proceedings taken against five gas utility companies in Germany
in 2004?
The lawyer writing the report mentioned in Exercise 3 has decided to
Reorganise the information on the basis of industry rather than country. Use the
Information from Table 1 on page 206 to complete the spaces in Table 2
Table 2: Sector, Country, Measure Taken, Violation, Authority
Match these verbs (1-5) with the nouns (a-e) they collocate with in Table 1.
Collude on
A access
B prices
C a fine
d one's position
E proceedings
Unit 15 Competition law
Ng 1
Ing 0
A client has asked you to inform him of recent anti-competitive activities in the
ANSW~ER telecommunications sector in the EU and the measures taken against the
»p.302 offending companies. Look at the relevant three cases in Table 2 on page 207.
Have similar violations been committed in each case? In what way do the
violations differ? Using the information in Table 2, write a short email to your
Client in which you compare the anti-competitive activities in the three
Telecommunications cases. Where appropriate, use passive constructions to
Focus on the receiver of the action and the action taken.
Egg prod..ucers m Lo.ivwL.,\Jere fmecLfor prLce-fi¥mg iA..Y1dvtI1e
FormoJiol1 of mformoJiol1 excl1iA..Y1gwe..rtcl.
A pdiw:m L\JOvSfilecL o...gOvLnsptetroLwm compiA..Y1l,ems SL\JecLel1for
<Abuse of OvMmmiA..Y1tposilWl1 iA..Y1dfovr IimUing tI1e GtGGess of
Otl1er compiA..Y1l,etos tI1e mOvrket.
n ng 1: ing on on
High-profile cases involvingcompetition law violations committed by large, well-known
Companies often appear in the news. However,undertakings of all sizes and sectors of
The economy are equally bound by the laws prohibiting anti-competitive activities. For
This reason, lawyers must advise their business clients about the competition law risks
Associated with certain business practices and warn them of the possible consequences
Of such illegal behaviour. The following dialogue takes place between a USlawyer, Mr
Langston, and his client, MrGreene, the owner of a taxi company.
Listen to the discussion and tick the terms mentioned by the lawyer.
Anti-competitive behaviour
Per se violation
Tie-in arrangement
Territorial allocation
Predatory pricing
Vertical agreement
Abusing a dominant position
Listen again and decide whether these statements are true or false.
Mr Greene is worried that the entry of a new competitor into the market will
Adversely affect his business.
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1052