Inappropriately favour domestic suppliers before it can offer itsServices.
D A new Internet provider enters the market, and the main provider in
The region temporarily lowers the cost of its services dramatically.
Predatory pricing
Tie-in arrangement
"9 2:
One of the main areasof the competition policy of the European Union is antitrust and
Cartels. Its aim is to eliminate agreements restricting competition, as well as abuses by
Firms who hold a dominant position on the market.
Table 1on page 206 is an excerpt from an antitrust newsletter published by a large law
Firm providing regular updates on antitrust measures taken in EUmember states.
Look at Table 1 quickly and answer these questions.
1 Who do you think would be interested in reading such information?
2 Why do you think the table is set up the way it is?
A lawyer writing a report comparing anti-competitive activities in the
Telecommunications sector with other sectors in the EU is looking for
information. Will this table be of use to him?
Unit 15 Competition law
Table 1: Member States and Measures Taken
Member State Measure
In December 2004, the German Cartel Office initiated
Proceedings against five gas utility companies suspected of
Abusive pricing practices.
On 16 November 2004, the Italian Competition Council fined
Telecom Italia ˆ152 million for an abuse of its dominant position
On the market for fixed network telecommunications services for
Business customers.
Poland Poland's Office for Protection of Competition and Consumers
Fined PKP Cargo, the largest Polish railway carrier, PLN 20 million
For abusing its dominant position by applying dissimilar
Conditions to equivalent transactions with other trading parties.
Czech Republic
On 11 January 2005, the Portuguese Competition Authority fined
Abbott, Bayer, Johnson & Johnson, Menarini, and Roche
ˆ658,413.22 per company for colluding on bidding prices.
On 21 December 2004, the Supreme Administrative Court of the
Czech Republic upheld a decision by the Competition Office
Finding that the GSM operator Eurotel Praha (Eurotel) had abused
Its dominant position in the mobile telecommunication services
Market by charging discriminatory prices for connection to the
Network of Cesky Mobil.
The Netherlands
The Latvian Competition Council has fined members of a pricefixing
And information-exchange cartel in the market for
chickens' eggs.
The Netherlands Competition Authority has confirmed that 11
Parties in the shrimp-fishing industry participated in an illegal
Sweden The Competition Authority filed a fine petition at Stockholm City
Court on 15 December 2004 accusing Nynas of having abused
Its dominant position on the bitumen market by applying
Business conditions that discriminated against other companies
In order to limit their access to the market. The Competition
Authority demanded that several oil companies be fined a total
Sum of SEK 394 million.
Slovak Republic In December 2004, the Anti-monopoly Office of the Slovak
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 862