Not have an equivalent to the US practice ofcourt-supervised debt restructuring?
The principle that it is preferable for
Insolvent companies (as well as their
Creditors and other stakeholders) to be
Reorganised rather than liquidated has long
Been recognised in the US and is now
Accepted in most European jurisdictions.
However, while the US Bankruptcy Code's
Chapter 1.1provides a clear framework for
Such reorganisations, the equivalent statutory
Regimes in Europe do not.
Chapter provisions significantly
improve companies' prospects of
Restructuring their balance sheets and
Avoidinginsolvency.These provisions are not
Perfect, but after more than 20 years of
Application in the US, most commentators
Would probably agree that Chapter I I
Provides a comprehensive and workable
Mechaqisrf;Jifor delivering a restructuring.
The key
Destruction of
Early protection--a
File for Chapter Protectioq voluQtarily
And, importantly,can do so regardless of
Whether it can show likely
To be, insolvent;
The automatic stay,which preveQts both
Secured and unsecured creditors from
Taking proceedings againstthe compaQY
(also leadingto a sensible and practical
Approach to handlingsecured claims);
So-called debtor-in-possession powers,
Which permit existingmanagement to
Continue runningthe company;
Priority for debtor-in-possession (DIP)
Financin-gthis super-priority status has
Resulted in the evolution of a specialised
Market place where the DIP can borrow
Freshfundsto continue its business during
The restructuring; and
Limitationson contractualtermination
In addition, two sets of provisions that
Particularly help Insolvent companies to
Restructure allow the US Bankruptcy Court to
Reorganise the equity of an insolvent company
Without a vote of the shareholders and provide
For the Court to enforce a reorganisation plan,
Despite objections from some creditors (known
as 'cramdown provisions').
The absence of provisions equivalent to
SOme or all of the above in Europe both
Affects the economics of restructurings in
Europe and adds an onerous layer of
Complexity and transaction risk.
Read the whole article and decide whether these statements are true or false.
The authors argue that while reorganisations of insolvent companies are
Increasingly being carried out in Europe, the legislation in Europe does not
Provide a legal framework for these reorganisations.
In the USA, they try to save bankrupt companies rather than wind them up.
Under the early protection provision, it is necessary for a company to show
That it is insolvent before it can file for protection under the law.
The authors think that DIP powers are an advantage to insolvent companies,
As they permit an insolvent company to continue functioning during
Chapter 11 does not allow the court to implement actions against the will of
a company's creditors.
Match these words or phrases (1-5) (italicised in the text) with their definitions
Legal regime
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 821