Using one of the job advertisements on page 196 or one you have found in aNewspaper or on the web, prepare to be interviewed for the job. Think about
How your education, skills and work experience relate to what is required of the
Applicant. Your partner should play the role of the interviewer and should ask
You some of the questions from Exercise 18. When the interview is finished,
Discuss which of your answers were good and which need improvement. Then
Switch roles and interview your partner for the job he or she has found.
Following a job interview, it is a good idea to send a short note thanking the person who
Interviewed you. The purpose of this note is to show your continued interest in the
Position and to reinforce a positive image of yourself. Forthis reason, it is common to
Emphasise one or two of your strong points once again, while referring specifically to
Something discussed in the course of the interview.
Read the thank-you note below, then complete the spaces (1-5) using these
Phrases (a-e).
A As I mentioned during our conversation
B I appreciated
C The interview convinced me that my background
D Thank you again
E I am confident that my ability to
Answer these questions.
1 Which sentence in the note refers to a topic discussed in the interview?
Which sentence serves to reinforce points mentioned by the applicant during
the interview?
What is the purpose of the final sentence of the second paragraph of the
4 Which part of the thank-you note refers to future contact?
Write a thank-you note from Franz Berger to Ms Hall as a follow-up to the
SAMP ANSW~EER interview in the listening exercise. You should:
})p.302 () mention one or two topics discussed in the interview;
0 reinforce one or two points about the applicant's background which were
Discussed in the interview;
\.) use the sentence beginnings found in the model text above;
G refer to future contact.
Unit 14 Debtor-creditor
ng 5" ng
In the job interview in Listening 2, MrBerger states that he welcomesthe challenges
Posed by cross-border insolvencies in Europe. The writers of the following excerpt from an
Article from a financial law journal identify what they believe to be a serious weakness in
The European legislation governing insolvencies and argue for its reform.
26 Look at the title of the article. What is meant by the word case in this context?
Read the first two paragraphs of the excerpt. What is the weakness the writers
point to? Which system do they propose as a model for reform?
The case for unifyingttre
EU's insolvency laws
Ver the last five years, there have been
A number of big insolvencies and debt
Restructurings across Europe. It must be
Obvious to all objective commentators that
Europe simply does not have an effective, or
Indeed any,legalregimeto support courtsupervised
Restructuring, as opposed to
Bankruptcies or liquidations. It is astonishing
That there is simply no legal middle ground
Between out-of-court restructurings, with all
Of their uncertainties and differences of
Approach, and liquidations. Why does Europe
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 852