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Word Forms in Sentences


Learning Styles




analysis issue assume available
approach method edit cooperative
area period establish economic
benefit process identify major
concept research indicate significant
data role involve similar
evidence structure occur specific
factor team   theoretical
formula thesis    
individual variables    


Essential Academic Vocabulary


1. What are the people in the photograph probably doing?

2. What is meant by cooperative learning?

3. Have you ever done a project or an assignment in a cooperative learning group? Describe your experience.


4. What are the advantages of cooperative learning? What are the disadvantages?

5. How could cooperative learning help you learn vocab­ulary?

6. What is your preferred learning style?


The cooperativelearning approachhas become popular among college professors because it helps students reach high academic standards and build positive relationships in the classroom. After many years of theoreticaland practical researchon this issue,strong evidenceshows that cooperative methodscan have major benefitsfor student learning through increased learning, better understanding of the conceptsbeing taught, and improved retention of the material. In addition, an interpretationof available datasuggests that cooperative learning encourages positive relationships among teammembers of different racial and economicbackgrounds.

Cooperative learning takes a variety of forms, but the structureof most cooperative learning involvessmall teams, usually composed of four or five individuals,working together toward a similargoal in which each person assumesa specific rolein the processover a periodof time. Cooperative groups might be establishedfor one class session or for several weeks to complete a specific assignment. Students are expected to interact with members of their group, share ideas and materials, support and encourage each other's academic learning, explain to each other the concepts of the assignment, and make sure that each individual is responsible for doing a fair share of the work.

Analysesof the cooperative approach have identifiedseveral significant factorsand variablesthat indicatea formulafor successful cooperative learning to occur.Studies have shown that students on successful teams interact with a higher level of language, ask each other difficult questions, challenge each other's answers, and ask each other for assistance. College classes in all areasof study are likely to involve some type of cooperative learning, from peer editingof thesisstatements and review of essays in writing courses to long-term group projects in the sciences. This approach to learning is generally more interesting and more fun for students than traditional classroom teaching, although problems can arise when the team members do not cooperate with each other.

Key Elements of Successful Cooperative Learning: http://www.cde.ca.gov/iasa/cooplrng2.html.Adapted from Eugene Garcia, Student Cultural Diversity: Understanding and Meeting the Challenge, 3rd ed. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2002), 344-45.

Chapter 1 • Learning Styles

1. Vocabulary in Context

a. approach(line 1)

b. evidence(line 3)

c. benefits(line 4)

d. concepts(line 5)

e. interpretation(line 6)

f. structure (line 8)

g. involves (line 9)
h. role(line 10)

i. period (line 10)

j. significant (line 16)

k. variables(line 16)


ng to the context in which the word is used in the readi
situation method movement
research proof crime
advantages insurance social events
ideas meanings generalizations
version translation explanation
arrangement building schedule
invites participates includes
wheel movement part
century duration punctuation mark
obvious important similar
quantities varieties variations

2. Reading Comprehension

Getting the Facts

Put a check mark {</) next to each statement that is an effective strategy for successful cooperative learning.

collaboration among team members emphasis on individual achievement fair division of responsibility for the assignment similar goals among team members primary concern for the individual's grade clear communication among members individual decision making discussion of concepts being learned support and encouragement among members competition among group members friendly relationships among group members leadership of the group by one person

Your motivation to increase your knowledge of aca­demic vocabulary is an important factor in learning the words effec­tively.

Essential Academic Vocabulary

Making Inferences

Apply the information you have read about cooperative learning to infer the answers to the following questions.

1. What benefits do you think students can gain from cooperative learning?

2. Why do you think that students from different backgrounds form better relationships with each other when they work together?

3. What teamwork skills are needed to work in a group?

4. What factors may influence the success of a cooperative group?

5. Describe a possible cooperative learning activity for one of the classes you are taking now.

3. Dictionary Skills

Study the dictionary entry for issue. Read the following sentences and give the dictionary definition of each underlined word.

is·sue(Ish'oo) n. 1.[C] A subject being discussed; a question under debate: the issue of reforming campaign laws. 2. [C] Something, especially printed, that is distributed or put into circulation: a new issue of postage stamps; the June issue of the magazine. 3. [U] a. The act of flowing out, or a place of outflow: the issue of water from the spring; a lake with no issue to the sea. b. The act of distributing or putting out; release: The date of issue is on the front of the newspaper, —v. is»sued, is»su»ing, is»sues.-intr. To come out; flow out: Water issued from the broken pipe. —tr. 1. To put (sthg.) in circulation; publish: The Postal Service issues stamps. 2. To give (sthg.) out; distribute: The school will issue uniforms to members of the team. 3. To cause (sthg.) to flow out: The factory issues its waste water into tanks for treatment. ♦ at issue.Being discussed or questioned: Your conduct is not at issue here, take issue with.To disagree with (sbdy./sthg.): He took issue with my view of the problem. -is'su·ance n. [U] -is'su·ern.

1. The December issue of Newsweek features an article on the study

habits of university students.

Chapter 1 • Learning Styles

2. The program issues certificates to all students who successfully complete the course.

3. Students usually enjoy discussing class issues together.

4. Dan's professor took issue with his argument in his term paper.

5. The topic of today's geology lecture was the issue of water from rivers into oceans.

6. Information about study groups was issued to all members of the class.

7. At issue in this meeting are the activities that promote cooperative learning.

8. I'm looking for a journal with the date of issue January 2005.

4. Word Forms

Chart Completion

Complete the chart below with the different forms of each word. An X indicates that there is no word form.


Noun Verb Adjective Adverb ]
analysis analyse analytic, analytical analytically



formula     • X
    major : x
  occur X X
period X    


Essential Academic Vocabulary

Word Forms in Sentences

Use the correct word form from the chart in the previous exercise to complete the following sentences. Make sure the word you choose fits meaningfully and grammatically into the sentence.

1. analysis

2. concept

3. economic

4. formula

5. identify

6. individual

7. major

8. occur

9. period


10. specific

11. edit

Scientists always__ analyse___ their data before writing up the results of

their research.

We____________ the idea for the project after discussing it in our group.

Our ability to find a good job after graduation will depend to some extent
on the strength of the____________

We are encouraged by our professors to___________ and express our

own opinions.

You need two forms of personal___________

Although the members of our study group have____________ learning

styles, we all work well together.

Most students change their____________ at least once during their

undergraduate studies.

There was a strange____________ in the dorm last night when all the

lights suddenly went out.

It is normal for first-year students to experience___________

homesickness during their first semester away from home.

Our professor____________ said to turn in the assignment on Thursday.

Students often find it difficult to understand their classmates'
____________ comments when they are peer reviewing an essay.

Chapter 1 • Learning Styles

5. Collocations

The following nouns are commonly found with specific verbs and adjectives.


Verbs Adjectives Noun ]
carry out, do, make, perform, conduct careful, brief, detailed, theoretical, economic, financial analysis
find, provide, come up with, discover, use complicated, simple, correct, mathematical, scientific, successful, traditional formula
gain, reap, obtain, receive, provide, offer considerable, enormous, great, major, economic, maximum, substantial benefit
understand, define, formulate, introduce, develop general, basic, simple, theoretical, scientific, economic, intellectual concept
collect, gather, store, record, analyze, study, process, interpret accurate, statistical, numerical, environmental, financial, economic data

Complete each sentence with an appropriate verb, adjective, or noun from the previous chart. More than one answer is possible.

1. Students can____ ffc^____ considerable benefits from learning to work together.

2. Our assignment was to define the____________ concepts in Chapter 10 of the textbook.

3. Our group project is to study environmental____________ on annual rainfall in our state.

4. I could not find the____________ formula to complete this calculation.

5. When Bill performed a____________ analysis of his project, he realized that he had made

a mistake.

6. In our first class, the professor introduced the___________ concepts of the course.

7. In our group project for Business 101, we have to___________ the financial data of a

major company.

8. We should carry out a____________ analysis of the topic before we spend a lot of time

on it.

9. I expect to gain____________ benefits from my degree program.

10. Our group found a successful___________ for identifying the chemicals.

Essential Academic Vocabulary

6. Word Parts

vislvid (see)

MM Each of the following words contains the word part vis or vid, Latin words that mean "see." In each word notice the word part that gives a clue about the word s meaning. Match each word with its meaning.

1. _J 1_ evidence
2. invisible
3. revise
4. supervisor
5. television
6. video
7. visibility
8. vision
9. visitor
10. . visual
11. visual W.e

a. change the original version

b. a device for seeing images on a screen

c. the state of being visible

d. the sense of sight

e. relating to the sense of sight

f. person in charge

g. facts that show the truth
h. a person who visits

i. form a mental picture

j. impossible to see

k. the visual part of a broadcast

mm The following common collocations have specific meanings. Complete each sentence with the appropriate collocation.

visual aid visually impaired

visiting hours visiting professor

poor visibility visible to the naked eye

20/20 vision visitation rights

1. The fog created very or visibility on the highway this morning, forcing vehicles to drive very slowly and carefully.

2. When her parents got divorced, Janet went to live with her father, but her mother had


3. I can only visit my grandmother during____________ at the hospital.

4. Our geography professor always uses some type of__________ in class to make the

lectures more interesting.

5. Although bacteria are not____________ , they can be identified under a microscope.

Chapter 1 • Learning Styles 9

6. Our____________ from China, who has given several excellent lectures about Chinese

history, will be returning home next semester.

7. My glasses give me___________ , but without them I can hardly see anything.

8. Guide dogs are trained to help the____________ safely travel around the city.

7. Writing

7A Paraphrasing

See Appendix III for additional information on paraphrasing.

Match the original text in the first column to the paraphrase of the text in the second column. Notice how words and grammar structures change in the paraphrase, yet the meaning remains the same.

Original Text Paraphrase

1. The cooperative learning approach has become popular among college professors because it helps students reach high academic standards.

2. Strong evidence shows that cooperative methods can have major benefits for student learning.

3. An interpretation of available data suggests that cooperative learning encourages positive relationships among team members of different racial and economic backgrounds.

4. Cooperative groups might be established for one class session or for several weeks to complete a specific assignment.

5. College classes in all areas of study are likely to involve some type of cooperative learning.

6. Problems can arise when the team members do not cooperate with each other.

a. __ 2_ Students who do not work well with

each other in their groups may cause difficulties.

b. ____ It is evident that students can greatly

improve their learning experience by working with other students.

c. ____ College students can improve their

academic performance in classes taught by faculty who encourage methods of collaborative learning.

d. ____ Some kind of team learning will

probably occur in every subject studied at a university.

e. ____ According to research studies, team

projects promote better understanding among students from different backgrounds and cultures.

f. _____ A particular class project might

require a team of students to cooperate for one or more class meetings.

Essential Academic Vocabulary

7B Paragraph Writing

Write a response to oneof the following topics. Include at least six to eight vocabulary wordsin your paragraph.

1. Describe an experience when you worked with others on a project. Describe the benefits and the negative aspects of working cooperatively. In what ways did you learn more about the topic and about your teammates?

2. Read the e-mail that Maria sent to her friend Alicia about the course requirements for a psychology class. Write a response to Maria in the format and style of an e-mail, giving her advice on how to get her team members to cooperate equally on their group project so that they can all get a good grade.

Subject: Help! Need your advice!!

Hi Alicia,

It's been a hard day! It was the first day of class and Dr. Smithson distributed the syllabus for Psychology 210. He told us that we were going to receive individual grades for tests, but the remaining 50 percent of our grade would come from team projects. We'll have to do one team presentation and two cooperative projects related to course topics. We'll receive a team grade for these assignments, and Dr. Smithson emphasized that it's our responsibility to work together for the benefit of the whole team. I left the class feeling pretty unhappy. Last semester I had to do a group project in Chemistry, and I felt like I did most of the work. One of my teammates hardly did anything, but she got the same grade as I did. It really wasn't fair! This time I'm going to have to figure out a better way of getting everyone in my group involved, so we all do equal work.

I know you got a good grade for your team project in this course last semester, so you must have done something right. Do you have any ideas to help me out?


Chapter 1 • Learning Styles

8. Speaking

8A Group Discussion: Study Locations

Students like to study in different places and at different times, alone or in a group, with noise or music in the background or in a quiet natural environment. Take turns describing your favorite place to study. Include details about its environment, its atmosphere and location, and the comforts of the place of study. Prepare a short oral summary of these favorite study locations to present to the whole class.

8B Pair Discussion: Learning Styles Analysis

Students enter college with a variety of learning styles. The most common styles are visual, auditory, and tactile/kinesthetic learning styles. It is important to be aware of your learning style so that you can perform at your best in the different types of courses and exams that you will experience in college.

There are several websites where you can analyze your own learning style by answering a number of questions. Using Learning Styles Survey or Learning Styles Questionnaire as the keyword, search for an appropriate website and complete the survey. Analyze the results of the questionnaire, focusing on the questions below. Discuss what you learned about your own learning style with a partner.

For more activities related to this chapter, go to the Essential Academic Vocabulary website.

• According to the survey, what kind of learning style do you have?

• Do you agree with the results?

• Did you learn anything new about your own learning style?

• Why do you think you have developed this learning style?

• What kind of teaching style or learning environment matches your learning style?

• How will your own learning style influence the kinds of courses you take in college?

• How do you prefer to study for tests?

• Would you like to change your learning style in any way? If so, what would you change and how could you do it?

Stress in College Life



Noun   Verb Adjective j
assistance potential achieve academic
context psychologist consult appropriate
depression range create classic
environment section define conducive
error sector derive consistent
function source estimate financial
income stress impact legal
item text license parallel
percent welfare relax tense

Chapter 2 • Stress in College Life 13


5. Whst other types of stress do students often expe­rience? 6. What has been your most stressful experience this semester? How did you deal with it? 7. What advice would you give to a student who seems unable to function because of high levels of stress?


1. How do you think the students in the photograph are feeling?

2. Have you ever experienced test anxiety? How did you feel?

3. How can students reduce test anxiety?

4. What was the most important exam you have ever taken? How did you manage the stress associated with it?



1 • "I really studied for this test, but when I got in the room, I couldn't remember a thing."

• "When I looked at the first section and couldn't answer any of the items, I knew I was going to make all kinds of errors."

• "I'm always afraid of exams because I never do well."

5 • "I'm so tense, my hands sweat. I can't think, and when I look around, everybody is

working away but me. I just can't relax!"

• "When I read a text in a test situation, I can't remember what I've read."

These statements reflect how some students respond to test anxiety. Test anxiety is stress related to testing. Stress is defined as the body's response to an important occurrence or event.

10 The event in this context is the combination of the test preparation and the test itself On the one hand, a little anxiety is conducive to performance. On the other hand, when the stress level is too high, it may impact memory, creating in the student a loss of function in testing environments with parallel negative effects on his or her welfare.

About fifty percent of students experience test anxiety at some point in their college years.

15 However, test anxiety is only one of a range of stresses experienced by college students on a daily basis. In the college sector, some of the classic sources of stress derive from the academic environment and relationships with friends and roommates. Major life changes, such as changes in income level or legal and financial issues, can also create mental and physical feelings of stress and anxiety, which can overload the ability to function well.

20 Stress can also result from students' own unrealistic expectations. When students require too

much of themselves by overestimating their abilities, they may fail to achieve their goals or to make consistent progress towards them. Failure also creates tensions that have the potential to

Essential Academic Vocabulary

produce a state of depression for which students may need to seek appropriate assistance by consulting a psychologist or other licensed professional,

Adapted from T. Anne Hawkins, Connections: Orientation 1, 2nd ed. (Morgantown, WV: West Virginia University, 2000), 169, 176-77.

1. Vocabulary in Context

Determine how the boldface words are used in the reading. Then for each item, choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning.

1. _____ impact (line 12)

a. hit against something

b. have an effect

c. make an identification

2. ____ function (line 12)

a. a formal social gathering

b. benefit

c. normal activity of something

3. ____ sources (line 16)

a. point of beginning

b. research documentation

c. variables

4. ____ environment (line 13)

a. nature

b. surroundings

c. interpretation

5. ____ income (line 18)

a. arrival

b. employment

c. money

6. ____ create (line 18)

a. produce

b. approach

c. specify

7. ____ require (line 20)

a. involve

b. assume

c. demand

8. ____ overestimating (line 21)

a. establishing

b. rating too low

c. rating too highly

9. ____ potential (line 22)

a. capacity

b. strength

c. influence

10. ____ appropriate (line 23)

a. individual

b. significant

c. suitable

11. ____ assistance (line 23)

a. aid

b. analysis

c. involvement

Chapter 2 • Stress in College Life

2. Reading Comprehension

Getting the Facts

According to the text, students who suffer from test anxiety experience a variety of classic symptoms. Put a check mark {</) next to each symptom of test anxiety described in the text.

a. b.




loss of sleep depression

fear of tests

inability to function loss of income increased errors

loss of memory

h. _____ extreme nervousness

i. _____ sweaty hands

j. _____ inability to remember

written texts

k. _____ overestimation of skills

l. _____ increased energy

Making Inferences

Apply the information you have read about academic stress to infer the answers to the following statements.

a. b.

1. From your experience, name fourtypes of academic stress that might affect typical college students.




c. d.

2. Name fourmajor life changes that might create stressful conditions for students.

a. b.

3. Name fourunrealistic expectations that college students might have.

a. _______________________________________ c. ________________

b. _______________________________________ d. ________________

4. Students who suffer from severe stress or depression may need to
seek appropriate professional assistance. Who should they consult?

Individualize strategies for learning and reviewing vocabu­lary. Practice various methods until you discover the strategies that work for you.

Essential Academic Vocabulary

3. Dictionary Skills

Study the dictionary entry for range. Complete the following sentences with the appropriate phrases below.

range(ranj) n. 1. [U] The extent of or area covered by sthg.: within viewing range; the range of his interests. 2. [C] An extent or amount of difference: a price range. 3. [C] An extended group or series, especially a row or chain of mountains: a mountain range; a wide range of products. 4. [C] The area in which a kind of animal or plant normally lives or grows. 5- [U] A large expanse or open land on which livestock wander and graze: cowboys riding across the range. 6. [C] The greatest distance of operation, as of a sound, radio signal, or missile: a radio receiver with a range of 200 miles. 7. [G] A place for practice in shooting at targets: a firing range. 8. [C] A stove with spaces for cooking a number of things at the same time: an electric range, —intr.v. ranged, ranging, rang»es. 1.To vary or move between specified limits: chil­dren whose ages ranged from four to ten. 2. To extend in a certain direction: a river ranging west­ward. 3. To live or grow within a certain region: Coyotes now range over the entire United States.

viewing range range ot symptoms price range-
mountain range firing range open range
gas range age range within normal range
range of products out of range

1. The age range, in this class varies from 17 to 34.

2. When my car broke down on the highway, I could not call for help on my cell phone because it was

3. The Himalayas are the most famous____________ in the world.

4. My mother always cooks on a____________

5. Test anxiety can produce a____________ , from an inability to sleep to depression.

6. In the American West, cowboys still ride their horses on the____________

7. Before the beginning of hunting season, many hunters like to practice shooting at a

8. My sister was pleased that the results of her recent medical tests were___________

9. At first, I thought the animal was a bear, but when it came within____________ , I could

see that it was just a big dog.

10. Last weekend I went shopping for shoes, but I could not find any I liked in my

11. The Kodak Company makes a _____________________for photography.

Chapter 2 • Stress in College Life

4. Word Forms

E3 Chart Completion

Complete the chart with the corresponding noun or verb forms.


Noun Verb  
assistance assist

Word Forms in Sentences

Create five new sentences about test anxiety or stress, using a noun and a verb from the chart in
the previous exercise in each sentence.
1 Students who are impacted by -test aMjeh^ can receive, professional assistance,.

2. ______________________________ ____________________________________________



5. ._______________________________________________________________________________

Essential Academic Vocabulary

5. Collocations

il The following nouns are typically found in combination with specific verbs. Match the nouns with the verbs to make meaningful phrases.














problems benefit

satisfaction jobs

pleasure poems






Match the situations in the following sentences with the collocations that describe them.


financial assistance disorderly conduct
a friendly environment a university function
welfare state licensed psychologist
yearly income the sports section
legal issues achievement test

1. _d borderilj conduct The judge convicted the middle-aged man for public drunkenness and

aggressive behavior.

2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

My father always reads the news about football and baseball first.

Lawyers are required to be experts in matters of law.

We enjoy living in this area because the people are welcoming and always give us assistance when we need it.

Federal taxes are based on the amount of money earned in a 12-month period.

Next week I must attend an important evening event with the professors in my department.

Chapter 2 • Stress in College Life



8. 9.


At the end of our Spanish course, we took an exam to find out how much we had learned.

. Many students need to apply for a loan in order to pay college tuition.

Many European countries provide free medical care and other benefits to all citizens.

A college counselor must take special tests to become certified to practice psychology.

e. Word Parts

Negative Prefixes

The most common English negative prefix for adjectives is un- (e.g., unhappy, unkind, unpopular"), which means not. Other negative prefixes include //-, ir-, im-, in-, and non-. Some of these negative prefixes are used predictably, while others have no rules and have to be individually learned.


Prefix Rule Example
ir- before r irrelevant, irresponsible
il- before / illicit, illogical
im- before^?, b, m imperfect, immoral
in- all others incomplete, inexcusable
un- (no rule) uncomfortable, unpredictable
non- (no rule) nonalcoholic, nonsmoking
dis- (no rule) disagreeable, disconnect

Change the meanings of the following adjectives by adding a negative prefix.

1. arrnrarp maCCUrat& 5< involved_______________

2. available____________ 6. mature____________

3. complete____________ ____________ 7. regular____________

4. constitutional

8. significant

Essential Academic Vocabulary



9. 10 stop licensed
11. 1? appropriate simitar
14. dependent.


15. legal_____

16. necessary —

17. resident___

18. satisfied__

19. variable__

20. cooperative

7. Writing

■0 Writing a Summary

See Appendix IVTor additional information on summarizing.

Find an article about test anxiety on the Internet. (Most major universities have information on their websites.) Take notes in your own words about the main ideas in the text and use these notes to summarize the information. Include and underline at least six to eight vocabulary wordsin your summary.

E3 Paragraph Writing

Write a response to oneof the following topics. Include at least six to eight vocabulary wordsin your paragraph.

1. Describe an experience when you felt a great deal of anxiety about a test. Why was this test important? What physical symptoms did you have? What was the outcome of the test? How could you have relieved your test anxiety?

2. Describe another major stress that college students often experience, such as stress related to roommates, romance, family, career, or health. How does this stress affect academic performance and students' personal lives? W^hat are some ways that students can deal effectively with this type of stress?

Chapter 2 • Stress in College Life


Partner Discussion: Stress Reduction Methods

Discuss with your partner the following methods that people can use to reduce stress. Which ones do you find helpful? Which ones have you never tried? What other stress reduction activities can you add to the list?

breathing exercises body relaxation massage yoga



talking to friends

physical exercise

positive self-talk journal writing listening to music time management

M Role-Plays

Using new words from this chapter, act out the following role-plays.

1. Your friend is becoming very nervous about the final exam in chemistry. He has had problems with test anxiety in the past, and he is afraid that he will forget everything as soon as he walks in the door of the examination room. Advise your friend about what he should do to minimize test anxiety.

2. It has been a difficult semester for you. Your long-term girlfriend/boyfriend broke up with you, and you are failing one of your classes. You are feeling so stressed out that you decide to seek assistance from the college counseling center. Tell the counselor what kinds of stress you have been experiencing and what you have been doing to try to relax more. Ask the counselor for some advice in dealing better with your problems and with your stress level.

http://www.college.hmco.com/esl/students j >

For more activities related to this chapter, go to the Essential Academic Vocabulary website.


Student Housing



Noun   Verb Adjective ~
administration maintenance assess final
aspect orientation evaluate institutional
community- policy obtain positive
computer regulation perceive primary
construction security purchase  
contract site reside  
design strategy restrict  
distribution transfer select  
element utility survey  


, -,. - ^^^^^™^^^~^^^^^^^^^^ ■ ... - . ,. -

Cha^tlr 3 • Sildeni Hcusimg 23


5. In addition to paying rent for an apartment, what other expenses might you have? 6. What is a lease? Why do renters have to sign one? 6. What do you think you would learn if you attended a housing orientation on campus?

1. What is your housing situation now? Where do you live and with whom?

2. Do you prefer to live alone or with a roommate? Why?

3. What are the advantages of living in a college dormi­tory? What are the disadvantages?

4. Why do many students prefer to live off campus?



i Most first-year college students live in institutionalhousing, such as a dormitory or an

apartment building. However, most second-year and transferstudents are ready to move into off-campus housing and take on the responsibilities of living in a rental unit. However, there are certain aspectsof renting that students should keep in mind before selectinga housing option.

5 First, it will be beneficial to visit the campus housing assistance center to attend an

orientationon issues such as landlord/tenant rights, legal contracts,and roommate matching services. Participants will also learn strategiesfor the housing search. Students should carefully assessthe type of communityin which they want to resideand the type of housing they want. Some housing units have many regulationsfor residents,which students may perceiveas

10 unnecessary, while their units may have constructionor design elementsthat restrictstudents' comfort and convenience. Before signing the lease, it is important to obtaina complete tour of the housing unit from the administrationin order to surveythe facilities and the condition of the rental unit. Potential renters should evaluatethe answers to the following questions before making a finaldecision:

15 • Which utilitiesare included in the rent?

• Who does the maintenanceon the apartment?

• Who pays for the laboron repairs?

• What kind of computeraccess is available?

• What is the distributionof students and the general public living in the apartment 20 building?

• Are there on-sitefitness facilities?

• WTiat kinds of securitysystems are in use?

• Are there any restrictions regarding smoking?

• What are the policiesregarding pets? 25 • How much is the security deposit?

24 Essential Academic Vocabulary

• Is free parking available?

• Who is the primarycontact for residents in case of an emergency?

• Is the renter required to purchaseadditional rental insurance?

Finally, students should make sure they find financially responsible roommates. A landlord 30 can legally hold the other tenants responsible if one cotenant fails to make the rental payments or moves out. However, students should have positiveexperiences if they have realistic expectations of their roommates and their landlord.

1. Vocabulary in Context

Determine how the words in column A are used in the reading. Then choose the word in column B that is closest in meaning.









9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Column A

institutional (line 1) select (line 4) contract (line 6) strategy (line 7) community (line 8) resident (line 9) element (line 10) obtain (line 11) survey (line 12) evaluate (line 13) security (line 22) policies (line 24) primary (line 27) contact (line 27) purchase (line 28)

Column B


b. buy

c. first

d. person

e. college

f. feature

g. tenant
h. area

i. safety

j. choose

k. receive

I. inspect

m. lease

n. regulations

o. method

Chapter 3 • Student Housing 25

2. Reading Comprehension

3 Getting the Facts

Put a check mark (/) next to each item mentioned in the text that a person should consider before deciding to rent an apartment.








a safely k. laundry facilities
b responsible room mares I. responsibility for repairs
c parking space spa and swimmina pool m. rental insurance
d n. payment of a deposit
p animal regulations o. type of neighborhood Internet access
f exercise facilities P-
nearby shopping center rules about late-night parties restrictions on overnipfir visirors n- recmlarions about noise
h r. cost of gas, elertririry and warer
  s. smoking regulations apartmenr design
J helpful administrarion t.

Making Inferences

Apply the information you read about the basics of renting to infer answers to the following questions.

1. What type of community would a student probably prefer to live in?

2. What kinds of housing regulations might students dislike?



3. Name three responsibilities that students might have as renters that they would not have living in a dormitory.

4. List three strategies for finding appropriate housing.

Be aware of what it means to know a word. Use a dictionary to find information about words, such as word forms and different meanings.

26 Essential Academic Vocabulary

5. Give several examples of realistic expectations of roommates.

6. What might happen if one roommate moves out of a rental unit before the end of the lease?

3. Dictionary Skills

Study the dictionary entries for administer, administration, and administrative. Read the following sentences and fill in the blanks below with the correct words.

ad«min»is»ter(ad min'iscar) tr.v. l.To manage or direct the affairs of (sthg.): The mayor administers the city government. 2.a. To give out or dispense (sthg.): A doctor administers med­icine. b. To give and supervise (sthg.): administer a test. 3. To give (sthg.) formally or official­ly: administer an oath of office.

ad•min»is*traction(ad mln'T stra—'shan) n. 1. [U] The act or process of directing the affairs of a business, school, or other institution; management. 2. [U] The people who man­age an institution or direct an organization: The school administration is made up of the princi­pal and a staff of teachers. 3. [C; U] Often Administration.The executive branch of a gov­ernment, especially the President of the United States and the cabinet. 4. [C] The time that a chief executive is in office or that a government is in power: Many civil rights laws were enact­ed during President Johnson's administration. 5. [U] The act of administering: administration of justice; administration of an oath. -ad*min'is*trate(ad mi"nVstrat') v. ad»min»is*tra«tive(ad mi"n'Tstra'tlv or ad mi"n'I stra tlv) adj. Relating to government or management: a manager with administrative ability; the President and other administrative officers of the government. -ad«min'is»tra'tive»lyadv.

1. Who is the person most likely to be responsible for the administration of the following?

a. a test ____________

b. a business ____________

c. a school ____________

d. an apartment building ____________

e. an academic department ____________

f. cough medicine ____________

g. government ____________

h. justice ____________

i. painkillers

j. a city

Chapter 3 • Student Housing 27

2. List four administrative activities for which an apartment manager would be responsible.

a. __________________ c. ______________

b. ______________ d. ______________

3. List four qualities of a good administrator.

a. ___________________ c. ______________

b. ______________ d. ______________

4. Word Forms in Sentences

Complete the following sentences using the grammatically correct form of the word in italics. (It may be necessary to change a verb form or tense or to make a noun plural.)

1. The job as housing supervisor requires excellent___________ skills.

administration, administer, administrative, administratively

2. The housing advisor____________ information about leases at the housing orientation.

distribution, distribute

3. This year, most of my friends___________ in off-campus housing.

residence, reside, residential

4. The____________ reason for living in this community is that it is so close to campus.

prime, primary, primarily

5. Many students have the____________ that it is cheaper to rent an apartment than to stay

in a dormitory.

perceive, perception, perceptive, perceptively

6. I always lock the door____________ when I leave the house.

security, secure, securely

7. I have almost made up my mind which apartment to rent, but I'll-------------------- my plans

next week.

final, finalize, finally

8. There were too many____________ when I lived on campus, so this year I'm looking

forward to more freedom living off campus.

restrict, restriction, restrictive

9. The college has plans for the____________ of two new dormitories next year.

construct, construction

Essential Academic Vocabulary

10. Although the apartment complex has an____________ appearance on the outside, it is

quite modern and comfortable on the inside.

institution, institutionalize, institutional

5. Collocations

uJ In the space provided, write the word that can precede all four words in each group to form common collocations.

labor computer primary maintenance positive

1. __ Ma.tnte,tuwice. work, person, equipment, contract

2. color, election, school, function

3. Day, negotiations, of love, union

4. graphics, language, literacy, science

5. __ statement, result, number, attitude

residential prime security- final community

6. guard, blanket, risk, deposit

7. college, spirit, leader, center

8. exam, decision, stage, result

9. care, customers, treatment, community

10. __ minister, suspect, number, time

Complete each sentence with an appropriate collocation from exercise A.

1. I asked the landlord to send the maintenance p&rsoh__ to fix my broken window.

2. The hours between 8:00 and 10:00 in the evening are considered the prime_________

for watching television.

3. The outdoor swimming pool in our community always closes on Labor____________

4. Although Jill is often sick, she maintains a positive___________ about her health


Chapter 3 • Student Housing

searched my bag.
for two years before transferring to a four-year _________ in my history class.

5. When I entered the government building, a security

6. David attended a community college.

7. A cooperative-learning project took the place of a final________

8. My favorite teacher in primary____________ was Mrs. Jones, who taught me how to read.

9. My parents live in a safe residential
10. I'm taking a course in computer__

artistic design elements to my website.

.outside Baltimore.

next semester because I want to add some

6. Word Parts

M Chart Completion

In the chart below, the noun suffixes are used to indicate a person's job, interest, or personal characteristic. Add two more words in each category.

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