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What Do You Value Most In A Friend?


1.Let`s talk about friendship. What role do friends play in your life?

Friendship is very important for me. It is so nice to have a person you can rely on. Close friends usually have similar ideas and believes. They understand, respect and trust each other. They even dress in the same way. Your best friend is always ready to help and support you when you are in trouble. Your best friend is someone who can understand you.

I don`t make friends easily. I have been keeping in touch with one close friend since my childhood. We reflect each other`s journey through life… What is friendship? It`s the feeling of comfort, joy, tranquility, safety, hope for the best when close friends are together.My best friend has a sense of tact, responsibility, I like that she is sensitive, sympathetic. I can rely on her in any situation. She never presses her view point on other people. She never loses her temper. She never speaks ill of other people. We never quarrel. She is very positive.

I believe, the main idea about friendship, in general, is giving, not taking…

2.Can you rely on your best friend? Why (not)?

Yes, I can. I think the nicest thing about friendship is that you can rely on your friend in everything. I can rely on my friend in any situation. I can tell my friend what I want, what I think, feel, hope for, what troubles me… I can rely on best friend because he never tells my secrets. He never lets me down. It is very important to have a friend you can rely on.

It is very important to have a trustworthy friend. A friend is someone you can always rely on, someone you can always open up to and who always believes in you. I am happy that I can rely on my friend in everything.

3.What questions do you usually ask when you want to get acquainted with someone?

1.What are you?

2.What is your hobby?

3.What are you going to do in the future?


4.What can you advise a teenager who has no friends?

How to make friends? How does it happen?

Psychologists suggest that the first 4 minutesare very important for subconscious decision in our brain if we like or don`t like a person.

There are lots of ways to make new friends in our age by following a few simple steps and keeping a positive mind in our mission to find new friends.

These steps are:

*Spend more time around people, meet people;

*Join an organization or club with people who have common interests;

*Join a sports team;*Talk to people; *Start a conversation; *Introduce yourself at the end of the conversation; * Ask them out for lunch or coffee; *Be loyal to a friend; *Be a good friend; * Be reliable; *. Be a good listener; * Get a job, many people meet and socialize that way; *Be confident; *Don't separate your friend from the rest of the group;

Let`s consider these suggestions to meet people and form strong, lasting friendships. Well, take your time, and don't rush!


Our life turns into a sea of acquaintances in the blink of an eye. It can be very hard to make lasting friendships with people.


Make some psychological steps to find new friends:

1)Make Initial contacts; 2) Smile at people; Smile back 3) Be a Yes person; 4) Socialize on the Internet; 5) Be patient.

1) Initial contact is the most important step! 2) Smile! A smile to a stranger is the best way to appear friendly and approachable. 3) Be a Yes person. Make a point of saying more ‘Yes’ than ‘no’ when it comes to social invites. 4) Go virtual! There are lots of website outs there that allow you to log and connect with others. 5) Listen and ask questions. Once you have met someone interesting it takes time and patience to get that person to become a friend. The best way to do this is to listen and ask questions. 6) Be Patient! It takes at least 6 meetings with a person before you will develop friendly feelings with them.

Don’t expect your friendship to blossom over night. With a little bit of time, smiles and activity you are sure to meet and make some new friends in your life.


5. They say: “A person has just one true friend”. What do you think about this?

How many best friends should we have? To my mind, only one… Friendship is both a very complicated thing and a very necessary thing. I think, as a rule people have got only one true friend. . From the point of view of psychology, we should have only one close friend because relationship of three or more people leads to misunderstanding, quarrels, fight for leadership, intrigues, jealousy and even the death of friendship. Other close people –are just acquaintances. No doubt, our parents are best friends: Mothers for girls and fathers for boys. But it`s not enough for a teenager, his happy life of full value. The best friend is a person, without whom you feel lonely and uncomfortable. Therefore I consider that friendship should be only with one person. Take care of your best friend. All you need is love…and a true friend.



1.Let's talk about friendship. What's your best friend like?

Friendship is very important for me. It is so nice to have a person you can rely on. Close friends usually have similar ideas and believes. They understand, respect and trust each other. They even dress in the same way. Your best friend is always ready to help and support you when you are in trouble. Your best friend is someone who can understand you.

I don`t make friends easily. I have been keeping in touch with one close friend since my childhood. We reflect each other`s journey through life… What is friendship? It`s the feeling of comfort, joy, tranquility, safety, hope for the best when close friends are together

My best friend has a sense of tact, responsibility, I like that she is sensitive, sympathetic. I can rely on her in any situation. She never presses her view point on other people. She never speaks ill of other people. She never loses her temper. We never quarrel. She is very positive.

2. Is it easier to make friends when you are an adult or a child? Why?

I am definitely sure that it`s easier to make friends when you are young.

When you are younger friendship seems to come naturally. You sit next to each other every day in math class, you both wear the same school uniform, you play basketball together… As we grow up and go through life it becomes harder to make lasting connections with people.

Remember that when you were a kid and you seemed to make a new friend every single day?

When people grow up and mature they tend to get more guarded with friendships, so learn to open up your heart to the possibility of meeting new people.

Here are a few tips to help.


1.Focus on Activities: Find others who share the activities you like to do, and build friendships from there. By focusing on your hobbies, you'll be getting the satisfaction from engaging in an activity you enjoy, and will attract more new people to you as a result.

2. Forgive Easily: If your friend makes a mistake but is sorry for it, forgive them and move on.

3. Get to Know Your Neighbors: get to know the people in your neighborhood.

4. Show Up in Person: things like social networking gives you both a chance to bond and feel better.

5. Let Everyone Get a Turn. Friendships can become one-sided, with one friend giving time and emotions and the other just taking. If you're in a friendship like this, speak up if you're being taken advantage of. Or, take a step back if you're the one doing the taking. The benefits of friendship come from the emotions we get out of it, and you can only achieve that with friendship that is balanced.

3. What questions do you usually ask when you want to get acquainted with someone?

1.What are you?

2.What is your hobby?

3.What are you going to do in the future?


4. What can you advise a teenager who wants to make friends in a new school?

Not all children are outgoing. There are lots of ways to make new friends in our age by following a few simple steps and keeping a positive mind in your mission to find new friends.

* joining the computer club; * joining a club, or sport, or some activity at your school. * if there is nothing that appeals to you, start a club! * look at your church or temple or religious place of prayer and see if there’s a youth group you can join: * Try different groups to get involved in, * Just don’t be afraid to try something new.

5. They say: "If you haven't learnt the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learnt anything". What do you think about it?

I can`t imagine my life without friendship. Friendship is very important for me. I am definitely sure that family love and support are of vital importance for harmonious life but it`s not enough…

What is friendship? It`s the feeling of comfort, joy, tranquility, safety, hope for the best when close friends are together.

It is so nice to have a person you can rely on. Close friends usually have similar ideas and believes. They understand, respect and trust each other. They even dress in the same way. Your best friend is always ready to help and support you when you are in trouble. Your best friend is someone who can understand you.



1.Let's talk about friendship. How important is friendship for you?

What is friendship for people? I believe, it`s love, understanding, respect, support, self-sacrifice, trust, fun, similar ideas and beliefs. It`s the feeling of comfort, joy, tranquility, safety, hope for the best when close friends are together. It`s the feeling of being needed for people.

2. Can you rely on your best friend? Why (not)?

It is very important to have a trustworthy friend. A friend is someone you can always rely on, someone you can always open up to and who always believes in you. I am sure that I can rely on my friend in everything. I can tell him what I want. He never lets the cat out of the bag. He never lets me down. It is very important to have a friend you can rely on. I think a friend is one of the nicest things you can have and one of the best things you can be.

3. What questions can help you to understand if people are close friends or not?


4. What can you advise a teenager who doesn't want to go to school because of bullying?

School bullying is a type of bullying in which occurs during the time period a child is in school.[2][3] Bullying can be physical, verbal, or emotional. Bullying happens everywhere, in all different forms. There are six primary types of bullying: physical bullying, verbal bullying, sexual bullying, relational bullying, reactive bullying, and cyber bullying. Both males and females have differently toll on how they bully their victims.

Children and youth who are bullied are more to be depressed, lonely, and anxious; have low self-esteem, be absent from school, feel unwell, and think about suicide.

Anti-bullying programs are designed to teach students cooperation, as well as training peer moderators in intervention and dispute resolution techniques, as a form of peer support.


Bullying is a common occurrence in most schools. According to the American Psychological Association, approximately "40% to 80% of school-age children experience bullying at some point during their school careers".[17] Regardless of the grade level, socioeconomic environment, gender, religion, or sexual orientation, bullying can happen to anyone. However, various studies point out that students from lower socio-economic backgrounds are more bullied than students from higher socio-economic backgrounds.[18] Most children experience bullying at some point in their academic careers. The following is a list of statistics that illustrate the severity of bullying within classrooms:[17]

20–40% of bullying victims actually report being bullied

70% of middle school and high school students experience bullying in school

7–12% of bullies are habitual and pose a serious threat

23% of 9th graders have carried a weapon to school recently[19]

5–15% of students are constantly bullied

27% of students are bullied because of their refusal to engage in common sexual practices

25% of students encourage bullying if not given proper education and support in anti-bullying techniques.

Some common short-term and long-term effects of bullying include:



suicide (bullycide) Many feel unwanted in life and that they should not live



significant drop in school performance

Feeling as if their life has fallen apart

Excessive stress


abiding feelings of insecurity

lack of trust

extreme sensitivity (hypervigilance)

mental illness such as psychopathy


Parsons identifies school bullying cultures as typically having a web of dynamics which are much more complex than just considering bullying amongst students. These dynamics include:

some students bully other students; some of these student bullies are themselves bullied by other student bullies; some of these student bullies bully teachers

some teachers bully students; some teacher bullies bully other teachers; some teacher bullies bully parents

some office staff bully teachers, students and parents

some principals bully teachers, office staff, students and parents

some parents bully teachers, office staff, principals, and their own children.

Strategies to reduce school bullying:

 Make sure an adult knows what is happening to their child[ren].

 Enforce anti bullying laws.

 Make it clear that bullying is never acceptable.

 Recognize that bullying can occur at all levels within the hierarchy of the school (i.e., including adults).

 Hold a school conference day or forum devoted to bully/victim problems.

 Increase adult supervision in the yard, halls and washrooms more vigilantly.

 Emphasize caring, respect and safety.

 Emphasize consequences of hurting others.

 Enforce consistent and immediate consequences for aggressive behaviors.

 Improve communication among school administrators, teachers, parents and students.

 Have a school problem box where kids can report problems, concerns and offer suggestions.

 Teach cooperative learning activities.

 Help bullies with anger control and the development of empathy.

 Encourage positive peer relations.

 Offer a variety of extracurricular activities which appeal to a range of interests

 Teach your child to defend him/herself verbally. Fighting back physically may land the bullied in school trouble or even legal trouble.[31]

 Keep in mind the range of possible causes: e.g., medical, psychiatric, psychological, developmental, family problems, etc.

 If problems continue in your school, press harassment charges against the family of the person who is bullying you.

 Adjust teacher preparation programs to include appropriate bullying interventions to use in their classroom

5. Nowadays teenagers have got up to 300 friends in Contact. What do you think about it?

Some people find friends on the Internet. There are lots of website outs there that allow you to log and connect with others. But as for me, I don`t trust such friendship. I am definitely sure, that true friendship needs initial contacts, smile, sympathy, support, every day socializing, talking, engaging in activities… The benefits of friendship come from the emotions we get out of it. All we need is both love for friends and love of our friends`.



1. Let's talk about friendship. People say that friendship isn't a big thing, it's a million little things. What do you think about it?

When we speak about friendship everything matters… It`s a million of little things that are very important for friends. It`s a special sphere of relations between people. What do we value most in a friend?

Having shared interests and the same faith
being able to trust that person
someone who looks out for me and tells me(tactfully) when I make mistakes
someone who allows me space and does not want to own me
someone warm and friendly who does not hold grudges or is easily offended
someone who is honest
someone who treats me with respect
someone well liked by others
someone with high moral values
some one who builds me up and does not tear me down.

The common signs of a good friend include:

someone who will support you no matter what

someone you can trust and who won’t judge you

someone who won’t put you down or deliberately hurt your feelings

someone who is kind and has respect for you

someone who will love you because they choose to, not because they feel like they should

someone whose company you enjoy

showing loyalty

being trustworthy and willing to tell you the truth, even when it’s hard

someone who can laugh when you do

someone who is willing to stick around when things get tough

someone who makes you smile

someone who is there to listen

someone who will cry when you cry

2. Do you have a good friend among adults?

Sure, it`s my Mum. Everyone has a special person in their life. My best friend, my special person is my mom...My mom is my friend because she has strength, faith, courage. She is caring and loving. She is very sincere. My mom is caring because she gives me help when I need it and advice when need it. She has strength because she has to put up with me and my problems. She has faith because she won`t give up on herself. She is a wonderful, strong, and brave woman...She over came all of the obstacles life had thrown at her, she never let them get her down.

To me, my mother is a super hero because of what she has done in her life and what she has accomplished.


3. What questions can help you to understand if a person can become your friend or not?

4. What can you advise a teenager who is moving to a new place?

Not all children are outgoing. There are lots of ways to make new friends in our age by following a few simple steps and keeping a positive mind in your mission to find new friends.

* joining the computer club; * joining a club, or sport, or some activity at your school. * if there is nothing that appeals to you, start a club! * look at your church or temple or religious place of prayer and see if there’s a youth group you can join: * Try different groups to get involved in, * Just don’t be afraid to try something new.

Make a few steps to find new friends:

1)Make Initial contacts; 2) Smile at people; 3) Be a Yes person; 4) Socialize on the Internet; 5) Be patient.

How to make friends? Let`s consider these suggestions to meet people and form strong, lasting friendships. Well, take your time, and don't rush!

*Spend more time around people, meet people;

*Join an organization or club with people who have common interests;

*Join a sports team;*Talk to people; *Start a conversation; *Introduce yourself at the end of the conversation; * Ask them out for lunch or coffee; *Be loyal to people; *Be a good friend; * Be reliable; *. Be a good listener; * Get a job, many people meet and socialize that way; *Be confident; *Don't separate your friend from the rest of the group;

5. Nowadays people prefer to have more money than many friends. What do you think about it?

We live at the time of revaluation of values when people face some changes in attitude to family, love, education, work, business, money, nature, and friendship. We face Good and Evil…Good means being morally positive, the virtues such as life, charity, continuity, happiness, love, prosperity, justice. Evil is typically associated with unconscious and deliberate wrongdoing, discrimination designed to harm others, humiliation of people designed to diminish their psychological needs and dignity, destructiveness, and acts of unnecessary or indiscriminate violence.

What`s better; much money or true friends?

In general, friendship and money are both important in our life. If you don't have money you won`t be able to afford to go out with friends, to the party and have fun …,and on the same hand if you don't have friends then you won`t have anyone to share your secrets with and your sorrows and happiness …and trust me, if you have both money and friends, then consider yourself the happiest person in the world.

As I told you above that different people have different preferences in life but in my opinion relations are more important than money.

I value a lot in life, but the top things, that I feel are most important in life, are: family, love, friendship, money, education, and a healthy lifestyle.


Morality moral system


The transvaluation of all values would mean the exaltation of life rather than the exaltation of suffering, and an acceptance of every instinct or lust as organic and therefore valid[citation needed], therefore beyond the scope of moral condemnation. What one desires would merely be what one desires, rather than either sinful or pious. What one desires would be the product of stimuli rather than the product of "will


In religion, ethics, and philosophy, the dichotomy "good and evil" refers to the location on a linear spectrum of objects, desires, or behaviors, the good direction being morally positive, and the evil direction morally negative. Good is a broad concept but it typically deals with an association with life, charity, continuity, happiness, love, prosperity and justice. Evil is typically associated with conscious and deliberate wrongdoing, discrimination designed to harm others, humiliation of people designed to diminish their psychological needs and dignity, destructiveness, and acts of unnecessary and/or indiscriminate violence.


Well dear according to me friendship and money are both important in our life cause if you don't have money you wont be able to afford to go out with them and party and have fun ,and on the same hand if you don't have friends then you wont have anyone to share your secrets with and your sorrows and happiness .and trust me if you have both (money and friends ) then consider yourself the most happiest person in the world. :)

As I told you above that different people have different importance in life but in my opinion relations are more important than money. No doubt you can earn a lot of money if you run madly behind it and forget all the other things including relations but when you will look behind you will find no relations in contact wit you because you have already lost them in the struggle of getting money. Money can provide you only material gains while relations provide you inner satisfaction, which is necessary for your soul. I hope you have understood my point of view

You want to know that love is important than friendship or not. In fact the answer is a big 'NO' because it has some certain good logics behind. And friendship is more important than love. Now you want to know why? Then I'm here to tell you this. You know when you love someone it is not necessary in this relation that you are also the friend of the person you're in love. But when it come to the friendship it is necessary that you love your friends without loving your friends you can't befriend anyone. So friendship is more important than love.

As I've already mention that there is always love in friendship. But there is not always friendship in love.


I value a lot in life, but the top 5 things that I feel are most important in life are family, money, love, education, and a healthy lifestyle


A rich man may value money the most maybe that is the reason why he is rich. A musician will value his music the most that is why he is good at what he plays. Love is the most valued thing in my life because I never valued it while it was there. It was only when it was taken away from me, is when I started to value it the most.

What Do You Value Most In A Friend?


Having shared interests and the same faith
being able to trust that person
someone who looks out for me and tells me(tactfully) when I make mistakes
someone who allows me space and does not want to own me
someone warm and friendly who does not hold grudges or is easily offended
someone who is honest
someone who treats me with respect
someone well liked by others
someone with high moral values
some one who builds me up and does not tear me down
A tall order do you think?

Well I know someone who has these virtues I hope that through prolonged association I to will be able to cultivat them in me


Date: 2015-12-11; view: 3005

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Social interaction in business | They say: “A person has just one true friend”. What do you think about this?
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