Access ManagementAccess Management is the process of granting authorized users the right to use a service, while restricting access to non-authorized users. It is based on being able accurately to identify authorized users and then manage their ability to access services as required during different stages of their Human Resources (HR) or contractual lifecycle. Access Management has also been called Identity or Rights Management in some organizations.
Functions within Service Operation
Processes alone will not result in effective Service Operation. A stable infrastructure and appropriately skilled people are needed as well. To achieve this, Service Operation relies on several groups of skilled people, all focused on using processes to match the capability of the infrastructure to the needs of the business.
These groups fall into four main functions, listed here and discussed in detail in Chapter 6.
Service Desk
The Service Desk is the primary point of contact for users when there is a service disruption, for Service Requests, or even for some categories of Request for Change. The Service Desk provides a point of communication to the users and a point of coordination for several IT groups and processes
Technical Management
Technical Management provides detailed technical skills and resources needed to support the ongoing operation of the IT Infrastructure. Technical Management also plays an important role in the design, testing, release and improvement of IT Services. In small organizations, it is possible to manage this expertise in a single department, but larger organizations are typically split into a number of technically specialized departments.
Date: 2014-12-29; view: 1123