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Exercise 30. Analyse the meanings of the verb to be (to). Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Tonight, at 6 p.m., inmate Rivera – 999102 – is to be executed by lethal injection. (D.T.) 2. Some two months ago, I was most happy to learn that Sir James was to visit Darlington Hall. (K.I.) 3. … as far as long-distance motoring is concerned, I am something of a novice, and such simple oversights are only to be expected. (K.I.) 4. A taxi would be costly, but if she was to get to the airport by 11.00 p.m., it was probably the only means. (A.H.) 5. … who had carried out the atrocities. The answer was "the SS" – but the SS were nowhere to be found. (F.F.) 6. The Trans America commissary had a standing order: if a newspaper front page featured an air disaster, the newspapers were not to go abroad, but were thrown away. (A.H.) 7. Frank went to answer the telephone. He came back at once. "It's your daughter, they want to know if they are to keep dinner back." (D.M.) 8. The Boeing 707-N-731-TA which was to have flown to the West Coast and back before its flight to Rome, was taken out of service. (A.H.) 9. … he taxied the aeroplane directly to gate forty-seven of the terminal, where it was to load. (A.H.) 10. "How would you like to help me…?" "I'd love to. What am I to do?" (E.Q.) 11. The age we are now to consider far surpasses any previous period in the number and greatness of its authors. (F.A.L.) 12. … the monks and friars taught the boys Latin from the very few books which were then to be had. (F.A.L.) 13. … the Queen gives each an adventure, with the promise that he who shall perform the bravest deed is to be the husband of the beautiful lady. (F.A.L.) 14. You are not to come in here; this room is private. (C.E.Eckersley) 15. "Did he seem quite as usual?" with a slight hint of irony, Philip replied: "He showed no foreknowledge that he was to be murdered that day." (A.Chr.) 16. But she had now receded from the scene, having given me no indication of how to proceed. Was I to approach Philip Leonides as a young man anxious to marry his daughter…? (A.Chr.) 17. The rest of her cal was about arrangements. Bob and Pete were to catch the 6 p.m. jet flight… (A.Hit.) 18. My godmother had left Mrs. Rachael all the little property she possessed; and there was to be a sale. (Ch.D.) 19. For the streets were so full of dense brown smoke that scarcely anything was to be seen. (Ch.D.) 20. We were to pass the night, Mr. Kenge told us when we arrived in his room, at Mrs. Jellyby's. (Ch.D.)


Exercise 31. Instructions as for 30.

1. Worse was to come with the news that the gentleman had brought no valet, his usual man having fallen ill. (K.I.) 2. Perhaps the most pathetic relics of the whole tragic story are to be found in Cumnor Church vestry. (K.B.P.) 3. She was to appear before the commission on a Friday… (J.Ch.) 4. If Britain is to have any global high-tech presence in the next century she could learn from both (countries), for nothing as practical or inspiring is on the horizon. (S.T.) 5. Anyway he told us there were two beds in the hayloft and that was where we were to sleep. (S.M.) 6. "Are we to stay here all night in this draught, with next to nothing on?" (B.Sh.) 7. Randy Brooks sat beside her chair, a pad of paper and a pencil on his lap, working on the guest list of the party that was to be held in his honour. (N.I.) 8. Even after his arrival, it was to be observed that his lordship was conducting small private discussions with the most important delegates. (K.I.) 9. … his lordship entrusted me with a mission sufficiently unusual for it to have remained in my memory to this day, alongside those other more obviously unforgettable occurrences that were to take place during that remarkable week. (K.I.) 10. Would her load never be light? Was coming to Tara to mean … only more loads to carry? (M.Mit.) 11. Duncan had kissed her, thrilled her to her depths, then swore it would never happen again. What was she to make of that? (J.L.) 12. "I had already told Kosti what job I was to have in the mine and he said nothing." (S.M.) 13. A woman needs to know that she is not to blame for the abuse, that it is her partner's problem, not hers. (N.I.) 14. … he commands that the two (the knights) shall meet and fight together at a tournament, to be held a year thereafter, and the one who shall gain is to win Emily as his prize. (F.A.L.) 15. Sinn Fein / IRA were yesterday discomfited by the announcement that the British and Irish governments are to set up an International Monitoring Commission. (D.T.) .


Exercise 32. Make up situations or sentences of your own with the following phrases to show the difference between them

1. was to make a report; was to have made a report. 2. was to help; was to have helped. 3. the plane was to take off; was to have taken off. 4. were to meet; were to have met. 5. was to arrive; was to have arrived.


Exercise 33. Translate the sentences into English using to be (to) in different meaning.

1. Он должен был позвонить ей в тот же вечер, но не смог найти номер телефона, и ей пришлось позвонить самой. 2. Ты знаешь, когда открывается эта выставка? 3. Уже в мае эти цветы можно видеть на полях и лугах. 4. Как же нам сообщить им об этом? 5. Хозяйка сказала, мы оба будем жить в этой комнате. 6. Самолет должен был вылететь два часа назад, но из-за плохой погоды рейс отложили. 7. Ей не суждено было стать известной актрисой. 8. Этим летом они проведут отпуск вместе на юге Франции. 9. В 7 часов я должен быть на обеде у Гринов. 10. Какие же достопримечательности вам предстоит там увидеть? 11. Вступительные экзамены в университет должны были начаться в середине июля. 12. Никто не должен выходить из комнаты, пока не прибудет полиция! 13. Врач говорит, что я должен соблюдать постельный режим еще несколько дней. 14 . Когда твой отец уйдет на пенсию? 15. В телеграмме говорилось, что похороны состоятся через два дня. 16. В этом домике на берегу моря ему суждено было провести последние годы жизни. 17. Ее нельзя уволить только потому, что вам не нравится ее национальность! 18. Ее нельзя винить за эту ошибку.


Exercise 34. Insert must, have (to), to be (to).

1. And now we … begin from the very beginning. 2. I … see her in an hour, if she doesn't forget the appointment. 3. He … (negative) get up early, he doesn't live far from his work. 4. You love each other, you … get married! 5. I was glad to hear that he also … be present at the meeting. 6. Alas, it … happen sooner or later! Not once had we warned you about that. 7. She has fallen ill, you'll … go there alone. 8. But she … have played the part of Ophelia! Why did he give the part to another actress? 9. She … have really played the part very well. Most of the critics in today's papers praise her highly. 10. It was very hot and we … drink a lot of lemonade to cool ourselves. 11. Bob, it's 7 o'clock! You … get up at once, or you'll be late for classes! 12. She … have been about forty at that time, but she looked no more than twenty seven. 13. The place is wonderful! You … visit it when you are on holiday. 14. To become a cosmonaut you … be very healthy. 15. "And what are your plans for today?" "First we … dine together, then we … go to the Opera." 16. The house was dark, everybody … have gone to bed. 17. It's the second time you have let me down. You … (negative) be trusted! 18. She can walk about the room, she … be getting better. 19. He had very little money left; soon he would … make a trip to the pawnbroker. 20. When people … live together they … tolerate each other's habits. 21. The time for his departure was fixed. It … take place the next morning. 22. Aunt Polly wanted to punish Tom, but he … be found anywhere.

Date: 2015-04-20; view: 1291

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